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Everything posted by ShutUpLutz

  1. So I'm guessing you were NOT a big fan of the "Debbie Downer" sketches.
  2. I think we'd all agree that Hawkeye was a womanizer, but since he was single I've never had a problem with that. But on another message board where the topic of the week is some variation on sexual harassment of women by men a poster put forth that on MASH: Seriously? I can't recall ANY instance of that or of Hawkeye getting a nurse drunk to get in her pants. But am I misremembering things?
  3. YES!!!!!!!!! I searched "expedia tiger ad" on youtube and got nothing, but obviously your search skills are stronger. Or you've got much more patience than I currently do. Maybe some of both. ANYWAY, I also love the bit when she's going up the airport walkway and "GRRRS!!" at the man in the suit next to her. So adorable. Makes me almost but not quite want to have kids.
  4. I like some of the Christmas themed ads from Walmart from last year like this one using Whop! There It is!!" Even though they probably shot the ad in March the emotions and expressions of the parents and kids are AWESOME. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZAC7NQPO1k I also like an expedia ad from a year or so back, about a little girl who ADORES tigers and how they go to the zoo and she's standing in front of the plexiglass window, wearing a tiger costume, maybe a little bit fearful and the tiger says "Hey a small tiger IN MY TERRITORY?! I THINK NOT!!" and the tiger kind of charges at her and she steps back, but then gets up against the window. Can't find it on youtube or anywhere else though.
  5. Information about how to do many of those things is available on the Internet, and you don't even need to go to the Dark Web to find it. I really enjoyed this series except...EVERY season starts off with one crime and by the end of that particular season it's like that crime has been forgotten in favor of some other atrocity which may or may not have any connections. That was annoying as hell even though I knew it was going to happen. I like how Karl never judged or commented on Elise's "interesting" sex life, he just wanted her to be happy. Which, sadly, is why I think she blew herself up. because she looked at how her personal life had spiraled not out of control, but off kilter, from being in a relationship with a guy who it turned out kind of actively disliked her the entire time they were together, to hooking up with a terrorist, which ended up with some super creepy pedophile doctor jamming a needle into her eyeball and injecting her with some super bug to not having any relationship.
  6. I had to think about what you posted for a couple of minutes because I got straight D's in geometry back in high school, and let's not talk about the physics class I took in college, but I think I've got a handle on it. Thank you for the info, NOW LETS GET BACK TO RIPPING SHITTY COMMERCIALS TO PIECES!!! There was a Burger King one a year or so back, with a wussy, wimpy guy wearing one of the BK Crowns talking about the croissant breakfast sandwich, and EVERYTHING about him made me want to strangle him. He just seemed WAY too much of a Jewish stereotype, And the way his voice sounded drove me up the fucking wall.
  7. Okay. Could you translate that to English? Like everything more than 6 inches away is a blur?
  8. Not to derail the thread, okay I'm semi-derailing it, so suspend or ban me, what are the differences between being legally blind and blind?
  9. Yes!! Okay, maybe not to you're being a terrible person. But how the hell does the blind guy know where to turn?!? Is he one of those kind of but not really blind people like Stevie Wonder? (And no, I'm not demeaning Stevie Wonder or blind people, but it's been a "thing" on the Net the last few years that Wonder isn't really blind. He has said in interviews in the 1980's that he can see vague shadows and shapes, don't know if that has gotten worse over the years. ANYWAY, back to the Subaru ad, am i the only one kinda grossed out by the young bearded guy, who looks like he hasn't bathed in five or six months.
  10. Others have mentioned scenes moments where Charles snobbish upper crust upper class standoffishness either melts or cracks or falls away, Radar and the toboggan cap, the handmade chocolates for the orphans, Charles and Hawkeye trying to get through to the asshat to try and get the Korean baby over to the US, His storyline with Hawkeye when Hawk's father has a serious health issue, I love that Charles didn't just pop in and out and leave Hawkeye alone, but stayed with him, and how eventually after a couple of hours (obviously not shown), Charles opoens up to Hawkeye on how unemotional, unaffectionate and dare I say it, unloving Charles father was, and how deeply that has hurt Charles. But the episode I quoted was and is marvelous, it gets rerun pretty often on AMC or METV or TVLand. The scene at the aid station with the dying soldier, Charles holding his hand and desperately asking what the dying soldier sees and feels as his life drips out of him. But i also liked how Charles went at this THING that was in his head scientifically, going to the motor pool and such. Also his stubbornness and refusal to go to anyone else for help.
