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Posts posted by sharkerbaby

  1. Alright, I'll play.  on the 16 personalities site, I came out as an ISFJ-T and although not a perfect description of me, it is pretty dang gone close.  On the other site mentioned here, I turned out to be an INTJ - that description was way off.  So I took it again thinking through every question and trying to be brutally honest and I came back as an even stronger INTJ!!  When I looked at the description of an ISFJ it was so spot on that I was almost moved to tears at the accuracy (I felt very understood - weird that understanding by a website that didn't even assess me as an ISFJ would be moving but I still felt comforted).  In fact, I have actually used one particular statement that was found in the description to explain who I am to others on more than one occasion (specifically close family members, i.e. my mother - who don't seem to get me).  What was that statement you might ask?  The phrase in quotes in this sentence... An adult ISFJ may drive a (later ashamed) friend or SO into a fit of temper over the ISFJ's unexplained moodiness, only afterwards to explain about a death in the family they "didn't want to burden anyone with."  I am so strongly motivated to not "burden" anyone that it is pretty near impossible for me to ask for help no matter how minor or inconsequential the assistance may be.  But by golly ask me to help you and I will drop everything and trip all over my self to do whatever I can.  This is one of the traits that I wish I could change about myself - it is surprisingly stressful and the older I get the worse it gets.  This not asking for help is so misunderstood, I'm accused of being too proud, too stubborn, too untrusting, too arrogant, and more when in fact it is quite the opposite as it's closer to feeling unworthy and fearing that I would be imposing on others.  I'm much more comfortable being out of mind than being worried about.  Someone not thinking about me is much less detrimental to them than having them stress over me and releasing all those horrible stress hormones and other chemicals into their bodies and minds.

    So I think I'm going to go with the 16 personalities site as the one that assessed me accurately.

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  2. On 7/4/2020 at 5:57 AM, Lizzing said:

    backing into parking spaces...which is the key indicator of an asshole

    What?? Why? I've never heard this.  I typically don't (other than into my driveway) but I do pull through whenever possible so that I'm facing out and that somehow makes me an asshole????   Really?  If I was better at it I certainly would back into spaces because upon arriving there are far fewer blind spots providing excellent awareness and visibility versus backing out where there are blind spots abound.

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  3. On 6/27/2020 at 7:43 PM, Nysha said:

    So in the first hat picture Mykelti is wearing the 'Rad is Weird' shirt over the yellow polka-dot dress and tied it at the waist to make the dress look like a skirt? That's an interesting fashion choice.

    Without focusing on whether the two pieces compliment each other, from a conceptual point of view, what's the issue with adding versatility to one's wardrobe by wearing a shirt, sweater, or other over a dress to it gives the illusion of a skirt and top?  It's actually a quite common suggestion from fashion advisors.

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  4. 5 hours ago, smarty2020 said:

    Wouldn't health insurance pay for scoliosis surgery?


    The article states that amount is after insurance is applied.

    4 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    Per Robyn, if god wanted them to have health insurance, he would have provided.

    Obviously, they don't have health insurance, otherwise it would not have taken a cancer scare to get the mcnugget removed from Janelles lip. I don't have kids but do schools require kids attending to have health insurance ?

    Public schools do not, at least in none of the states that I am familiar with.  Colleges and Universities do but lower grades do not.

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  5. On 6/23/2020 at 12:14 PM, RoxiP said:

    I agree.  It's not like the charter guests are all meeting later to discuss what was served every meal!  If a chef repeats dishes from charter to charter what is the problem with that, as long as they are well executed and the guests are happy?  

    This one of the most ridiculous complaints Sandy raises about the chefs (this isn't the first time).  I don't care if they're on a super yacht.  I don't even care if the guests compare experiences later.  Does she think luxury hotels change their menu with every guest turn over or even every week?   Using her logic they better change out the water toys with every new charter else guests will be disappointed that they weren't getting a unique experience.


    18 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Based on the convo in the meeting with Pete acting surprised that she was talking about him calling her sweetie/sweetheart it seemed pretty clear that she never addressed it because she just kept saying “really?” With incredulity and never mentioned that she had talked to him about it before. I mean Pete was obviously lying about not realizing it was him and the “I am just a country boy from Virginia” bullshit but Malia should have nipped it in the bud from the start. She said on SM she didn’t because she was trying to figure him out which I thought was dumb because you need to lead from the start and not let habits form.

