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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. I don't think Felicity is dead in 622 0r 623 but literally nothing would surprise me with how far these eps could suck.
  2. "But it still doesn't mean anything Hoss!"
  3. LOT I can't see being less than 17-18, given all they have to fit in and it ended on a high with a promise of an apparently popular being a regular character and Klemmer basically going "it's not worth even trying to say we want to conserve the budget (which is already tight for all shows)" for an interview after the insane season finale. I would be surprised if Arrow/Flash/Supergirl/LOT didn't at least have some presence on the fall schedule, if only because "Crisis on Earth X" got a lot of positive reviews and viewings in a time when Justice League was disappointing on many fronts.
  4. Yeah I think a lot who want her redeemed want her to join the team and replace Tinah as the 5thNuBC/"Real"BC. I think that would be just as creepy as her leaving with Quentin because she's literally taking her doppelgangers life and eventually all the others would start treating it as though LL never died and was just resurrected like Sara, which at times even now more people than just Quentin seem to forget E1LL died. If they do redeem her, she should go back to E2 and make her amends there.
  5. True, Arrow's hatchet job on their civil war story has made me never want any of the shows to attempt it again. It often also ends up more about plot than characters, which is not what I want for LOT. That said they have earned a certain measure of my at least "wait and see". I guess it's not surprising the Arrowverse does love to reuse plots. Two main characters have been on trial for murder this season, Malcolm Merlyn and Damien Darhk were previously in a race to the bottom to see who was the worse father both sacrificed themselves to save their daughters and earned a last minute "redemption" etc. However Legends vs Bureau (Rip) was one of my least favourite plots last season. It was so heavy handed and RIP YOU WERE RIGHT GD DAMN THERE WHEN THEY DID THAT AND STILL GAVE SARA YOUR BLESSING, YOU JUST LEFT 5 MINUTES BEFORE THE DINOSAURS, YOU DON'T GET TO BE AN ASSHOLE ABOUT IT! Ugh, Sorry about that. So potentially watching the Legends fracture won't be fun. Another of my least favourite things was Ray was so often in his own side plots, I guess at least partially because Brandon/Courtney are married so Ray potentially "going darker" because of Nora or something else also doesn't fill me with enthusiasm. I've already said my worries about Constantine etc. But again, the show has definitely earned asking me to give it a chance before I loose interest/hope in next season. Also often what PK has said off season doesn't show up in the same way during the season, or at all.
  6. Are we even sure it's supposed to be an important/awesome/controversial/shocking twist mystery guest?
  7. Or maybe a Beebo could just flip them off? It definitely wouldn't be worse.
  8. Berlanti took credit/blame for "two weddings and a funeral" and they already started planning for it so I doubt much will change except it will almost certainly be Flash centric because of 100 and Barry sort of taking a backseat last year. Though it was kind of nice for Iris and Caitlin to sort of have more to do than Barry and Cisco.
  9. Ugh I was hoping for a critical drumming so we never have to go through this nonsense again but sigh. They continue to double down on the noobs even though it's been a terribly received storyline so I doubt it would have made a difference anyway.
  10. DDDiaz is basically one of those random mooks from other seasons that he'd arrow/knock out without a second thought, or at least would be a 1 episode very minor threat. I don't understand why they followed up psychologically scary Chase with this guy, the "Ten Steps Ahead" thing was one of the only criticisms of him. So they doubled down on that by having a random street thug be better than MM/SW/DD/AC combined in a full scale thrashing of Oliver, his family and the city. Yeah I hope someone actually did get fired. This is terrible writing even for Arrow.
  11. Thanks. Sigh THIS GUY is who they chose to go there with? Hopefully one of the two that aren't showrunners anymore *were* fired. I'm pretty sure Chase tried to destroy Oliver piece by peace and Slade speaks for himself...? Eh.
  12. In the last two seasons of LOT Sara seems to have been driven a lot more by Laurel's death than Laurel ended up being by Sara's. A lot of her S2 arc was driven by rage at DD and again at the end of this season and a few mentions earlier on. I'm wondering how or if that's going to tie in to CL being in the finale. Well in terms of LOT! Sara not E1LL's instaCanary arc. In case she's more than just there for her Dad dying. That was the creepiest one for me. If it's just a job that you need, just do it, don't take pleasure in toying with them.
