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Everything posted by Lugal

  1. It never bothered me because it's a subtle shade of meaning between them, sort of the English equivalent of the Dubitative mood, expressing doubtful, uncertain or dubious information. "We had lunch when she arrived." This relays information about two actions. "We had lunch whenever she arrived." Again this relays information about two actions, while expressing uncertainty about one of them: the time of her arrival.
  2. Especially since the "five whores" said Ben's sewing circle kept him off those nasty street drugs. What was Dickie really covering up?
  3. The fun of Hallmark, by sheer volume we're bound to get some good ones. My can't miss is probably A Biltmore Christmas. Bethany Joy Lenz, two Star Trek actors (one of whom is Cmdr. Riker) and time travel? I am so there. Holiday Road. A good Christmas road trip can be fun. Mystery on Mistletoe Lane, I'm curious to see Erica Cerra since Eureka (although nothing will ever top the Eureka Christmas episode "Do You See What I See") and something other than a romance (Kidding, I know there will be romance too) Heidelberg Holiday, A Merry Scottish Christmas and My Norwegian Holiday could promise some good scenery porn. I like Rachel Skarsten, Paul Campbell, Andrew Walker, Rachael Leigh Cook, and Kimberly Sustad so I'll probably check out their movies. I'd also check out Everything Christmas for Katherine Barrell. If she's as good as she was on Wynonna Earp, it could be worth it to watch her steal every scene from Cindy Busby. And of course there's Haul Out the Holly: Lit Up, Lacey Chabert's Christmas stoner movie (I would assume by the title, and honestly, don't you want to see that, too?)
  4. Mabel did tell Loretta that the killer often tries to insinuate themself into the investigation.
  5. Yeah, I never watched That 70's Show because I was a few years out of high school then and had no desire to relive that and I was too young for the 70's nostalgia wave.
  6. Star Trek fans have been pointing this out since the logo was revealed.
  7. In middle school and high school there was showers, but after sixth grade none of us ever used them. I slipped once in the shower and hit my head, and had a headache for a while afterward, but was otherwise seemingly fine. Never showered after that. That's probably a liability for the school. Honestly, other than the hardcore jocks, I don't think any of the rest of us ever put in the effort to work up a sweat for a shower. No one in high school showered after gym, mostly because there wouldn't have been enough time. That's how it was at my school, there was this one group of girls who were involved in everything: academics, athletics, etc. Someone once told me "High school is the closest I hope you ever come to being incarcerated." I remember way back then I lived in fear of growing up to be one of those 35-year-olds looking back on high school as the best time of their life. Fortunately, some of my best memories are after high school.
  8. I just assume it's one of Mabel's quirks that Theo is probably used to by now. Add in the fact that Mabel's signing isn't fluent, I have to wonder how much of the conversation either of them get.
  9. Dickie is definitely a suspect, but if he is innocent, I sort of assumed that he paid Uma the $7000 for the hankie because he wanted some small piece of Ben back. Which would explain his rant at Mabel about how everyone wanted to cash in on his brother's death. I did see in Uma's klepto closet behind the clothes what looked like a poster with Nathan Lane on it.
  10. Kutcher had that prank show Punk'd in the early 2000's. He always kind of struck me as having a bit of a mean streak (not saying's he's as bad as Danny, but I could see how he would fall in with him) It sounds like they had a strong enough case against Gargiulo that Even if Kutcher's story doesn't hold up, it doesn't really matter. (I'm not a lawyer so take this for what it's worth) It may give Gargiulo grounds for appeal, but I don't think it will get him off. However, I would think Kutcher could be on the hook for perjury if it did turn out to be true.
  11. OK, I can kinda understand them, they're sticking up for a long-time friend and they never saw that side of him (or chose not to see it). And it is tragic that his daughter will grow up never seeing her father. But there is one person that is responsible for all of that: Danny Masterson. He hurt the Jane Does, their families and now his own family. I really hope he takes the next 30 years to reflect on that.
  12. Yeah, it's definitely lost something this season. The Arconia is a character itself and losing that fells like we've lost a central pillar of the show. Not to mention all the recurring background characters, Teddy, Theo, Lucy, Ursula, Lester, the podcast fan club, etc. Howard is the only Arconian we've seen regularly. Pretty much all of this. This season feels very unfocused.
  13. They're also health code violations, but no one on TV ever seems to be cited.
  14. Years ago, there was a couple of Star Trek books that went into Khan's origins as well. I keep meaning to track them down, but as I understand it, they tie Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln (Assignment: Earth) into the whole story as well.
