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Everything posted by WicketyWack

  1. The prospect of Theon/Reek giving away Sansa at her wedding is even more f'cked up than Joffrey doing it, and that is saying something.
  2. I was hoping Nymeria would be in the kennels ... Sansa needs a closer protector than Brienne and the tower bat signal. But seriously. Why would she go deep into the kennels like that on a servant girl's creepy insistence? Hasn't she learned anything?
  3. Is this speculation or have I totally missed something? ... if so, how do we know Jon is Aemon's secret great-great-nephew?
  4. What's "Kill the Boy" a reference to? I'm thinking it's a veiled reference to Ramsey's plan for his new sibling, or what Theon supposedly did to the young Starks, but can someone remind me what the title really refers to?
  5. I predict he's going to find a way to tell her Bran and Rickon are still alive and out there somewhere. And then jump off the broken tower himself, because Ramsey would never let him get off the X.
  6. I always wondered why Sam didn't become a meister. Seems like the logical career path for him, AND it would have removed him from the Tarly line of succession, making everyone happy. So why the Wall? I hope we find out.
  7. Between Stannis' Darling Daddy scene last week and his grammar nerd curse, I am starting to develop a new TV crush. Now if only he weren't a crazy-ass religious freak. Wonder if Jorah is going to plead for Stannis to reveal the cure for greyscale. Maybe in exchange for Dany's alliance? Nobody in Westeros knows they're on the outs. Me too, on both counts.
  8. Jon Snow: "I heard it was best to keep your enemies close." Stannos Baratheon: "Whoever said that didn't have many enemies."
  9. Jon Snow is Ned 2.0! Way to pass that sentence and swing that sword. Bloody stump ahoy! Love that he's taking Olly under his wing, like Mormont did for him. He is so badass at being Lord Commander, though Stannos is so not finished trying to convince him, not by a longshot. RIP Janos Slynt, j/k I mean hahahahahahaaa screw you ya douche. How fitting that his last words basically recounted what a coward he is and has always been. Jorah, you better be taking Tyrion to Dany and not Cersei or you are dead to me. I actually didn't pick up that they were at Winterfell and not at Moat Cailin, until reading it here. I do not not not want her to marry Ramsay Bolton and I hope Brienne intervenes. Margaery's wedding hair was all kinds of awesome. I loved how her dress was Marie Antoinette-esque with the side panniers, as opposed to her slinkier Purple Wedding dress from, like, ten minutes ago. Hey, at least she gets to model all sorts of Westerosi bridal trends.
  10. "I wish we had some wine for you. It's a bit early in the day for us." -- Margaery "What's the proper way to address you now? Queen Mother or Dowager Queen?" -- Margaery
  11. Seriously teared up when Arya stood there holding Needle and crying. I was hoping she wouldn't throw it in the water but she's going to have to eventually. Oh Sansa. At least this decision is somewhat of her own free will, although with a REALLY REALLY shitty lack of information -- and god she can play the game. How regal did she look, sweeping past Reek? Cannot wait until that confrontation. "The North Remembers," indeed. Littlefinger is an evil genius. As much as I enjoyed the Cersei smackdown, it was clear that Margaery went too far. Cersei won't go down without a fight and being taunted is only making her more dangerous. Loved horny teenage Tommen. Mom can rule while he stays in the bedchambers all day and night, shagging his hot wife in 3-minute increments.
  12. So now we know that greyscale eventually spreads to the brain. Poor Gilly's sisters. I hope we find out who cured Shireen and how. If it was a Lord of Light thing, that might explain Mom's batshit religious fervor.
  13. Sansa was vocal about never consummating her marriage to Tyrion so I wonder if that creates a loophole. Knowing Littlefinger, he will create one even if it doesn't.
  14. As twisted as Qyburn seems to be, back in The Day, legitimate doctors actively sought corpses and body parts to dissect and learn from. A head would have been a huge score! Although for Qyburn, yeah I agree he probably enjoys the research more than most.
  15. I think it would have been legit for Dany to answer the crowd's call for mercy and pick a lesser punishment this time. These are former slaves who have never had the opportunity to abide by the law before, or even know how. It would make sense to use this as a lesson going forward. Anyway, glad to see Drogon back. I wonder if he's going to help spring his siblings from their dungeon prison.
  16. Podrick being pitched by his horse, Podrick crouching on the ground until told to stand, Podrick checking out the tavern girl. Never change, kid. Nice to see that Brienne’s badass jousting skills translate to actual badass combat skills. I do think it was pretty ham-handed to walk up to Sansa in a public tavern and loudly announce,”Lady Sansa.” Just spitballing here but you’d think she would realize Sansa is wanted by the Queen (well, at least the head part of her is) and probably doesn’t want her identity trumpeted in a crowded inn. The “accepted proposal” of which Littlefinger spake was mos’def referring to a marriage he’s arranged for Sansa. Damn, chick, why didn’t you press that line of conversation further? The Brienne option might have looked a little better to you, if you had. A Woman squee’d when A Man was revealed. “Our baby boy set to marry that smirking whore from Highgarden.” You gotta give it to Cersei: she does know how to turn a phrase. It was so refreshing to see Shireen making friends with a girl (more or less) her age, so of course whackjob religious freak Mom has to shut that down right away. #FreeShireen Jamie fookin’ Lannister, indeed, looking hot in his Westerosi bomber jacket.
