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Everything posted by wanderwoman

  1. I mentioned this in the Jim Boob and Mullet thread, but the more I think about it, the more I feel compelled to follow through. Someone suggested stalking the Duggars. I'm not on board with that. But, I do think the Duggars missed another opportunity to use their fame to shine the light on a very real, sad problem. Just as they missed the boat on showing the realities of patriarchal fundamentalism, prematurity, the tole cancer can take on a family, immunizations, and miscarriage. Instead, they took on abortion. This latest scandal doesn't help the perception that they care more about embryos and other people's uteri than they do about protecting those "precious blessings" after they leave the womb. Let's be the "generation that stops molestation" and the generation who deals with it and shines the light on the plight of the victim. Let's be the generation to have real conversations with our children and friends about molestation. Instead of stalking the Duggars and railing against Josh, let's, for one minute, light a candle or start a discussion about how to help the victims of sexual abuse. At 5:19pm Pacific Time (5 for the victims, 19 for obvious reasons), I will be putting a candle in my front window to show support for the Duggar girls. I can't be in Arkansas, but if I was, I'd stand in front of the gate with my candle. I will also be making a donation to Stop It Now (stopitnow.org). I'd be honored if anyone wanted to join me.
  2. Someone should organize a candlelight vigil for molestation victims outside of their compound and Josh's house to show those girls they are not alone and that, forgiveness isn't forgetting. Sadly, the Duggars could have used their celebrity to draw attentiont to several issues (prematurity, miscarriage and still birth, and molestation). Instead, they'll go out of their way to save an embryo....but, they fail to protect and respect a grown child. I think a vigil would show them that "precious blessings" outside the womb and cradle are important, too. Let's be the generation that eliminates molestation and the religious subjugation of girls! #protecttheblessings
  3. My heart breaks for stories like this and people like you. I'm so sorry that the people you were supposed to trust failed to protect you. I would add that I think the Duggars scenario might be a shade worse than "pretend it never happened". At least, if there was a pretense that it didn't happen, then they wouldn't have been the need for the five year old victim to apologize to the guy in the room down the hall who touched her "Pee holder" before she could even understand the proper part names. There's something especially tragic about that. The victim, who is still a minor and we all know, name or no name who that could be, was too young to call her vagina a vagina... but had to accept an apology, forgive her abuser, and go through an interview that THREE years later still made her cry. How could she forgive what she couldn't understand? I hurt for them all. But, the trust of the victim to hop on a lap for a biblically based story (and she remembered the exact book years later so it did impact her) only to be fondled is disgusting.
  4. A lot of families choose to close their eyes and stick fingers in their ears when it comes to one sibling molesting another. As I said in the other thread, there's also a curious phenomenon wherein abuse is multigenerational and cyclical. Given the odd behavior regarding sex that consumes the Duggars, is it really surprising? I don't think I've been molested. I did, however, engage in a game of doctor as a kid. We were both about four and it was more curiosity about what he had and I didn't. Our mom's bathed us together until we were school aged and I honestly never thought twice about it until today. I'm almost certain I told my mom what we had done and there was definitely a conversation about "good touch/bad touch", I remember that. But, I also know that sex wasn't a taboo topic in our house and I would've told my parents anything (and did). I know people who were abused by siblings and it seems like the taboo stuns parents into inaction. As a new mom, I would tear someone up if they ever touched my baby and my husband knows plenty of places to bury a body. I joke,...sort of. I'm trying to put myself in the Duggars' shoes and all I come back to is that you protect the victim while you discern the rationale of the abuser (if the abuser is a child...if the abuser is an adult, see above). I wouldn't put my family on stage while deducing the problem though.
