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Everything posted by caitmcg

  1. It’s like when a contestant says they’ve never made something like meringues. Even the less-experienced among them should know by now that they’re going to have to make pastry creams and meringues and laminated doughs, so ought to know the processes aside from practicing for showstoppers.
  2. Amusingly, I once got on a bus is in Manhattan in the early aughts and there was a very slender woman with no hips or butt to speak of wearing Apple Bottoms (recognizable by the red apple appliqué on the back pocket). I had heard of and seen photos of Smörgåstårtas before, but yeah, not appetizing even before you get into the mayo of it all (personal yuck for me). Related, I recall paging through a 1960s edition of American kitchen bible The Joy of Cooking when I was young and doing a bit of a double-take at the look and concept of a less-elaborate loaf-shaped version, “iced” and decorated with black olives and the like. Similar idea, if less trompe l'oeil. As always, I’m flummoxed by what the show, and Paul specifically, thinks is typically American.
  3. Freya Cox, the S12 vegan contestant, has a new cookbook out, Simply Vegan Baking.
  4. I noticed this last week, and again this time; they have the same build, same hair color, haircut, facial hair. Janusz seems like such a sweetheart. .
  5. I find golden syrup (Lyle's) here in the US in the small British section of supermarkets, or sometimes with other syrups in the baking aisle. I use it in place of light corn syrup in caramels, florentine cookies, and so on, because it has a nice caramel-y flavor.
  6. I FF through the opening bits every time. I prefer to save the cheese for meals.
  7. I used to use toothpicks and a long, thin knife (never used string), but now I just use a cake leveler.
  8. I wanted to see them have to do the really traditional ermine icing* instead of the now-more-common cream cheese, since I bet that would be something completely new to them. *Ermine is my favorite type of buttercream. It’s neither as rich as classic buttercream nor as crazy sweet ax “American” (icing sugar) buttercream, and has a lovely light consistency.
  9. Paul saying a contestant’s technical bake was better than his own is first. I’m not a fan of red velvet cake, but good for Syabira. She was confident going into it, and for good reason. It’ll be interesting to see what she does with Malaysian flavors as the season goes on.
  10. From Texas Monthly: How Chloe Dao Turned Houston Into Her Own Fashion Capital
  11. Series 13 premiere is Tuesday, September 13 in the UK. If the previous years' pattern holds, I presume that means it’ll be on Netflix in the US by the end of the week.
  12. Honestly, acting as if classic Birkenstock Arizonas are shower shoes just because they’re rendered in bright and synthetic material shows that the restaurant isn’t as hip as it aspires to be.
  13. Hulu has the final two seasons of the American show (called the holiday edition), with Paul Hollywood and Sherry Yard as judges, and the contestants are just as pleasant and copacetic as in GBBO and the other versions I’ve seen some of (Canada, Australia, NZ).
  14. Yeah, I “gifted” the article so it wouldn’t be behind the paywall, but you can’t do that with recipes.
  15. The NY Times Magazine has a piece on Dawn Burrell by Bryan Washington, with a recipe for creamy collard greens dip. (There’s no paywall on the article if you use that link, but I’m not sure about the recipe.)
  16. I'm sure there was a time limit. I'm sure the clock didn’t start the moment they turned from the table, though. And when Buddha started to run after the first course, Evelyn and Sarah called out, “Wait, don’t run!” It was only after that they all ran for the building.
  17. @ALittleShelfish, did she also claim to invent post-its? 😉
  18. I read that this morning, and thought it was a very thoughtful assessment.
  19. She didn’t make it from corn husks, she made it from the corn cobs she'd cut the kernels off for her first course, which is a technique used in all kinds of recipes, e.g. every corn chowder recipe I’ve read. It imparts good flavor, and her corn broth was well complimented by the diners and judges.
  20. I agree, diacritics and symbols are very easy in iOS, and same thing works on the physical keyboards of Macs, no ASCII codes necessary.
  21. He and Sarah left on a double elimination, then Sarah and Leah beat him in a two-part LCK (which Sarah then won over Leah). So he was gone early on. Evelyn served the mundane (and undersalted) scallops, not Sarah. Sarah served venison and beef heart tartare with focaccia and homemade smoked butter. They liked her starter, certainly more than her second course (the tortellini), which they thought had way too many components and needed editing. I think between that and the poorly cooked rabbit, she didn’t have a chance against the other two. The critiques of Buddha’s food were really splitting hairs, where the other two had more serious dings.
  22. Not just the finale. Evelyn did have her bunuelo/rosette iron during the regular season, Sarah brought her own homemade jerk sauce (which she used a couple of times in LCK), and who can forget Nick’s 26.spice mix, which he used multiple times in the competition.
  23. Sorkin had a couple of writing tics on TWW, “yeah” was one, and people saying “OK” in a certain tone before walking away was another. Both of those were gone from the show’s dialog once he was gone.
  24. I don’t think they were trays, I think they were stencils, so they’d be lifted off and leave the pattern in batter on a sheet of parchment, to be baked and then shaped. Those tuiles looked too delicate to take ouf of a mold intact.
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