  17. Made this on a meme generator last week when it was National Siblings Day.
  18. Dany kept the dragons in cages as babies. Why not refit one of those giant Meereen buildings or pyramids and make them a deluxe giant enclosure where they can get exercise, and sunlight, and are only let out after they've been fed plenty? Start a nice farm and raise cattle and sheep and goats to one day be dragon food. It's not like she doesn't have the resources. Chaining the dragons in a dark dungeon is obviously horribly cruel; why was it apparently her only option? Were they even fed? That is a decision of hers that I just can't reconcile with any other way the character has behaved thus far. Heh. When I heard that, I thought, "only 20?" The Cersei and Jamie scene was riveting—her wrath was palpable. She absolutely killed it in that scene. Oh, and her funeral hair? FABULOUS.
  19. During that episode, he did recommend they off Badger, but it wasn't his first recommendation. It was a last resort. Saul highly recommended that Badger rat out Heisenberg, causing Jesse and Walt to kidnap Saul and drive him out to the desert to a pre-dug grave. Saul is panicking and trying to figure out why they're targeting him. "Why don't you just kill Badger? Follow me guys, but if a mosquito's buzzing around you and bites you on the ass, you don't go gunning for the mosquito's attorney, you grab a fly swatter." Later, he tells them that reserving Jimmy In & Out's services will cost $80,000 and a pound of meth, and they balk. Saul says, "Look, if this option is too expensive for you, you can always [stabbing motion] Badger in the chow line." Also interesting that during that episode, he wouldn't take Walt's $10,000 to give Badger bad representation, even though Badger was paying him less than $5K. "I don't take bribes from strangers," he said later. "It was kinda low anyways." And makes the first reference to having bad knees.
  20. " ... you take these shortcuts and suddenly you're my peer?" I think if Jimmy had not mentioned the "office next to yours," Chuck might not have made that late-night phone call. It was the thought of Jimmy being literally on his level — his peer — that was so galling. Maybe if Jimmy had joked that they're going to make him work from Kim's old crappy basement office, Chuck might have been OK with it.
  21. Fo' real! If someone had paused the latest episode (Pimento) 50 minutes in and told me I'd be sympathizing with HOWARD by the end of it, I'd have bet money they were wrong. (and lost.)
  22. So twice in one day, Kim steeled herself for a very uncomfortable confrontation with someone because she believed it was the right thing to do, and twice she was accused of being the mouthpiece for the other party. Hamlin: "Did your friend send you in here to say that?" Jimmy: "You sure know where your bread is buttered, huh. Don't want to go up against the boss, is that it? You're like a damn pod person. What did Hamlin promise you? Please tell me he didn't buy you off cheap." That's gotta sting x2.
  23. Being the youngest of 8 kids I have always been fascinated by theories of how birth order shapes one's personality, because my family is an absolute textbook case where all of us siblings behave exactly how we're supposed to, based on our birth order. So in Chuck's rant I saw so much of the whole "older sibling" resentment ... that venom against the younger, cuter younger sibling who came along after Mom and Dad are older, and tired, and done with parenting, and subsequently gets away with eeeeryyything and is so spoiled and lazy. Chuck's speech was absolutely infused with that "older sibling" resentment -- it's real. (What "older siblings" fail to remember is that they got the benefit of Mom & Dad being young and fun and enthusiastic about parenting and involved in their schoolwork and their activities. As a child, being left to one's own devices can, and does, get old.) Plus legitimate resentment about Mom begging them to help the younger sibling, when little bro or sis screws up. Word for word, "I worked my ass off to get where I am ... and you took shortcuts and got away with everything ..." wow, one of the BCS writers definitely nailed that dynamic. In my mind, and what would absolutely explain Chuck, is that he's what's known as a "Betrayed Only," that is, an only child until he's well into his preteens or teens ... then suddenly comes a surprise sibling. He's been comfortable as an only child his whole life and now he's suddenly expected to share his home and his parents' attention with an annoying little brat who is somehow equal to him in Mom and Dad's eyes. There's a reason that this phenomenon has the word "betrayed" as a descriptor. There is always a feeling that this younger sibling took away what was rightfully theirs.
  24. I'm wondering exactly what Chuck thought his end game was with this case. He was clearly expecting to be working on it for the long haul. Was he going to make the entire building go offline for hours at a time while he worked there? Was Jimmy supposed to hang around after being rejected like that, and continue to chauffeur him back and forth from the office, bring in more of his suits to be lined with space blankets, carry his boxes of documents, be the mail boy again while his brother worked on HIS case? Jimmy's pretty much integral to Chuck's ability to survive, let alone function outside his home — what would make Chuck assume he'd be willing to go above and beyond to help Chuck try HIS case? What did he think was stopping Jimmy from taking the case to another firm who'd have been willing to hire him on? It's been clear that HMM is Chuck's priority waaay more than Jimmy is. He probably did want to land the firm a plum case and help win it, just to prove he's still relevant to HHM. But there are so many holes in his plan that he either didn't think ahead very much (unlikely; Chuck's always thinking) or he's so accustomed to Jimmy being at his beck and call under all circumstances that he honestly never considered the possibility that Jimmy wouldn't continue to be his bitch. I also can't imagine anything much more wrenching than hearing someone you love and respect insult you worse than you've ever been in your life -- ever -- and then follow it up with, "Deep down, you know I'm right. You know I'm right!"
  25. "Pipe-hitting member of the tribe" -- a reference to a Native American tribe and those who smoked the peace pipe; in other words, were legit.
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