  5. I've been wrestling back and forth with my thoughts about Josh. I think there's some truth to the fact that very young children will, especially if they themselves were victims, engage in inappropriate sexual behavior for a few reasons. In a psychology class in college, a man who admitted to sexually abusing his friend's sister (he was 12 and the girl was 9) spoke to our class about the strange normality of sexual abuse in his family. It had been done to him and his abuser was also abused and, after all was said and done, the guys family had pieced together a chain of abuse that covered six generations. Yes. He knew what he was doing was wrong and, even as a kid, he knew it was secretive... but, it was what he knew. He went on to never repeat the abuse after years of therapy. So, as I think about Josh, I just can't stop wondering if he was part of a larger chain. I AM NOT defending his parents response. I think what they did was beyond chucked up. But, let's face it... we know there were at least two, subsequently convicted sexual offenders in his life (Gothard and the State Trooper). Who knows what happened at ALERTor IBLP gatherings. Josh may have been part of a larger epidemic. He was a child and he was taught that every sexual thought was the devils work and any independent release was sinful. And, mom and dad didn't do very much after the first complaint. So, who bears responsibility? Of course, Josh did this. But, who were the two people who, knowing "his heart" and his struggles covered it up? Who hid behind religion and invited the world in knowing this was in the closet? Who decided Josh's manual labor was cure enough? Who took him to a sexually deviant trooper buddy rather than a licensed therapist? The PARENTS! Jim Bob was so fucking concerned about his political career that he sacrificed his childrens' privacy and home to obtain a seat in the State Senate. Then, that same dad, shoved 14 kids into a 1200 square foot home and a wife that was barely hanging onto reality. Even Grandpa Duggar commented on his belief that they had more children than they could feasibly manage! But, screw the fact that they had a serious problem and some emotionally devastated kids- Jim Bob and Michelle needed that attention. Shame on them.
  6. My husband brought up a fascinating perspective today. We opened the newspaper and there were articles saying things like:, "Duggars Belong To Patriarchal Church", "Duggars Entangled with Politics", and "Shocking Family Secret". As DH pointed out, Josh's indiscretions and the nature of the Duggars religious and political views are only "shocking" if you were one of the leg bumpers with your fingers stuck in your ears. I have to agree. We know what Gothard's background was and knew there were sexual misconduct allegations. We know the Duggars ventured around the country mingling with presidential candidates and making robocalls. Josh worked for a PAC! How can the media pretend this is shocking? We know, from statistics, that 1/4 of all young girls have been sexually molested or physically abused. We know their guru predated on young girls. The only shocking part of this is that they managed to keep it quiet so long.
  7. You know what's truly sad? Because, of Jim Bob and Michelle's out of control vanity and greed,....Because they knew there was this gigantic skeleton in the prayer closet and chose to do the show anyway, their children will never, ever be "healed". The best scenario for this would've been that Jim Bob and Michelle got everyone appropriate counselling immediately following the incident. They wouldn't have been famous or extravagantly wealthy, but they wouldn't have starved. Josh's indiscretions would have stayed, for the most part, a family secret and Josh might have had a life. The girls would've married and lived as normal a life as possible. Knowing what they knew, how could they take their family and put them on tv? Was it worth it? No matter what- because of their greed and vanity- Josh will always be that kid who molested his sisters. Anna will be the woman who married a boy that sexually abused his sisters. I doubt Josh will ever find good work. He has little education and, now, the world knows his childhood shame and it will dog him the rest of his life. He's passed from famous to infamous in one swoop. The Duggar girls will walk around knowing people know what happened to them. The ones already married will probably be ok. But, sadly, there are repercussions for the relationships to come. These girls wrote what was billed as a loving, honest evaluation of how amazing their family was...but it wasn't all that wonderful and now it comes off as a fabricated work of fiction. The little ones will have to try to understand why Uncle Jim doesn't come around and why they don't get special treatment. If Jim Bob was smart, he saved money, because I suspect the show and personal appearances are done. No one will court their favor or opinion. How can you respect them as parents? To paraphrase my DH: shit just got real. And it's all because Jim Bob and Michelle couldn't say no.
