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Everything posted by Taralightner

  1. Who said this; ”I hate to ask. Do you mind if I stay with you for a few days until I can find a hotel? I promise to be out as soon as possible.” Bonus points: who responded to her request?
  2. I wish we lived close to each other! I teach adults as well. My oldest student right now is 78; most of the 15 adults had no experience before starting with me, and many of them have now signed up for ballet tap and jazz. Adult classes are my favorite times of the week! And, all of them have elected to be in the recitals at the end of the year!!! Love working with them and am always proud of them for getting under the lights!!!
  3. Didn’t Heather mess up on kick line at finals? Also, did they say her kicks were low? Or, was all of this Allie? I loved Heather, but low kicks as a vet, and messing up on kickline at finals is scary for a vet.
  4. Just doesn’t seem fair. I know that they are set up like this, and it might have to do with interest earnings on the entire trust, but it seems unfair to me.
  5. The music replacement is SOOO annoying! Doesn’t CMT have the money to buy the music rights for more years? I mean, come on! I want to see the dances to the music they were choreographed for- over and over- I’ve watched all seasons too many times to count, and it annoys me every time. And the Musak/ Elevator crap is just BS. They could at least pop in an up and coming artist to give them some promotion.
  6. Just wondering why Victoria has one wait until NOEL is 30 before she get her part of the trust. Doesn’t seem fair as she will turn 30 before him.
  7. So very sad for your story, @sasha206 I know how it is to be a caretaker of someone with cancer. I can’t imagine that person being my husband. You are so strong. Thinking of you as you continue to move forward.
  8. We haven’t gotten to Columbia yet... I’m reserving judgement on changes until then. Lol
  9. @English Teacher If you picture how a flower blooms, beautifully, never the same way twice, with petals opening softly, but haphazardly, that may help. Dance arms are really never haphazard and should be able to be repeated, exactly, over and over by everyone who does the steps... always in a uniform, purposeful manner. Feet and legs are the same as well. By the way, I’m always nervous about my grammar when I send posts directly to you. Lol
  10. I vote Ashton for Director and Brooke as Choreographer and Jennifer as Assistant Choreographer and teacher. Let’s keep Kitty for a lifetime appointment- like the Supreme Court- but she’s not allowed to retire.
  11. Yes. It makes sense. They are using “painting arms” and (even though I haven’t picked up on them saying it) “flower arms” to describe what I did above. I THINK puppy dog hands is a Pom term- I’m NOT trained in Pom at all, but from context, I think it refers to breaking at the wrist when holding poms instead of holding and using them as an extension of the arm and wrist.
  12. @English Teacher To add to my response: In Ballet, there are very specific arm positions that dancers learn very early in their education. As a dancer moves, arms are meant to pass through those specific positions as the transition from one piece of choreography to the next. If one would take a picture of the dancer, those specific arm positions should be able to be identified as the movement continues. Someone not familiar with this training, or someone without the muscle memory might not “hit” these positions “correctly.” Many forms of dance use ballet technique as their foundation. However, hip hop doesn’t share this origin, although many trained dancers will refer to these techniques for vocabulary, or reference points, while learning hip hop styles.
  13. Kitty uses “painting with arms” a lot. That just means that the arms are floating and not moving with sharp focus. Think of a hippy dancing thoughtlessly with flowing arms that are all over the place as opposed to a traffic cop. Can you give me context for the “flower arm” comment? I’m a dance teacher (not as my only profession) and have danced since I was 4, but have never heard this term as a formal dance term.
  14. deleting a question that I was able to answer for myself. Sorry.
  15. @WireWrap- agreed! And lol... bet your bottom dollar that Andy has it. We’ll never know if he’s willing to share with The Countess. Lol
  16. Not Ashley Paige, not Ashley Pro. The Ashley that I’m talking about had blonde hair. NOT the Ashley that had trouble with her “sexy” during TC.
  17. Or we’ll get another WWHL at Lu’s house. This time Andy will bring a pot of tea, or a joint in lieu of the wine. I’m kidding about the joint ;) In most trusts, there are monthly allowances set up for the beneficiaries. They receive that allowance and have to go ask permission for more if they need it. When the trust ends, they get whatever is left after those allowances were paid during the time of the trust.
  18. I think that means that they have full access to all the money at 30 years of age. A trust is set up to help young adults SAVE money, and while trust exists they have to go to trustee (sometimes a third party attorney) to ask for money beyond whatever allowance is set up in the trust. So at 30, they would get all that is left in the trust and control that money on their own. This prevents a 21 year old from blowing through millions before they are more mature.
  19. I’m almost positive it was when Kitty was there and they were looking at the entire room, not just pink. It MIGHT have been her rookie year, but I think she was in blue when Kitty said it... she said, “I love her; she’s just nasty” to Kelli and Judy. @English Teacher- am I remembering correctly?
  20. Kitty said it about Ashley Marie in her second year during a Kitty night or at show group auditions.
  21. When Judy retires... who replaces her? What about Kelli? It looks like we’re years away from either, but does anyone know the succession plan?
  22. Ramononster jealous of attention she’s getting? Someone in Tom’s circle/ family? Sonja “innocently commenting” on rumors?
  23. @WireWrap and @AnnA- I really hope you both are right. I don’t take any stock in TMZ.. I’m more concerned that a suit was filed, if it was filed... again, I like Lu... it doesn’t sound like her-especially the kids thing.... I really hope it’s nothing.
  24. If this is true, and they are quoting filed docs to the court, I’m disgusted. There’s always 2 sides to this stuff, but this is really UNCOOL Lulu
  25. To a. Kelli said “with all your glory” to Alexandria on the practice field? Season 8 or 9. Right?
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