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  1. I've never thought "They have so much fun together!!!" when looking at any of their sad, sad family pictures. Maybe if Jill tells them enough times that they're having fun, they eventually believe it?
  2. The ambiguity here at Counting On is getting really old. I have always admired the intelligent posters and postings that we have here, and quite frankly, I find the "elevate the dialogue" (or whatever it is) mandate to be a little bewildering and insulting. Random question: why is this post recommended at top of this page? I have no opinion one way or the other on the post, I just don't understand the logic:
  3. Hi, all. I've been away from Primetimer for a few months with a health issue that took away all joy. It sucked! But things are slowly turning around and I'm back! 😀 Are we allowed to talk about the Red Alert Warning that the Counting forum has been given? I don't want to put the forum at further risk either by talking about it, or by doing something that breaks the new rules, if there are any? How are we expected to elevate the conversation, exactly? (I've read back a few pages, but it will take me awhile to catch up). @oliviabenson filled me in a little bit, but I'm still confused. Thanks in advance for any help!!
  4. I enjoyed ep 1 more than ep 2. Judging by the number of comments in the episode threads, it appears I'm not alone? I don't have much to say, other than I enjoyed the tete-a-tete between the chancellor and the U.S. senator (I think?) - Martha Plimpton's character. I hope the chancellor and her bodyguard don't become intimate. Gross. I'm going to finish the 6 episodes out of a need to see it through LOL, but I'm hoping it improves a bit.
  5. Maybe it's the angle, but Jill's left foot looks painfully puffy and swollen. Gross.
  6. Maybe I'm just a childish 50-something-year-old, but I couldn't have a great relationship with any person (especially a parent) who, by many accounts, has problematic relationships with my siblings. Or maybe Mykelti wears blinders and refuses to see? I wonder how some of the other kids feel about Mykelti's endorsement of Kody and Robyn. I don't get it.
  7. I've been trying to figure out how to watch the 2nd half of season 1 and it seems impossibly complicated. I think I give up.
  8. @TurtlePower, just chiming in to add my virtual hugs and well wishes. I always appreciate your thoughtful and intelligent posts/point of view. You are an an important part of the Sister Wives forum for me, 🙂 Here's to healing and happiness for you, my friend.
  9. Is the little urchin who's the most failure-to-thrive'd missing from the picture? The one who's almost as small as Janessa even though she's 3-4 years older. Sophia, maybe? I'm blanking on her name.
  10. Jill was only maybe 30 minutes north of me. Dangit, I totally would have visited this church to witness the Rod wackiness in person, even if I was going to be the only brown face in the bunch! @crazy8s, I just posted the same thing! I live near Metro Airport. Where are you?
  11. Oh, boy. Just looked at the listing. It reminds me of what my realtor told me when I was having trouble selling my first house (much nicer than what this young couple just bought): every house sells. In other words, there's a lid for every pot, I guess. And a match for every sock. 😁 The house made me feel sad, but I have to remember that my standards and expectations are not (and Kaylee)'s standards and expectations. But woof.
  12. Oh my gosh. He did this weird crawl on his knees, with his feet in the air behind him, over to Joffrey. I literally laughed out loud!
  13. Yaaaassssss (said in the female Rodlets' voices). I was waiting for someone else to mention that! She is looking rough. Her eyeliner is absolutely caked.
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