  8. If Maisie can be a bright spot in someone's day, I'm happy to oblige.
  9. So much Amen for this.I have shed tears today for Jana, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and Joy. They are truly innocents in this situation. I have no doubt that they've verbally forgiven Josh. It's what was expected from them and, moreover, what THEIR WISDOM BOOKS told them to do. How f'ed up is your cult when the educational materials tell you that your response to sexual assault is a test of your relationship with God?! How pervasive must the problem have been when your homeschool curriculum includes a chapter educating you on the proper response to being abused? Let's also not forget that JOSH HAD THE SAME BOOK AT THE SAME TABLE!!!! Let me elaborate on this point. Pretend you are a six year old child seated at a table with your abuser. You are confused and hurt and scared because all you've known is that sexual contact outside of marriage means you are USED GOODS and no godly man will want used goods. You pray to God that someone will stop the abuse. Then, while sitting next to the person who touched you, your mother starts reading from YOUR TEXTBOOK and says that dressing a certain way might encourage impure thoughts and that, as a girl, you need to be responsible for keeping dirty thoughts out of boys minds (remember a very young JoyAnna covering up the television so her brothers couldn't see a naked ankle? I do!). Now, imagine that, while sitting next to your abuser, you are told that God sends abusers to test your ability to forgive and to help you give your body and heart to God (No joke. That's what their curriculum teaches!). As the victim, what choice do you have? If you don't immediately obey, forgive, and pray for your abuser, then YOU are failing in faith. (Really think about that.) Now, maybe you gained courage and went to your dad to tell. And, instead of immediately contacting police, your dad and mom are in a political campaign and mom is pregnant and you don't want anything bad to happen to your family. You even love your abuser because he's your brother. You immediately minimize the offense because, as a child, you don't want to hurt your family. Your dad says he will take care of it, but your school and church tell you anger is not the answer and forgiveness is divine. Then, you wait and pray. Pray that YOU are faithful enough to forgive and love your abuser. Then, cameras show up and life spins out of control and, to you, it seems like God is rewarding your family with new homes, trips, clothes, and your abuser gets married on camera. End scenario. I don't know many adults who could go through that and not suffer from some self doubt. I'm willing to assume that, somewhere along the line, you doubted you were "really" abused. But, the truth is- they were undeniably abused and cruelly manipulated into forgiveness and silence. These girls have been told that God rewards those who forgive and their livelihood was dependent on the appearance of a united, faithful family. Forgiveness wasn't a choice- it was required. Jim Bob and Michelle failed their children (and I include Josh in that group of failed children). Because of the family infatuation with sex and the taboo of physical desire before marriage, he was a teenage boy without an outlet. I'm not defending his choices- but, his parents created the perfect victims and, due to their vanity and pride, allowed ill equipped people to "cure" Josh.
  10. Imho, I don't think sending him to live elsewhere is the point. The problem, as I see it, is that, rather than get the boy REAL help, from a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist, they sent him to do manual labor. They also had Josh mentored by a, as it came to light, a pedophile and sex offender who would end up spending years in prison. I have a hard time believing it's coincidental that this whole "intervention" took place three years after Josh first confessed and AFTER Jim Bob lost his political bid for US Senator. Rather than protect his daughters by having Josh go through appropriate counselling (and, at the same time, giving his girls a safe place with a licensed therapist and victim's advocate), Jim Bob let it go unreported for years and sent his son to a sex offender. Jim Bob also refused to allow Josh to give a statement and tried to obtain a defense attorney for Josh. Maybe, instead of plopping out more potential victims, Michelle and Jim Bob should've admitted there was serious dysfunction in their family. If they hadn't been so concerned with their carefully manicured image, they might've actually protected their daughters by never allowing Josh to be alone with the kids. Michelle made a robo call demonizing transgender people under the umbrella of protecting her daughters... and, in her heart of hearts, she knew the reality of the threat being within her own khakis-and-polos offspring.
  11. Respectfully, I disagree with this perspective. I, 100%, support the right of the victim to have the unredacted report quashed. The last thing she needs is to feel re-victimized. However, I don't believe for one second that any member of this forum are "delighting" in the reason the show might be cancelled. The blame for that falls entirely on Josh, Michelle, and Jim Bob. In fact, I think those girls might actually feel some level of relief that the truth is finally out there. I'm not suggesting they're doing cartwheels or secretly high giving each other, but living a lie, especially in front of millions, is exhausting. They may have truly forgiven their brother and it's entirely their decision to do so, but no one is delighted by the news that they suffered. Actually, I don't think many of us are all that surprised that it happened. Where the outrage and desire to make this public stems from is, at least for me, in part because their truth and their protection were sacrificed for a television show and to line the pockets of Bill Gothard. Lies of omission are still lies and there are reasons these case files aren't destroyed after the minor turns 18- they build a history in case the molester continues to molest. The girls have a right to privacy, certainly. Unfortunately, as was in this case, the relationship of the molester to the victims was incestuous and made it difficult to disguise the victim. The only people who hold blame or fault here are the parents and Josh. Period. It's not a crime to shine light on a problem. It could've never been fodder if their assailant hadn't been sheltered by a cult mentality and if the parents had chosen to protect their daughters from a quasi-celebrity lifestyle. No one on this forum asked them to do a television show with the knowledge of sexual abuse in the home. No one here has said the girls deserved it or asked for it (unlike Michelle who equated the way one dresses with responsibility for a man s sexual purity). None of us knowingly supported putting their family on national television less than six months after that report was taken. The victims deserve peace and healing. It's tragic that their parents chose celebrity over privacy knowing full well there were demons in the closet.
