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Everything posted by MMEButterfly

  1. I look at it this way, Elsa makes Sunny, Joy, and Ana look very, very good. She helps bring up ratings. Producers and sponsors know it is effective to show Elsa crying or rolling her eyes. She's like the old time villain wrestler, the hero wrestlers profited every time they decked him. Joy, Ana, and Sunny can laugh all the way to the bank.
  2. It is interesting how the camera focuses on her when she does that.
  3. The implication that if you believe Trump is a very bad President, you are a person who hates irritates me.
  4. She's pretending she's on a Congressional committee.
  5. That was so funny when she said, "texting" like she meant "texting, wtf."
  6. Joy grows more effective every day. I love it.
  7. I second this statement. Many factors are in play.
  8. I was brought up to believe that "liberal" meant being open to the world as a marketplace of ideas. Conservative meant care for and protection of established views/ways/traditions. Both were neutral.. Most people are a mix of liberal and conservative according to the topic (religion/art/government/sexuality/etc.)
  9. While I was listening to B Smith's husband I thought about 3 different friends over recent years who lost a spouse to some form of dementia. In these three cases the spouse finally went to a care facility and fell in love with a fellow patient. The care giver spouse had to live with that reality, and very painful it was. The human heart reaches out under many circumstances. I believe his sharing is a helpful view to a complex relationship situation. Such views have value to us all.
  10. Abby kind of freaked me out when she seemed to suggest she had inside information about Russian-American relationship regarding the weapons treaty. At best it is irritating when you shut down an argument by essentially stating "Have you deep information about Russia?" to Joy.
  11. Maybe that is what she's thinking -- be like RHs.
  12. I stood there (cleaning my kitchen) and told Meghan, "Cory Booker can have you for lunch before you know you've had a fork stuck in you." "What it's all really amount, mm, it comes down to this, mm, I just need to say, mm"
  13. And this is why I am genuinely upset with Meghan. It is so divisive. Usually I just laugh her off, but playing to people's emotions on this issue is destructive.
  14. He's another little reason I'm proud to live in Indiana.
  15. I particularly noticed that yesterday and wondered why. I'll bet you're right. What sort of McCain political future is she planning?
  16. She adds a great deal from this alone, especially with political books. I always watch when such an author is on, just for Sunny's questions.
  17. I do believe part of Meghan's appeal is listening for comebacks from the others. If she were dominating really, she would be smug and people would be bored. For me that is one of the reasons for the addition of Ana.
  18. Mariah is talking seriously snd Kristie is laughing.
  19. Did anyone on the show criticize the students for activism? I missed it. It wasn't the activism, it was the dangerous, boorish behavior while they were in D.C. And, of course, they were not reacting to an atrocity against their school or themselves personally. In fact, they don't seem in any way comparable to the students at Parkland who watched their friends and classmates die. Except they are teenagers.
  20. Never, never should their chaperones have allowed them to do that. The Black Israelites were vile, I agree. However, when you chaperone a group of high school students on a field trip (especially in a city unfamiliar to them) you remove them as far as possible from aggressively acting-out people, you quiet them, you lead them in prayer if you like. You do not encourage them to begin a shouting match. Their chaperones put them into grave danger. Also, it seems they were representing their church-related school. The hats were pretty inappropriate. The tax advantage for churches is conditional upon not being overtly one-party political nor support a political candidate. I say this as a former high school teacher who later became a United Methodist minister so I've led youths in both situations.
  21. I was really, really interested in the Abby/Sunny discussion on the nature of the Trump Republicans.
  22. I thought of that and got a little thrill of power.
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