    If Malia spoke to Pete directly before chatting with Captain Sandy, they didn't show us.  We only got talking head complaints from her.  Moreover, as Biakbiak points out, perhaps we should take her at her word when she herself says she didn't talk to Pete.  Also Pete may be a sexist jerk and regardless of his motivations whether they are to undermine her, disrespect her or just because he's a mindless idiot,  Malia, as his boss, still has a responsibility to point out and correct unacceptable behavior.  His words may offend but they do not rise to the level of egregious action that would justify immediate dismissal therefore, it is her duty to notify and identify corrective action.

    I don't see any of the observations discussed here as excusing him at the expense of the women involved and faulting them for his behavior.  This is a classic management theory issue.  It highlights Malia's inexperience as a manager and Captain Sandy's tendency to micro manage and undermine the authority of her direct reports.

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  6. @Kyanight you already read and reacted to my previous post but wanted to add that my assessment of the last season by saying it was "satisfying" truely doesn't give it justice but I didn't want to spoil by indicating if it was a sad, happy, depressing, horrifying, etc ending so could only come up with satisfying as a neutral yet encouraging word to use.

  7. 18 hours ago, Kyanight said:

    Edit:  I forgot to say - I really enjoyed Orphan Black.  There were several scenes that shocked me (in a good way - Like the one handler who got her scarf caught in the garbage disposal and died! LOL)  I haven't seen the last season yet - did you like the ending?  Because I sure did NOT like the ending of GOT!

    Clone Club!!  We are "sestras"!  Like all the seasons the last season was a bit tangled at times, overall I enjoyed it quite a bit and the ending was satisfying.  I came out wanting more Clone Club though.  I think it's time for a re-watch; it looks like it's available on Prime so guess what I'll be starting this weekend? 😀

    I know what you mean regarding the shock scenes, you'd be watching totally engaged then suddenly eyes widen, mouth drops, and your thinking "whoa, really? They really just did that!".  There also were quite a few hysterical moments scattered throughout (which often were greatly needed and appreciated) - I loved so many of Allison's antics always trying so hard to maintain her perfect housewife persona.

    And Tatiana - she was unbelievable!  She made each one of those women come to life in such a magnificent manner.  They were all so very different yet so very similar - and when she acted as one sister pretending to be another sister who was pretending to be a third - spectacular acting - the mannerisms of the original showed through but so subtlety that you were gently reminded that this was pretending on top of pretending.

    @laurakaye - thanks for the Jamal mention, I got sucked into many of his reaction videos, he's great.  After the 3 Carpenters videos his vid for "Devil Went Down to Georgia" came up... did you see that one?  Hilarious.  I ended up subscribing to his channel, he's done so many excellent classic songs from all sorts of genres.  Great find - thanks!

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  8. I don't have HBO either but saw the trailer for the show - it does look good.  In addition to Matthew Rhys it also has Tatiana Maslany from Orphan Black!!  I'll wait a bit but two fantastic actors from two of my all time favorite shows, might have to bite the bullet and get an HBO subscription. (also has John Lithgow, who I also love).

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  9. A little peak into the paranoid part of my psyche:   that "numb" feeling mentioned above, I believe that is becoming rather prevalent and should be foreseeable as overexposure to anything can easily lead to desensitization.  My fear here is that it's a little like "attack therapy" in that people can be beaten down to such a point that they are then susceptible and willing to accept far more than they would have been otherwise.   It's almost like we are being conditioned and our way of life as we know it (and perhaps value) will never be even close to what it once was, and I'm talking in ways outside of anything that a novel virus has brought about.

    As just a few examples - Who would have thought:

    • even just 2 months ago that we would seriously be considering abolishing the police? 
    • 4 months ago that we'd be looking at every stranger, neighbor, friend and even family with weary suspicion and distrust?
    • 6 months ago we'd be asked to monitor everyone around us and given a special number by the government to call and report even our neighbors, friends, and family members for non compliance with the government's guidelines? (sound familiar  - think back to Stalinist era Soviet Union)
    • a year or 2 ago that we'd be stumbling over how to refer to someone when using pronouns?
    • 5 years ago it'd be common place to vilify and shout down those who have opinions different from our own?
    • 6 years ago some religions could be practiced with impunity while others are looked upon with derision and mockery?
    • 6 years ago a nuclear family would be looked upon as a problem that should be dismantled while a non traditional family was lauded and praised?
    • 10 years ago much of parenting decisions regarding the health, well being, values, and morals would be taken out of the hands of parents and handed over to the schools and other social services organizations?

    I am not typically a conspiracy theorist but so much has morphed and in an extremely accelerated time frame that I wonder if any of us will like how we are living 5 or 10 years from now.  None of those are small subtle gradual changes rather they are significant sweeping changes that penetrate very significant portions of our daily lives.