  15. And Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah. Put 'em on the murder board!
  16. It doesn't bother me either that actors don't match their character, that's the fun of acting. For me it's more when they don't get it quite right. For Khan, it was very cool they acknowledged the Sikhs, but Khan is also a very Muslim name. And like Sulu, a Japanese character with a Filipino-sounding last name. But it was just kind of weird to hear Frenchman Jean-Luc Picard speaking in Received Pronunciation. Apparently Patrick Stewart tried a French accent but the producers didn't go with it. For some reason...
  17. Never got into Big Bang Theory so I'm not that familiar with Kunal Nayyer, but I agree Patel would have been good. Not sure how Penn would have done it, if he played it quirky, but I wonder if he would have played it straight. Another actor who would have been good would have been Naveen Andrews. Out of Bollywood actors, Shah Rukh Khan would have rocked it, and Hrithik Roshan, he usually plays heroes, so it would have been interesting to see him play a villain. Ricardo Montalban made Khan what he was, but it was one of those weird examples of Star Trek casting (a Mexican playing an Indian character), like where British Patrick Stewart plays French Jean-Luc Picard.
  18. Because Abrams is a hack? They wanted to rehash The Wrath of Khan but no remake could ever be as good as the original. Cumberbatch is good, just not for Khan. There are lots of charismatic Bollywood actors and I would have loved to see what they could have done as Khan.
  19. With regard to Carlos Santana (this one surprised me) and Alice Copper, (who had been trending more conservative over the years anyway). There's not much to say about Santana, but with regard to Cooper, there's a few different things going on that he's conflating here. I think there are cases of a "transgender fad" (I see non-binary being more of a fad than transgender, hence the meme I saw: "non-binary is the new emo"). I won't speak for trans people, but assume that by the time they take the step of transitioning, they are secure in their identity enough to do so. Are there parents that want the clout of being "parent of a trans child" like Munchausen by Proxy? Probably. If you dig hard enough you can find cases of all of this. But that doesn't mean they are the default. And it is no reason to take away rights and hurt the rest of the community in the process. If anything it calls for more medical and psychological support. As for the already debunked bathroom myth, Alice Cooper highlights the few times trans people perpetuate crimes rather than the much more numerous times when they were the victims (and to clarify there has never been a case where a trans person raped someone in the "wrong" bathroom). And like was mentioned upthread, criminals don't care. There's always going to be identities that the mainstream perceives as weird (see the Otherkin) and in a way I kinda get it. I think in recent decades we as a culture have suffered blows to our identity concepts and we're all reeling while searching for new ones. "Wokeness" is something else entirely, only tenuously connected to trans issues. A nebulous concept that has largely taken the meaning of "anything certain people don't like." At the same time corporate woke-washing and the occasional useful idiot have done more harm than good. A lot of non-bigoted people know they are being manipulated, but lack the vocabulary to articulate exactly how. And that has given an opening to very dangerous elements. I recently saw an interview with trans activist Erin Reed which documents the bad state of anti-trans legislation. Oh, just to clarify for Alice Cooper and everyone who wants to throw it out there as some kind of proof: the cat thing comes from a school that stocked cat litter not for children who identify as cats, but for bathroom needs in case of an extended lockdown situation, like from a school shooting, which is a whole other sad commentary on our society.
  20. The White Room was funny the first time, with the Noodle-Incident kinda vibe, but it was diminishing returns for the rest of the ep. I loved the gag with Kimber selling whatever she could. The "skin serum" that was Vaseline mixed with club soda, and it was a fun contrast with Cinda's Goop line. Which reminds me, just some advice for Mabel: The money won't be worth it. Cinda's last assistant (and if you work for her, you will be treated as one) tried to frame her for murder. On the suspects list: we've added Joy, but she's probably a red herring. Kimber seems to be off the list for now.
  21. That movie never sat right with me, mostly because Oher comes off as little better than a large dog in it, and I'm sorry it was such a source of pain for him (and made people assume he was stupid).
  22. I still think of Paul Rubens in the 1992 Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie. He stole every scene he was in, especially with that death scene. Goes without saying, but: fuck cancer!
  23. Caught a Hallmark movie the other day where Rachel Boston dreams of starting her own jewelry business. I didn't know you could start something like that out of your living room. It was just so easy! She's just cutting in designs with her dremel while talking on the phone and firing up the torch right there with her hair loose. And none of her friends complained about the smell. But then again I didn't see any jars with big labels like "Acid: do not drink!" So I guess that means that firescale must not be that big a deal either.
  24. The pin-pen merger. I'm guessing you lived in the South?
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