  12. One thing that I keep thinking about is TLCs complicity and how The Duggars hypocrisy. From day one, and into three books, the Duggars have claimed that they wanted everything shown to "truly reflect their faith" (Jim Bob) and "show how Christ gives us challenges and puts them in the way" (Michelle). We just saw an episode where the crew, who has been with this family for ten years, and is considered "family", said the Duggars were this honest, brave, God Fearing family! "What you see is what you get." (Sean)What a complete load of crap! If TLC and the Duggars were truly committed to showing the joys and pitfalls of a super sized, uber religious family, then they could've dealt with this tastefully and honestly. These crimes, and that's what they are, unfolded shortly before the first special. Jim Bob stated that they decided to do that special only if the producers would portray their faith honestly. If the timeline is as the police report suggests, the first special was filmed very shortly after Josh returned from "treatment". What kind of parent, knowing that a son has molested four of the daughters, believes filming a tv show is responsible or healthy. It was bad enough that the kids were exploited on camera...to know that the show wasn't even touching the surface of the exploitation in that house makes me feel sick. I'm not advocating that the Duggars should've outed Josh as a sex offender as a minor, but th e y sure as shit shouldn't have been filming a reality show in the aftermath of such traumatic events. Josh may have been saved or forgiven or whatever: but, molestation is devastating for the victims and having a camera shoved in your face while you are cooking tater tot casserole for the brother who touched you is unforgivable. The Duggars, with full knowledge of what had happened, sold their faith and their lifestyle as something to strive for. Those victims had even less chance of being believed because their parents made the family's well-being and income part of the noose- if they outed Josh, the show ended and the income disappeared and they'd go back to the crowded house and prairie garb. That's unforgiveable. How horrible it must've been for the girls to watch Josh smugly describe sexual purity and morality during his engagement. How contrived that Jim Bob pretended Josh had no knowledge of the female body and sexuality during the Lego-Wedding-Day talk? How awful to have to parrot how sexual contact was giving pieces of your heart away and not being a virgin was akin to giving your partner a chewed up stick of gum...when all along, your parents knew you had, against your will, had your gum chewed by your brother!! How could they stand their and talk about standards of purity knowing their daughters had been violated? It's so screwed up and backward. How can you ask your daughter to entrust her body and heart to you on camera, when you so obviously failed to protect her off camera? There shouldn't have been a second time or more than one victim. Jim Bob should've worried less about his wife's womb and more about his daughters. I'm so angry.
  13. I'm late to this discussion and I've tried to read all the posts. I want to point out one thing- often, molestation is a learned behavior. The statistics suggest that molesters were often molested themselves. I'm not defending Josh's transgressions or the manner in which they handled it. I suspect a lot of the old rumors were true and I think there were more victims of this patriarchal regime who were afraid to come forward due, in part, to the political tunes, network ties, and money involved in the ATI System. I know I'm rethinking my assesment of certain people. Josh was and is responsible for his choices. However, I suspect he's not the only boy raised in this system who molested a sibling. Whenever you pair patriarchy with a "blame the victim for her appearance" , you get a kid with messed up ideas regarding sex. The natural curiosity and exploration is pushed to the dark recesses of a home and the shame involved is enough to silence the victim. There have been, now completely believable, rumors surrounding Gothard, Quiverful families for years. My hope is that this exposure leads to a deeper investigation of the organization. What concerns me most about this is the report stating that two lawyers refused to take on the Josh as a client. Lawyers get the inside scoop and Jim Bob retaining counsel for Josh and postponing the interview says more about Jim Bob than Josh. Add to that the admission that Josh was sent to a "program in Little Rock" that wasn't really an incorporated program and the fact that Josh's warden wasn't a certified counsellor or therapist, but a "mentor" (source: police report) and we can infer that Josh really didn't get help. Neither did his victims. This is what happens when you isolate your children in a sexually repressive environment and cede parenting to children. I'm not saying Jim Bob and Michelle should've casted their teenage son out into the streets, but I think we cab safely assume Michelle isn't mother if the year and that this show should've never been allowed to start. And, the family motto....? "Never raise a hand to hit..."? Well, hands are bad, but rods are perfectly fine, apparently.