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  10. I abhor the tendency of today's society to judge the past (whether it's people, events, literature, or any form of the arts, etc) based upon the values, morals, and understanding of today.  Then keeping in line with today's ever present "cancel culture" we tend to assign everything even remotely associated with said individual, event, author, etc as evil incarnate.  I'm sure we've all heard the phrase "don't throw the baby out with the bath water", well it seems to me, that is being done on a massive scale across all aspects of our society and culture and it truly concerns me.

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  11. Taking a shot in the dark here but perhaps UM (tree) UM (tree) UM  = Om (tree) Om (tree) Om?  Om as in Om chanting for meditation?

    Meri has always liked the trees - she was the one who preferred the properties on the hillside with the dense trees, it was only Robyn who was afraid of the potential fires.

    I suspect Meri is not being pressured in the same way other reps may be as I think her "celebrity" status and the many eyes (aka potential customers/retailers) she brings with her affords her some leeway that others do not enjoy.

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  12. Always a lot of concern shown when someone tries to evade arrest as well.  Running, evasion, non compliance, and disregarding instructions certainly ensures ones own safety as well as those around you including innocent bystanders.  /sarcasm  Should go without saying but it's necessary to express that none of these actions justify death - it's almost a certainty there would be minuscule risk of injury let alone death if compliance was the first course of action rather than the last.

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  13. So I don't know if anyone else finds morphology (in relation to linguistics) at all interesting but I sometimes find myself searching how these things come about.  So in this case I jumped from "folx" to "womxn" because I thought the "x" in folx was a growth from the "x" in womxn.  I further believed the "x" was to highlight the expression was related to the x chromosome found in the DNA of females thereby in effect removing the "man" or "men" (or male gender) from the word making it exclusively female and independent of the male gender.  Given all that you can imagine my confusion when it came to the "y" in "womyn". They are trying to take the "man" out, why in the world would they put it back in with the y chromosome?

    Don't know if I made that all up in my mind or heard it somewhere sometime in my "travels."  Regardless, I was quite wrong.  In fact the use of "x" is more closely related to the traditional mathematical expression of "x" representing a variable - Who knew???   

    Here's just one of a number of articles I found delving into the origins of the various forms of "woman"  If we already have “womyn” and “womxn,” what’s all this “wimmin” business?


    Now back to your regularly scheduled program; and I will take any further musings related to this to the "small talk" thread.  Thank you for your indulgence.

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  14. 12 minutes ago, Teafortwo said:

    Lol yeah. This reminds me of a question I've been wanting to ask about this "folx" thing. I understand about gender-neutral pronouns and all, but the term "folks" is already gender-neutral, isn't it? So why on earth does the plural form need to be replaced by an "x"? This is a serious question. Does anybody know? 

    Easiest just to refer to some internet sources than for me to stumble over my words to try to explain...


    Found this summary in a write-up (full article linked below): 

    • "Folx" is an alternative spelling to the familiar word "folks". The spelling has been adopted by some communities because it can be used to indicate inclusion of marginalized groups.


    The Urban dictionary version (which seems to be more in line when talking about Mariah)

    • folx
    • A strange, unnecessary misspelling of “folks” popularized by people who think using a gender-neutral term for an already gender-neutral word is woke.  
    • Source: Folx
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  15. 1 hour ago, suomi said:

    Thank you for the clarification but the fact remains that the concept is meaningless. Politically correct, but meaningless.

    Even if someone's preference for they/them is known it is impractical and/or useless in myriad situations where gender matters.

    Over time there have been numerous transformative and lasting contributions made to society as youngs make their mark.

    They/them is a fad, and by definition a fad is something that comes... and then goes, and is faintly recalled.

    Like most of what spews from Mariah's yap, they/them is a yawn 'cause there ain't no meat on them bones.

    I agree.  I in no way intended my post to indicate one way or the other the validity of such designations and self-proclamations.  I was simply responding to a post that seemed to have a misunderstanding of the meaning when one designates one's preferred pronouns.  The sole purpose of my post was to inform, not to indicate my opinion of the current expressions and beliefs of gender ideologies prevalent in society today.

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  16. 5 minutes ago, Adiba said:

    Does Mariah think it is ever OK to use "he?" Or does the person have to specify that they want to be called "he?" If she is walking down the street and a person attacks her, will she report to the police that "they" attacked her, even if it was only a single person? If the police ask if was a male or a female, will she say, " I don't know what gender?"

    When someone specifies their pronouns they are indicating to others in what manner they want to be referred.  It has no bearing on how they will refer to others.  So if I were to include my pronouns in my signature I'd say she/her/hers most times you won't find the plural pronouns unless the individual presents as non binary in which case often it is they/them/theirs 

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  17. That looks like 5 hens to me.  I'm on a small screen so can't be sure but I see no long thin hackle or saddle feathers, and I definitely do not see any sickle feathers.