  11. Phil can get annoying with his gags and jokes, but Haley is right, "I have a cool dad." He's got that mama grizzly bear in him that leaps out occasionally, and i love those moments. To wit: 1) The episode shot entirely on Claire's laptop, when Phil talks about walking Haley down the aisle at her wedding and giving the groom the "Eyes." "That's my little girl. You take care of her." 2) the episode where Haley has the sleazy older boyfriend with the ponytail and at the hospital she gets in the elevator and leaves and then Phil goes after her and gives that speech without knowing she's watching. 3) When everyone goes to the cabin and they catch Haley and Andy fooling around and Phil sits Andy down. What is wonderful about it is that Phil doesn't threaten Andy at all, but makes it clear that unless he, Andy is serious about Haley, it is over.
  12. Alex is the worst. She whines and blubs and crybabies about how she doesn't have any friends and can't understand why. Seriously? You make Debbie Downer look like the life of the party. You hold your supposed high IQ over everyone else's head and yet when you went off to Cal Tech you pussied out and came crying back home to mommy and daddy like a bitch, because "It's SO UNFAIR!!!! THERE'S TOO MANY SMART PEOPLE, PEOPLE WHO ARE SMARTER THAN I AM!!!!!! Of course the writers had to have her drop out and move back home because there was no way her agent was gonna let go of that 20% of $400,000 she gets for every episode.
  13. Eh, you aren't going to bitch about all the ads for prescription drugs with all those SUPER GROOVY side effects which may include, Death, barfing, puking, vomiting, pissing your pants, shitting your pants, pissing AND shitting your pants simultaneously, breath that smells like you eat shit three times a day, acne, uncontrolled sweating, BO?
  14. Sort of, but not really. Grambling University's marching band has performed during halftime at 6 Super Bowls. When the game has been in New Orleans they have had a jazz themed halftime show a few times. Up With People has done a couple. I find it bizarre and more than little weird and creepy that posters are bitching and whining about (insert musical act) being chosen to perform at the game as if that choice is somehow costing the poster some vast amount of money. Unless you are actually going to the game, which is a moronic choice all on it's own, there is ZERO cost to you. It's a free mini-concert, which NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO WATCH OR LISTEN TO. Use that 25 minutes for something useful. Go off to another room and fap or have sex. Read a chapter in a book.
  15. So I'm not the only one who doesn't think they make a good couple. I dunno, maybe the writers have been trying to make an updated gay version of the Battling Bickersons. But the thing that comes across to me is just how EXHAUSTING and truly DRAINING it must be for Mitchell to have to deal with all of Cam's shit or as I have dubbed it "The Cameron Tucker Experience." Cam comes across as a slightly turned down version of Nathan Lane's character in The Birdcage, but somehow Cam is nastier.
  16. Ahhh, Kennedy. Here's something to try and wrap your brain around. The Goo Goo Dolls song Name is about Kennedy. I'm a little surprised no one has mentioned her infamous clown show of an interview with Martin Landau before one of the MTV Awards shows. It was the year Ed Wood came which Landau won an Oscar for and Kennedy asked him about that but she had ZERO clue that he had been in Mission Impossible or Space 1999. Which okay, maybe she was a BIT too young to have watched those shows even in reruns, but she was working at a TV network that was about NOTHING BUT popular culture and it wouldn't have taken her more than 10 minutes of research to find out about Landau's other big roles. Needless to say, Landau was NOT pleased and he went OFF on her, left then came back and berated her some more. Then she started bleating and shrieking how her willful ignorance wasn't her fault at ll, but everyone's else's. As for the show itself, I have a couple of problems. It may have been last season, the show went to C-PAC and made a bunch of Republicans and conservatives look like assjacks, which, fine. Except the original airing had a quick shot of some dreamily handsome dude wearing what is known as the Nazi style haircut. But when the repeat was shown, the dude is gone. Turns out the dude was A: gay B:Republican. But apparently that didn't fit with the narrative of either the piece or the show, which seems to be that NO gays can be conservative or Republican. Which is bullshit. Then during season three they did a segment spoofing Antiques Roadshow, where they brought out various items like square dancing and the theme music for the Good Humor ice cream truck and "proved" that they were racist. For the ice cream thing, the theme music is Turkey In The Straw, which some racist took and changed the lyrics to, well, just do a google search. but the implication from the piece is that Good Humor took the racist song instead of Turkey In The Straw, which, seriously? No, really, seriously? Lost a lot of respect for Bee over those two, also over her continuing silence over Louis CK's being allowed to resume his standup career
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