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Everything posted by jlc

  1. I don't think she made it and will be trying out again next year, but I also think she made it and assumes she will also be making the team? I don't know what this means!😂😂😂😂. Why can't they just say, I made it to the next round??? 🤷‍♀️
  2. Yes, because I bet Kelly brings her into training camp just so she can cut her again, on tv, again!!
  3. I agree. I couldn't believe Kelly called her "the girl last night." Her comments after cutting a girl are usually always derogatory, but that was really uncalled for, in my opinion.
  4. She had a big girl crush on Morgan and Brianna and cut both of them, one as a veteran, one in training camp.
  5. None of us can believe it either!! 😂😂😂❤❤❤😎
  6. If you ask me, Charlotte's face has had so much work trying to be HD ready, she shouldn't be on tv either. And who the heck picks her clothes? She dresses terrible for role as a high ranking professional on a very popular football franchise!!
  7. I dislike Alex so much that it overshadows how much I dislike Katie and "GZ", and why is he not called by his name? How juvenile. Had to stop watching this show because my blood pressure medicine could not keep up with how high my BP got while watching these loud mouths every day!!!]
  8. I do not understand why Hunter is acting like he is taking over the show. He even said it on one of the shows recently. Why isn't he getting a job on his own and quit trying to ride his dads name!! I may have to stop watching DDD, and I am a huge fan. I have even traveled to go to some of the restaurants he has been too.
  9. OMG!! I was thinking the EXACT same thing!!! We must be related!! 😂😂
  10. I feel the same way about Amy Schumer, which is why I would love to find a link so that I can share this disgust with other people. 😂😂😂😂
  11. If you find something on Amy Schumers show, please let us know. I would love to follow that. Thank you.
  12. She has already been given things on this squad that she did not earn. She would have been a 2gl last year if Kelli could have figured out how to do it and get away with it. Nothing smart or fair or even reasonable has been applied to Victoria's getting on this team. Kelli is waiting to retire until VK gets a little more experience and can become the director in her place!°
  13. I watched the first episode of last season and was so disgusted that I didn't watch anymore and just came here for the recaps, snarks, and insiders!!! This was much better than the shows! 😂😂
  14. I feel like Guy is really pushing Hunter on us all if a sudden. Hunter is cohosting everything and talking about taking o er triple D as his own show. It is kinda making me a little mad.
  15. On one of the new DDD shows I think last week, Hunter actually said that one day this show would be his! Really??? I was kinda mad about that, because he is not as qualified as his dad to judge food, and did he graduate from Culinary School? I think i read somewhere that he dropped out
  16. I swear that VK was given the answers to memorize for both panel interviews and media training so that they could put her on the team and not get flack about the favoritism that was played out for her. There is NO WAY she learned how to be in front of a camera and not sound like a airhead like she did the first year in less than a year. She was given the questions and the answers to study before, and that is something no other TCC was ever given!!! Just look at Julia!!! Lol
  17. I agree with about 90% of this!!! I disagree with some of the Alex stuff, but for the most part we are soul mates! 😂😂.
  18. I agree! He always steps up to help, and then he will spotlight on a future show to help them even more!!! I really love him for that!
  19. Yes, I noticed Alex is there, most likely as you said to fill in for Katie, but since I was never a big fan of the kitchen because there is a lot of talking over each other and that really gets on my nerves, I feel with Alex there it will only get worse, so I will never watch that show again!! I know, it is stupid, but I REALLY dislike Alex Guarnaschelli!!
  20. Lol!! I know what you mean. I love his shows!! Lol
  21. Somehow, this statement does not surprise me. She definitely gives off the "you are not important enough to be near me " vibe, which is why I am so surprised that Guy seems to like her so much. He seems the exact opposite of her. But, has she been asked to cook at his ranch? That may be a sign of his real feelings towards her.
  22. Oh I think she was totally her arrogant, condescending, egotistical self. She thinks she is better than everyone. She acts like she is better than everyone, and she expects to be treated better than everyone. I really hope that this is the start of her exit from Foid Network and Cooking Channel dominance. I am so over that smug look she keeps plastered on her face. Sorry about the rant.
  23. She might not have the big personality, but from what I have seen of her she definitely has a big ego.
  24. I agree 100%. The show made me laugh, smile, cry, and best of all, it made me remember a really great guy. I am such a Guy Fieri fan now because of this really touching tribute to his friend Carl. Thank you Guy, I really appreciated this.
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