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Posts posted by sharkerbaby

  1. I believe Lemons is referring to earlier seasons (maybe season 2?) when Abby was giving Nia culturally inspired dances and costumes.  There was significant backlash from both Holly and viewers.

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  2. I fully believe the twins, Sam, and the rest of the saga is fake.  That being said:


    My water broke w/ both my kids and yet I had c-sections w/ both of them.  My first was presenting forehead first and due to low muscle tone wasn't able to be repositioned.  My second was born too soon after my first so I wasn't a candidate for a VBAC.  She arrived two weeks earlier than when the Dr. figured the due date was so we hadn't scheduled the C yet. 


    Every birth, pregnancy, and mother is different I was one of those moms who was very active right up until I was headed to the hospital, so much so that I argued w/ my husband about whether I was even in labor and refused to quit what i was doing until my water broke and it was patently obvious the baby was coming.

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  3. I don't want to bring out any spoilers, but this is the first I've heard of something to do with Meri being catfished. Can someone point me to a place where I can read to catch up on this story line?


    You can read all the sordid details right here in the Meri thread.  I think there's some in the media thread too.  It broke sometime late September and has been discussed extensively so you'll have to go back a some pages but there's a ton of info and links to other sources.

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  4. Just want to gently put out there that this and a few other threads seem to be dancing on the line of "fat shaming".  I'm not one who is typically riled up about this but I've been seeing it more and more here and I'm just getting a little uncomfortable with it.

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  5. Rebecca said she was making the costumes, and kind of fiddled around with thread while holding them, but they sure did look well-made and from a variety of materials...


    ehh, I've been making my kids costumes since they were born.  The costumes for the young ones are super easy regardless of variety of fabrics, wings, bonnets, hats, whatever.  It's when they get older and want things like Cleopatra's mummy with a white chiffon strip dress or Attack on Titans Police Corp uniform with leather straps and gear that you really have to have some skill.

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  6. She's not. She's just gone from being her own boss to having a boss, the insurance company. She will be investigating cases/ claims they give her.

    She told Sherlock she still intends to work with him and Kitty.


    For me, that is where the pull to come back to Sherlock is going to be. Either the company will be full of sketchy folks whom Joan can't work with ultimately, or  the company will be like the stereotypical cop's wife and not get that a case she and Sherlock are on is more immediately important than their case.


    umm, if she's being paid by them and her work with Sherlock is impacting either the quality or quantity of work she does or she pursues those cases while she is "on the clock", they have every right to have an objection to what she is doing.

  7. Dayton's eye looked pretty good.  You couldn't really tell much was wrong unless he looked up or to the side. 


    I also thought it was weird that Robyn was semi-pressuring him.  She said that he knows that when he's feeling anxious to go find a quiet spot.. and he did... LEAVE HIM ALONE!


    I have a strong suspicion that if she had not gone to check on him she would have taken even greater flack and had shade thrown her way for being uncaring and neglectful.  Consider reactions when one of the wives leaves a situation/discussion and the criticism that follows when none of the other wives or Kody go after her.


    Later...Dayton, wow. That photo of him in the hospital was so scary. I honestly didn't get a sense of him being psychologically pressured to ride (your mileage may vary), but I sure felt what a giant accomplishment it was for him. And Paedon, you are a good brother!


    Amen!  As a mother of a 14 yr old special needs son, I can tell you that without encouragement and support my son would rarely try anything new much less try to overcome a fear.  The ability to face one's uncertainties and push forward to accomplish whatever is before you is paramount in bolstering self confidence, learning that you can be self reliant, and goes a long way toward the ultimate goal of independence and living a self sufficient life (or at minimum semi-self sufficiently).


    Count me in as on Team Dayton. He never spoke much before but I was surprised how intellegent and well thought out his responses were. I snark on Robin all the time but she must have done something right to raise such a great kid, even though she passive aggressively pushed him into getting back on the ATV. 


    I couldn't agree more regarding the sentiment that Robyn must be doing something right to raise such a great kid.  And I know this will be a wildly unpopular statement but I would go so far as to extend that conviction to the family as a whole considering how great all the kids are.  I just don't see how all the kids can be so well adjusted with the often spouted "in spite of their parents".  I would buy into that if the well adjusted kid was an anomaly of one or two or even 5 but for ALL of them at least on the surface to be emotionally, behaviorally, and morally  happy, stable, and secure says something.

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  8. I wonder if she's trying to get kicked off so that way she and Chloe can be free of Abby without actually breaking a contract.

    This is exactly what I've been thinking especially since the brouhaha with Kelly. It seemed to me she was intentionally trying to instigate Abby on many occasions. Consider the time she blew into Abby's face; to me that smacked of "poking the lion" for no other reason than to get a volatile reaction.  She even had a little bit of a smirk as if saying "ha! take that! now kick us off the team please!"  or better yet, "hit me so Lifetime has no choice but to release us from filming"

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