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Everything posted by NotthebadVictoria

  1. Yes!! 1000% daily exercise is incredible for you, in so many ways!!! And there is so much you can do with just your body weight indoors!
  2. 🤣🤣🤣 when you do it right (actually workout) it’s a mood booster! Next to (good) sex there’s nothing like it 😂!
  3. Prayers for you, infertility is a rough road, and sometimes even getting pregnant doesn’t mean you’ll end up staying pregnant. F*^* Fibroids! You’re not alone, the only light at the end of the tunnel I can offer is that physically post hysterectomy life is great. It’s an emotional roller coaster but when you’re out of options getting rid of that torment is life changing. Had one at 32!
  4. I think you nailed it with that statement. But she has Stockholm syndrome and that “perfect” man is Daddy Boob, no one will equal up to that in her eyes!
  5. It would make sense to me if it happened this way. Women have everything to gain by leaving and men have everything to lose by leaving. They are worshiped, adored and the ultimate authority (except Bin).
  6. Balls yes, on the night stand, no, I’m pretty sure Ben hasn’t seen his balls since he started courting her. Maybe she gave them to Boob and when Ben cleans enough toilets he can peek at them.
  7. I’m guessing it’ll be a family name, Diana Michelle or something like that
  8. Charlottes daughter, you would never guess based on her looks, girl has a face for radio. But she’s buddy buddy with Kelli, Judy and all the favorites.
  9. I believe the phrase y’all are looking for is, Rode hard and put away wet.
  10. Every time I see one of these posts trying Hard to prove the spawn looks like you (or like this showing a ton of pictures to beat it into the ground) my only thought is, No Shit Sherlock! Of course they do it’s your Fng child!
  11. This is part of my defense for K&J, I don’t put the blame on them because I’ve never seen someone try out with natural hair and then magically be in a wig. And I’m not their biggest fan (K&J to be clear). It’s high maintenance for other curly haired girls too (trust me here) But I love the natural look on a WOC!
  12. I guess we should ask @ShellyB how that works, but if Kat has been in wigs since 15 I can say with certainty Kelly and Judy had nothing to do with that. I am pretty sure Sasha Agent was natural, her hair was perfection. But I’ve always had a hard time believing they would have the balls to tell a WOC they can’t wear natural hair when they seem to love curls. And also, that would be blatant racism and idk if they would go there. Have we ever seen a WOC with natural hair be given a weave or wig in makeovers? Do they try out with natural hair and get told no because of it?
  13. I think that should clear it up. I know I’ve seen speculation that Judy and Kelly wouldn’t allow Kat her natural hair and forced her to wear a wig.
  14. Quarantine has been rough on those roots 🤣🤣 yikes!
  15. Not going to happen, she’ll be the last takeover and we’ll hear all about her plight against non VK worshippers (bullies) and her amazing talent, hard life, dreams come true, blah blah blah, sadness over missing her banquet..... blah blah blah... COVID ruined her life missing banquet blah blah blah
  16. I did a “question” for Jayln, said you’re amazing and handled being screwed by nepotism with grace. send her love!!
  17. I don’t recall who said she looked like a Russian mail order bride at the Calendar shoot, but I can’t unsee it in her takeover stories 🤣.
  18. But unlike the other Duggar girls her hair (what’s left of it) is clean!!
  19. A screenshot from Jessas story. Joy is def pregnant and I doubt this was her announcement it’s pretty obvious.
  20. After watching the home tour I had a scary thought.... the Rod hostages have better sleeping arrangements than Blehssas kids 😳😳.
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