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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Whoa! Do you have shelves in this shoe closet? And you share it with other family members? Or do you just keep a few pairs at a time there? I am intrigued by this. That would need to be a pretty big closet for me because I have over 50 pairs of shoes. But your floor is probably definitely cleaner than mine 😋
  2. He was also in Sanditon. Another one and done end-on-a-cliffhanger British period piece......
  3. Thank you! I came here to see if I missed something that explained why the sister in law went to his room. But no.....what a whole lot of nothing! It’s embarrassing how dumb John looks for his blind trust in his friend. This show is not great, but it is pretty and I like period drama.
  4. The problem is that she is well past that. It’s a little too twee bordering on juvenile for a woman with two kids in high school. Her best outfit was the navy blue sundress she wore for her sex date. Hey, maybe you are on to something - first grown up looking outfit for her grown up date! 😂 Seriously though, more of that and less looking like she raided her elementary school daughter’s closet....
  5. Exactly! My youngest just turned 11 in April, so I haven’t bought a car seat in that many years, but they were similarly priced when I had to buy one over a decade ago. He’s pretty stupid for a man that made it through medical school.....
  6. I’m not sure that it wasn’t so much he that he wasn’t attracted to her but rather that he is kind of introverted and was weirded out by the process and she came on too strong.
  7. Yes! A thousand times yes! These stupid people do not learn at all. It’s season 11. If they can site one successful match where THE MAN was not attracted at the alter but grew attracted, I’ll....well, I don’t know what I’ll do, but I don’t really need to worry about it because IT.DOES.NOT.HAPPEN. EVER. On the other hand, in 11 seasons there are many, many examples of people not being immediately attracted and the whole thing being over before it began. It would really serve them better to take personal preferences into account much more than they do. But of course, they are not looking for too much success, right? Because there wouldn’t be enough drama to wring from a bunch of happy people......
  8. On a totally superficial level, they are definitely beautiful together. I think I was sad they split bc of their combined fabulousness. Best looking couple in MAFS history. And I also love Iris’s hair.
  9. Yes they should keep the toxic people together, although that is not super fun to watch either. Case in point: Taylor and Brandon....... Why can’t they just pick people that as far as they can see are not known assholes? It’s so unethical to partner a nice person who came into this with good intentions with someone they know is bad from the start! The disgusted look on Dr. Viv’s face says it all when Brett says (in total seriousness) sex won’t be a problem because he’s so good looking - She knew right then he was a nightmare yet still signed off. I’m not sure it’s a spoiler so I won’t mention it in detail, but the stuff that happens with him at the Bachelor party should have been enough for the production to step in and remove him. I really wish they would do that if things come up between “the experts” picking people and the wedding. Because that should have happened last season with Katie too.
  10. I have to admit that’s why I love Helen’s outfits so much. I looove heels, a little too much apparently since I’ve jacked up my own feet over the years from wearing them. I think she looks fantastic head to toe. Maddie’s shoes however drive me bonkers. The cropped flared jeans with the high heels from the first few episodes looked stupid. Especially considering she was being a stay at home mom at that point. Who the hell dresses like that when you’re just running kids around? That lifestyle/outfit would have made more sense with a sneaker.
  11. I agree. He seemed fairly wrapped up in his family drama and baseball, and CeCe pursued him. She obviously likes him more than he likes her, but that doesn’t make him gay. I think everyone needs an Aunt Helen. She was fantastic with Annie and Kyle, and all the mock trial kids. She is making the show for me. Ironically, the closest thing in my life to an Aunt Helen is my Aunt Dorothy, who everyone in my family calls.....CeCe. 😋 My favorite line was when Maddie says she has so many squeaky wheels she’s out of grease. I can relate sometimes. I have hated everything she has worn. She dresses like an overgrown toddler. The dress she wore on her first date with the coach was waaay too short and juvenile. I also hate how Dana Sue dresses. She’s not tiny, but there has to be something besides a sumo wrestler robe and belt she could wear! But Helen’s wardrobe makes up for both of them. Fab.
  12. Holy smokes, he is delusional! When he said the sex would be great because he’s so hot, I thought he was making a joke. But he was serious! I think that alone should have disqualified him! Also, someone should clue him in that just because “someone” is good looking does not actually mean they are automatically a skilled lover. My guess is that he is not too worried about his partner’s enjoyment if he’s assuming they are good because of his looks. Good lord, what a horse’s ass......