  14. That's an excellent analogy. I'm going to use that when people ask. Wish us luck. Today is appointment day. :)
  15. I know! DH thought we were fibbing or exaggerating, so we put her on her tummy and she fussed and fussed until she wiggled over. She reminds me of a whale because she pushes and pushes until she get on her side and then kind of breaches over with this arm extended, slow motion action. Lol. She also does this sun salutation thing where she, while on her tummy, holds her head up and pushes on her hands so her back is arched like a yoga position. We have a floor to ceiling window in the living room and she likes to lay there and sunbathe. I think she likes the way the sun dappled through the trees. I never knew their personalities were so obvious this early.
  16. @ "Fairy Godmother Jellybeans", I'm still researching. Our insurance will cover part of her implantable device. She also receives some coverage from the state due to her prematurity and hearing loss. Between the two, our out of pocket will be limited to $2,000. I didn't know they would start her with a hearing aid before the cochlear so I was caught a little off guard. They are going to mold her ears Thursday and take more accurate tests to satisfy the insurance company and help us choose the best device. I'm new to all of this so I really appreciate your list of questions. From what I was told, she should've been fitted with a hearing aid weeks ago in preparation for the cochlear device. Now we are playing catch up. She has some residual hearing in one ear and they think, but will know for sure Thursday, they can fit that ear with the hearing aid for now. The surgery for her implant will take place in late June. I have been shown devices by Otologics, Cochlear, and Advanced Bionics. I was told the Otologic and AB devices are best for her particular type of loss. I hope to know more tomorrow. Her bday is Jan. 25th. She was @ 31 weeks gestation. So, she's 3 months, 3 weeks old. Adjusted for prematurity, she's 7 weeks. Tummy to back rolling is normally reached at four months, so she's advanced. Lol. Size wise, she looks like a seven week old baby, but she acts like a 3-4month old.
  17. I've been lax about updating here because life has been alternately crazy and blissfully boring. DH has had three heartbreaking days at work and I think he had a much needed, cathartic venting session, today. It's been really hard having someone in our home on a daily basis. We both recognise the necessity and we won't be stopping, but he made the observation that we haven't had a night of privacy for almost five months. Maisie is doing well. We have a visit with the peds audiologist at Children's on Thursday. They're going to fit her for a hearing aid and start the testing and processes for a cochlear. We've read all the literature and, while I know some people are anti-implant, think this is best for Maisie. It's going to be a rocky road but we are prepared. I think. We also decided we are "one and done". We have a lifestyle we love and Maisie seems to love it, too. But, facing certain realities, she's going to need our everything and our family feels complete. :) Fun stuff- we took her on her first hike. It was really funny to see DH carrying Maisie in the backpack with her O2 tank and me bringing up the rear with the emergency bag. We ran into a hiker that asked Mais' if he could have a hit off her oxygen. Lol. She's done her first hike, though! She was so alert and content. I can't wait until she can hear things better. She's really observant and tracks things visually. Her therapist noticed that she seems to see things in her periphery more than other infants at her developmental age. She also stares at your eyes intently, like she can read your soul... and you're guilty. Lol. She is making all sorts of noises! Her therapist is having her: mimic facial movements, working on strong tummy muscles and all over muscle tone (I had no idea that stuff mattered for speech), proper swallowing and coordination for eating, and interaction with her surroundings. I noted that she does some things far beyond what her development should allow and we were told that she is compensating for the hearing loss. It's just amazing that a child so young can have that power to adapt. She also has a stubborn determination. She rolled over today (after many failed attempts)! She has been fascinated with the reflection of the sun off the little creek in back- it makes the ceiling shimmer- and she fussed until she flipped herself over to look at it. Lol. She did it.
  18. Wtf? I might be in the minority, but I've always thought that these multiple, incessant Q/A shows are the death knell of reality t.v.. I wouldn't be so annoyed if the questions weren't ALWAYS the SAME! This exact episode has been done at least three times and all the questions have been answered with the same pat answers in print and on tv. Modesty? Courtship? Josie's prematurity? Jurisdictions? We've seen these things answered so many times it's nauseating. The worst part? Despite the prospect and opportunity for growth and change, they're peddling the same crap. You could literally take the answers from six years ago and drop them in because they've got a memorized answer. There's no thougt. No introspection. Just word for word mimicking. Josie does not have perfect pitch. She's not even preternaturally talented- she's a six year old that can't read, can barely write, and has suffered from a lack of intervention due to the selfishness of her parents. If they think she has talent, then they should get her speech therapy and really help her develop that gift instead of parading her around to sing the same song over and over. Josie, sadly, isn't treated like a person- she is a pro-life, Christmas miracle being held in a state of perpetual infancy so her mom and dad can weepily retell her story to church groups and cameras. It's disgusting. Michelle insisting that Josie watch her own birth, while baby talking to her, was sad. When will she get to be anything other than Tiny Tim? Why are we being shown recaps so often? I've been keeping an unofficial count and, so far this season, they've shown Jill and Jessas wedding stuff on every episode. We've seen Josie's birth at least six times. Like I said, when you have to pad every episode with fifteen minutes of old footage, you should probably stop.