  13. Well that would be like so many other storylines this season including how they got off the Island, everything NTA, not explaining how a random street thug is the most manipulative, biggest threat Oliver has ever dealt with, Diggle suddenly wanting to be GA so desperately etc. With that CJ saying she "hesitated to kill Vince" seems like the height of good plausible writing. I mean it lead into bonkers Quentin so it wasn't great but compared to poor DR having to literally say "I don't know why I'm doing this".... William has been one of the most consistently written storylines/plot points this season and I never thought I'd say that.
  14. If she's not back, Thea is gone and possibly Quentin is gone they might bring on a new regular as well as Roy, lets hope its not Diaz. But I actually think KC will probably stay.
  15. I suppose a potential redemption arc for next season would have to consider if/how Quentin dies and if/how Sara interacts with her in the finale. But since I can't see them getting rid of JH and KC and SA still have anti chemistry I'm not sure what would happen to the character if it did end up happening. Having two screechers both with antagonistic personalities (this season for Tinah anyway) both working for or with TA seems like overkill. I'd vote for shipping her back to E2 to redeem herself there. The latter I think, or if she says it loud and long enough people will believe it. So maybe both then.
  16. I think all Arrowverse shows apart from LOT have now changed showrunners and all have lost at least one (with MG stepping down as "official co") although Supergirl is complicated because of the network switch. I think it's highly likely it goes past S7 since they renegotiated with the cast. Well I hope it doesn't go on quite as long as SPN, though I supposed if SA wanted out and the CW didn't he could hand the title on.
  17. Thea seemed to be enjoying it I think, but obviously it didn't work out great for her. Though the longterm consequences made her start to pull herself together. But that was a powder and everything else seems to have been liquid. I think Goth!Felicity probably did go to a few raves etc but she also spent a lot of time in someone's hacking and studying so needed the great hangover cure whereas Ollie couldn't care less and just slept it off before he went out again. But playboy douchebag Ollie was also a lot dorkier and less 'cool' than most people noticed because he was rich, handsome and famous/notorious.
  18. Is BS a big comics person? I never got that impression but yes there's concerns for a lot of these type of shows when someone else takes over, but MG wasn't headshow runner when a lot of the trajectory of the series was put in place, plus she'd still have go past GB et al. GM has a lot of projects in development but there might always be something else BTS.
  19. At this point the odds of even this movie getting made aren't exactly amazing, at least in the state's time frame. Then there's Batgirl and other male character movies 3rd chances of a potential BC movie coming out anytime soon are slim. I would definitely check it out and might like the possible romance with GA on its own merits of not. Only problem is i foresee calls for it to turn in to a GA movie, which sigh. They might also decide to do no romance or a different character, at this point it's all pie in the sky and Arrow will probably be over.
  20. I definitely wouldn't love that but right now e an if it's the worst they can deal without by themselves. I really don't think I it is tnough.
  21. Ok, well my post about 3Dragon killing Felicity was mostly facious. But Why Roy he's literally just gone off with Thea? Please tell me she isn't dead off screen just as ahead the happiest ever exit from Arrow ( barring some LOT crew). Or he comes back to help in crisis whilst Nyssa and Thea dont? If it's just Ch is in a better place again (awesome) he's had other good jobs since.
  22. True but comic book shows have been killing off bigger characters than Quentin and not bringing them back forever. I'm always slightly concerned when two characters are described as 'fantastic ' in a finale, no guarantee of what the hell is going on with them. Unlikely but if DDDragon actually does get to kill Felicity after all that I doubt I'll even want to watch LOT next season.
  23. Kill off all/most of the E1 characters and relocate to like the E4 versions? Unlikely and would be more hyped I'd think and would mess up the crossovers. It was all a dream since Swhenever... Also unlikely. It has almost certainly been done somewhere before whatever it is.
  24. I think technically Slade was his 2nd brother but he had to go sit on the naughty step for a few years.
  25. Pregnancy can't be undone i guess ( well you know what I mean) but I don't think they'll go there. A rape can change you forever but ditto on not going there since they've glossed over it before when it would have happened to Oliver and Sara. I could actually see loosing a limb of some kind as "shocking twist" but it would be difficult to keep up in non GA scenes and training scenes even if it's a foot. I wouldn't mind temporary amnesia as long as it didn't get used as a free pass for a break up and dating someone else for a few eps, which it totally would. And it wouldn't change things forever. That said even the "can't undo it stuff has a high chance of being ignored or forgotten see: exploding island. Though after the guff they got from that maybe there are slightly more consequences.
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