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  1. The touchdown decks were re-surfaced with a non-slick, texturized material to prevent falls and other injuries. The cheerleaders would not be allowed to perform on the decks if they were still considered a safety hazard. It would be a lawsuit waiting to happen and the Cowboys organization would not want that. Therefore, any argument that a cheerleader’s dance has been affected by the slick nature of the decks is incorrect.
  2. DCC's are considered employees of the Dallas Cowboys Organization and see Dallas Cowboys affiliated and approved doctors. If Victoria was seeing a Dallas Cowboys affiliated doctor by appointment made by an approved Dallas Cowboys employee; it is certainly within the realm of possibility that Charlotte or Kelli were notified of Victoria missing the appointment since Victoria's employ falls to Charlotte and Kelli . Charlotte as Chief Brand Officer (which the DCC fall under) or Kelli as the Director of the DCC. IMO, the type of information that can be released to outside individuals depends on how the DCC contract is worded. As we all know, every Veteran and TCC sign an employee contract at the First Meeting - officially signing away a year of their lives to the Dallas Cowboys. It's possible that the contract states that employees waive the right to privacy when seeing a Dallas Cowboys affiliated doctor related to a condition specific to your position within the Dallas Cowboys Organization.
  3. No, back in the day, the girls were allowed to choose their own souvenir pro bowl style ring. I forgot who started it, maybe it was Nicole Hamilton, but for a few years following, each got the same thin gold band to wear under their pinky ring. I remember Justine Phillips, Ally Traylor and I think Nicole Bulcher getting it as well. Maybe @ShellyB knows. I was under the impression that group leader rings with the diamond didn't start until a couple years ago.
  4. Does anyone know if that ProBowl ring replaces the one that the cheerleaders get to choose for themselves? I know in the past, the ProBowl rep got a thin gold band with a diamond, to be worn with their DCC pinky ring.
  5. I actually PM’ed that individual a few weeks ago to see if they were able to verify something I had heard. He told me that the board was no longer a priority for him. That there was too much fake information floating around on here and being taken as fact. ??‍♀️
  6. My point was, Malena was brought to camp because Kelli finds her to be gorgeous and Judy believed her to be teachable. She did well enough at finals to earn a spot in camp. In the past, the organization may not have brought 45 girls to camp but they didn't bring just 36 either. Currently, with the way camp is structured, the girls can move up and down in the rankings throughout camp based on how they perform each day and over the long run. Someone who came into camp in spot say, 32 could end up in spot 38 by the end of camp and be cut. A girl who was top 10 at finals could choke considerably in camp. and be cut. A girl could be injured and end up cut; a girl could quit camp. Just because a girl is top 36 at the end of finals does not mean she stays in the top 36. Taking 36 from finals also doesn't guarantee you a squad of 36 using the same logic.
  7. That's not true at all. Kelli loves Malena's look first and foremost, she did well at both semis and finals and Judy believes her to be teachable. Malena is in camp because she earned herself a spot in camp, period.
  8. Girl, no. This “CMT has pull over auditions” narrative could not be further from the truth. Truly.
  9. Based on previous posts, I assume you’re a Lacey gal? In fairness, Kashara may not be your favorite but she stepped up in time of desperate need for leadership whereas Lacey did not. Kashara also thankfully varies her audition solos whereas Lacey has done the exact same style of routine each year. She’s a beautiful dancer but predictable and boring at auditions. I understand having favorites but I think it’s important to give credit where it’s due.
  10. Not really...this year’s crop of TCC’s really is the strongest it has ever been in years. What one Vet could get away with in a mediocre training camp year, another vet would absolutely not be able to this year. Tasha isn’t a blender and she’s on show group. Comparing Tasha and Tara is like comparing apples to oranges. Stellar TCC’s this year is another reason camp was extended. That’s it, nothing else.
  11. I am unclear how this “Tara complaining about Victoria” became a factual narrative. As far as I am aware and from what I have been told, Tara was cut for weight, being outdanced and blending in a year full of strong, exceptional rookie candidates.
  12. Well, the first statement is dependent on who you believe when it comes to insiders. I refuse to get into the Victoria arguments again, it is what it is Secondly, you can “what if” all you choose. The fact remains that Alexandria and co did leave and their departures did eventually affect Brennan and thereby Kelli’s perception of cutting Brennan last year. Since Brennan put her big girl undies on and came back, it’s a fair storyline, IMO. Third, Kaitlin made it back to camp because she was a vet and had a successful year prior to auditions. Morgan had Kitty influence on her side which helped get her on the team and the fact that she was a “locker room favorite” helped to propel her through the year. Morgan’s own actions got herself cut the following year. Ashley Pro made it because Kelli thought she was beautiful, could relate to her experience and Emma vouched for her. I honestly do not have any information on Breelan. Just that she was young and cute but had a lot to learn. Finally, regarding Melissa, you’re right, that has nothing to do with the DCC organization. She was under contract with CMT at that time and her reality show had been canceled. As she is a former DCC, CMT figured why the fuck not and added her to the mix. Kelli is an executive producer and as such, could have stopped Melissa being on the show but she is the most well known former DCC and Melissa has a strong following; it’s a win win for all involved. I am done now.
  13. CMT has no decision making pull whatsoever. It is laughable to even consider that they have more pull than Judy. CMT can certainly have Kelli portray situations in a certain light, opt not to show things or edit a person into a negative Nancy character. However, final decisions on who makes the team are made by Kelli and Judy, signed off on by Charlotte.
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