  19. The manual covered "alternative", but "enjoyable" activities that could be done in addition to straight baby-makin'. Like I said, it's very clinical with the descriptions and, iirc, had no pics or drawings of the "alternatives". Frankly, I'm not shocked that they allow BJ's and, in this case, mutual pistol whipping (evil grin)- I don't think any patriarchal culture is going to eliminate something that gives the GUY pleasure. Lol. And, maybe Derek likes to munch Jilly's muffin? (I'm going to hell.)
  20. Totally. Remember, anyone can make him a sammich, but only Jill can play with Pete's flesh Pistol. I read through the manual Jim Bob handed Josh and it covered oral in the most awkward, clinical way possible.
  21. I think they pop in Dr. Wheat's uber sexy "how to procreate" on tape. Remember that CD Jim Bob gave to Josh and, ON CAMERA, they newlyweds listened to on the way to the honeymoon Days Inn? Oh yeah! Nothing gets a tiger purring like the dulcet tones of an octogenarian reading his Christian sex book.
  22. Courtney and Scott were certainly old enough to know better. Honestly, that baby wasn't less than 35 weeks based on his/her size and the very basic NICU care received. Any woman who flies that close to delivery is playing with fire. I also question how she could've received all of the necessary immunizations during her pregnancy. One thing, after a second watch, that stuck out to me, was Courtney's comment regarding how difficult it was to "plan the trips and activities". That made me remember a comment from the Keller-Duggar nuptuals, where the BIL spoke about the waivers and product placement. If you or I went to Asia, there wouldn't be geishas waiting at the airport or restaurants closed down for private sushi classes, or a private carnivals arranged. The Duggars always get these amazing experiences and, while I'm happy for the kids, they need I stop calling it reality tv. Reality tv would be them all living in a half finished house and a yearly trip to ATI in a 70's motorhome that breaks down. Sadly, the reality aspect of this show went the way of the dodo several seasons ago. I wonder if it's time that the FCC starts creating some guidelines about what can be labeled "reality tv"- Much like FDA or nutrition labels on food. When 95% of your show is re-enactments of true events (Jill's pregnancy announcement, Anna's latest gender reveal, etc.,.) and manufactured opportunities, you might as well call it a sitcom mixed with a travel show. It's not reality and that means people might be led to this lifestyle under false pretenses.
  23. If I were Josiah or Marjorie (or, even, her parents), I would be extremely upset at Jim Bob "having a chat" about pants being immodest. I go back to my argument in regards to Jana- adult children should have the freedom to choose th e if wardrobe. Marjorie's parents are ACTUALLY allowing the decisions and personal convictions that the Duggars claim to allw, but dont practice. If any boy's father even remotely suggested my daughter was responsible for the lust or desires of men dud to her jeans, I would lose it. Personal accountability and personal ethics are admirable. But, if you have to impose such a strict dress code to avoid impure thoughts, then your sons are weak and you're a mysogynist pig.
  24. I've nicknamed Jackson, Johanna, Jennifer, Jordyn and Josie the Feral Five. The thing about the Duggars public image is that it's just that- a PUBLiC , carefully manicured image. For every person I've read on boards saying they're wonderful, there's another that had a horror story. In some ways, I expect that because no one is perfect. But, in my opinion, you can be a phenomenal neighbor and friend, but putting your child's intimiate moments on tv makes your parental choices suspect.
  25. Lol. She is napping and at 3am (what I'm either nursing or not sleeping) this is the stuff I think about. I think about why the Duggars do what as they do or what I will do for dinner the next day or how I can stop the deer from eating my flowers. Lol. Sadly, Jana doesn't have to or need to think about growing up or making her own choices because she has ceded that control to her father.
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