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  1. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/entertainment/a31990894/matt-amy-roloff-relationship-divorce-truth/
  2. Agreed. I wondered as well since she deleted the post.
  3. Yes, she is. Amy also revealed that Tori and Zach's new baby will be a little person, I'm not sure if that's already been posted here. She has since deleted the video. https://popculture.com/reality-tv/2019/11/05/little-people-big-world-amy-roloff-reveals-zach-tori-roloff-daughter-little-person/
  4. I agree. When Mama Donna mentioned the rumor that's been going around about Vanessa wanting to be on television, I felt the tears were more out of nerves/stress than genuine hurt. Nothing about the Snowden trio rang true to me. I never felt any warmth between them. All three are beautiful to look at and they're quite charismatic, but to me they were doing nothing more than working on their acting skills in the hope of bigger roles down pipeline. Actually, the only honest emotion I ever saw was Dimitri being a horn dog. The lust in his eyes for Vanessa right out of the gate (same look with Jocelyn last season) made my skin crawl at times.
  5. After one of Vanessa's friends came forward saying "she always wanted to be on TV" it became even more obvious it was all an act. Who knows how much the Showdens were in on it too. I'm suspicious of them all. The three of them are clearly seeking fame on a higher level. As someone on here mentioned earlier, Vanessa was way too willing to change her entire life for this family. To me she always has ulterior motives and I believe The Snowdens were well aware of it. The whole thing was a con.
  6. So sad to read today that the Foster family lost baby Adonijah in a fire. :( Meri Brown posted today about the fundraiser to help the family. Pic of Lillian with Adonijah here. So heartbreaking. :( https://www.sltrib.com/news/polygamy/2017/04/03/more-utah-polygamists-are-the-subject-of-a-tv-series-this-time-airing-in-britain/
  7. moved post to Foster family forum.
  8. Absolutely! I thought the same thing.
  9. He's most definitely not my type either. *shudder* I find his man hunt blood *pounds chest* attitude really off-putting. Is there anything else to this guy? Zzzz. Then there was the way his first child just *had* to be a boy. Although I'm sure he would have dressed a girl in camo and had a blood cake for her 1st birthday anyway. The man doesn't seem to know much else. All the while Maddie sits back and watches with an adoring smile plastered on her face. I guess someone has to love him.
  10. Yeah really. I'm pretty sick of Caleb I have to say. His boring one dimensional cave man act.
  11. According to someone on Facebook, Drew said they are coming back for a second season, but with new families.
  12. Joselyn and Melina are now posting on facebook group Seeking Sister Wife Fan group. They were given an official welcome and it seems to be them. This just keeps getting more weird.
  13. Yes, I get the feeling Drew has issues with April too and is just weary of it. And who can blame him. She's clearly the one most responsible for that family's misery.
  14. After watching for a few weeks now, my feelings haven't changed much. The Brineys - Disagree with the majority on this forum as I (still) cannot stand April. She wouldn't know an honest emotion if it smacked her in the face. That fake sicky sweet tone she uses all the time. Give me a break. I find her to be incredibly transparent. I still maintain she's a massive manipulator and the biggest problem in that family. The Snowdens - I think we all saw this coming from a mile away and so did Ashley. haha. Why are they even on this show? All the same, they are oddly entertaining. I also get the feeling they both totally know the score between themselves and are just using the show for some easy money and exposure. They seem more savvy than the others to me. I also don't really think Ashley cares one way or another what Dimitri does in the bedroom department so I don't think him sleeping with Jocelyn (despite their so-called agreement) really phased her. I just never feel like they are being entirely honest to the camera about their feelings and intentions. The Allridges - The most typical polygamy family on the show, complete with creepy poly husband and wive's that talk in hushed tones and look like they could burst out crying any minute. All the polygamist husbands act the same, it's so weird. The same vocal intonations and everything. I can only assume they all talk in that fake, sweet, calm, hushed tone because they are constantly trying to be soothing because their wives are always a wreck trying to deal with this nutty lifestyle. Kody on SW is the only exception I've seen. He actually acts fairly normal by poly husband standards,
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