  13. May I exchange my spa service for the pool cabana??? 😂 Either way, looking forward to mingling with everyone at our lovely hotel - I hope there is a happy hour! Sadly, this is going to be my only hotel experience this summer ☹️
  14. I watched it. Under normal life conditions I probably wouldn’t, but Covid conditions provide me with more hours to fill than usual, so here I am. I gotta say, I kind of enjoyed it. I like Kevin (aside from his grilling Michael about Brandon a few months back), and the bulk of the show is him speculating on outcomes with some journalists who cover the show, along with a check in from “the experts” and some of the couples cam peeps. There is also a lot of repeat footage from the matchmaking special, with a little “unseen footage”. If you can FF that stuff the live tvl parts are entertaining. It’s like watching other people do what everyone in this forum does. 😋 He also quizzes the journalists on past participants, and I’m sorry to say I got most answers right to my shame. Also, it was slightly cathartic to hear Dr. Pepper admit out loud that they had made some bad choices. It’s almost worth it for that alone.
  15. Same, @topanga, same. It’s the tv equivalent of a car crash. Can’t look away.....
  16. I agree a couple years isn’t a big deal, but in this day and age, it seems to me that twenty somethings, especially men, live an extended party life/adolescence even post college. I kind of agree with Kevin Frazier that he is still too young. People that age on this show don’t tend to do well. I think there is a big difference between a 30 yo woman and a midxtwenties guy. After 30, it seems to even out. But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe he’s this season’s Derrick. We can only hope......
  17. Yeah, that sure worked out well for Tres and Vanessa, right? 😂 At this point in the show’s life cycle, the entire show is producer driven drama.
  18. Just came here to say Bill is a turd. He was actually balking at a moderately priced car seat after buying a 16 yo a brand new car??? I’m glad he ended up alone in a crappy apartment. He deserves it. I’m glad Noreen left him - first time in 8 episodes she showed she has more than two brain cells floating around up there.
  19. Here’s the thing though, she got what she asked for - a nice guy with a good family. She could have done a lot worse.
  20. Yeah, guess she drew the short stick this season. Every season there is one really nice girl matched with a total jackass. Here is this season’s version. I really wish wish they would cut this shit out. They absolutely knew he was a terrible choice. Instead of poor Kate/Amber/Mindy, now we have poor Olivia. Come on producers, give it a rest. After last season I thought I was out, and then I saw the photo of Bennet and Amelia. I have to watch. I am done hoping for the best and am now just embracing this for the trash that it is. If some of them work out, it’s just a nice bonus. Plus I’m curious how the couples do under Covid circumstances. It seems a lot of these people have jobs in the medical field. My initial favorites are Miles and Karen, Henry and Cristina, and Bennet and Amelia. Woody and Amani are my wild card (he seems full of himself too), and I have zero hope for Brett and Olivia.
  21. This was my take too. It was only a matter of time before the voice text got out, but I wish this show would not lean into every cliche so hard..... I am anticipating the redemption of CeCe soon judging from Helen’s interest in her. Part of me would rather her just stay the semi-mean girl......
  22. Yes! I find her even more tedious because she repeatedly says she knows she is being nasty to everyone, but she continues to do it. Hey Dana Sue, if you know you're being a bitch, try being a little nicer or go get some medication for your pms/menopause/anxiety, etc. if there is a medical reason for it....... And making catfish for the VFW guys is not enough to redeem her at this point........
  23. Perhaps I am misremembering, but didn't the cheating happen after she was already pregnant? I don't think he cheated first, and then she decided to stay with him and have a kid. I think the baby was an unplanned surprise, then he cheated. Still not great, but this doesn't have anything to do with anything Shawniece did. That's all him. I am glad they were able to work past that and stay together. They seem happy together and they do have an adorable kid. I really hope they work out.
  24. They are both idiots. Honestly it would be better for everyone involved if they moved and he set up practice a couple towns over. Except for his two youngest kids who inexplicably harbor no ill feelings despite the fact that he only cares about Ty.... Speaking of Ty, his text back to Annie referring to her as “dude” does not bode well for her romantic interest in him..... Halfway done, and I think this show would be more interesting if Maddie’s mother was the main character. I think I like her the most. Add me to the group that cannot stand Dana Sue. What a wretched woman. I have no idea why her staff likes her. She seems horrible to work for.
  25. Yes, it’s painful how dumb she comes off. Isn’t she a nurse? How the hell did someone that stupid make it through nursing school?!?
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