    I know that wasn't the point to your comment but as a chicken person couldn't resist clarifying

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  18. On 5/30/2020 at 4:05 PM, Sofa Sloth said:

    I’d never even heard of this idea! To me it seems outrageous to dismantle a system designed to uphold and enforce law, but then I don’t live in America and our cops are not heavily armed. We have strict gun control laws. I know nothing of police brutality, two of my good friends are in the police force and are caring good humans. In New Zealand where I grew up police did not even carry guns and this kind of police brutality would not happen unless it was self defence. This may be a sweeping generalisation, but we seem to have much less racial tension in Australia and New Zealand also. Obviously white privilege and racism is very real and exists everywhere, but America seems to still have more of a divide still maybe due to the systems in place and history. I’m of New Zealand Maori descent (indigenous people of New Zealand), I grew up in a culture that was technically the disadvantaged minority, however due to New Zealand’s solid social system, I never felt less others. In fact, I received grants to further my education, sImply due to my heritage. I was given equal opportunity in education and in health care as white kids. I wonder if it not the police that are the problem, it’s just systemic racism. You get racists in every profession, but it’s a big problem if they are in positions of power, (like politics and law enforcement) and are the ones dictating the laws. It appears America doesn’t have those basic systems right, to fight the inequalities that still come from being a minority and oppressed race from the start. Fixing the health care system, the welfare system, education system inequalities, introducing gun control laws, better psychological checks on those entering positions of power - just overhauling basic systems that allow inequalities to exist, would surely be more helpful than removing law enforcement? The bigger the economic divide, the bigger the white privilege and racial problem grows. 

    Hmm, these are some interesting assessments made from afar

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  19. I find it interesting that she doesn't seem to have even a single original discussion point for any of her many many causes.  EVERYTHING she posts are standard talking points for today's social justice warriors.  All she does is parrot the rally cries of others.  In fact, more than once I have recognized almost word for word reiterations from other activists. So all she is doing is trying to pretend other's words are her own.

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  20. The "abolish police" movement is far from new and far more widespread than many of you may realize.  I first heard about it probably a decade ago and it's done nothing but grow.  It seems to be a parallel faction to the abolish ICE movement but gets far less coverage.

    For illustrative sake, before posting I did a quick search to find an early mainstream write-up and found a Rolling Stone article from 2014 Policing is a Dirty Job, But Nobody’s Gotta Do It: 6 Ideas for a Cop-Free World  I'm certain I came across the concept years before when it was beginning to gain momentum and visibility.

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  21. 1 hour ago, Absolom said:

    CDC recommendation:

    Cleaning hands at key times with soap and water or hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol is one of the most important steps you can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to those around you.

    Thanks.  I was mistaken the recommendation does require 60% concentration of ethanol (it's 70% if isopropanol). 

    As I had mentioned the  formulation does not reach the consumer at 100% ethanol and is in all likelihood produced using the WHO forumlation as the FDA has provided for in it's "Policy for Temporary Compounding of Certain Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer Products During the Public Health Emergency Immediately in Effect Guidance for Industry".  Specifically, this policy indicates the formulation should be:

    "3. The hand sanitizer is compounded according to the following formula consistent with World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations: 

    a. Alcohol (ethanol) (formulated to 80%, volume/volume (v/v)) in an aqueous solution; or Isopropyl Alcohol (formulated to 75%, v/v) in an aqueous solution. 
    b. Glycerin (glycerol) (1.45% v/v).
    c. Hydrogen peroxide (0.125% v/v).
    d. Sterile distilled water or boiled cold water.

    The compounder does not add other active or inactive ingredients, such as ingredients to improve the smell or taste due to the risk of accidental ingestion in children. Different or additional ingredients may impact the quality and potency of the product."

    So the final product concentration is ~80% active ingredient, diluting that by 33% brings the final concentration to ~52.8%


    ETA:  If anyone really wants to get into the weeds, here is the actual WHO guide for hand sanitizer production.  Specifically since we are talking drinking alcohol distilleries here they would in all likelihood be following "formulation 1" as that uses product from their core business.  Guide to Local Production: WHO-recommended Handrub Formulations

    ETA Part 2:  I only know this because as I mentioned earlier, my cousins own a distillery so I have been privy to some of the considerations that went into deciding to switch to hand sanitizer production.  And in fact they originally decided against it and declined to produce the product despite being approached by high profile entities.  Once the FDA temporarily eased their oversight and enforcement of the standard regulations, the door was opened for production.

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