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Everything posted by Inquisitionist

  1. I saw Knights of the Scimitar just recently. It also has a storyline about Diane being attracted to a gorgeous young student in the class she is TAing, Lance Apollonaire played by J. Eddie Peck. Favorite line: after Sam asks Diane something like "whatever happened to the woman who said looks don't matter?" Diane answers: "She just pictured Lance picking flowers in his bikini briefs." Her tone and facial expression were just perfect. (I think Carla then add: "Me, too.")
  2. Nice article about Dan Stevens in the NYTimes a few days ago. Sounds like he got out at the right time.
  3. Per IMDB, Fenn was born in Feb. 1965. The episode in question aired on Oct. 24, 1985, so I'd venture that she was 20 when it was filmed. Still pretty young -- and good catch!
  4. X and Z are bitchin' hard! So from the top again, A is for Alan Koss, who played Alan.
  5. Woody sent letters to big-city bars, and Coach was the only person who ever responded. In S1, Diane is visited by her college friend, Rebecca Proud. Rebecca has just parted ways with her long-time boyfriend, Elliott. In what field did Elliott receive his doctorate?
  6. That wouldn't really be fair to the other two, would it? ;-)
  7. Try switching genders: what man with the kind of professional responsibilities and aspirations Miranda had would agree to all that crap? And who would expect him to do so?
  8. Or you can find the answer using youtube (and see a younger Shelley with less blonde hair). :-) ETA: Here's the video. The company was Homemakers Furniture. Next question...
  9. Wasn't he with the Bruins? And new to Boston? OK, I'll go with that. :-) Before she became known as Diane Chambers, Shelley Long appeared in local TV commercials for what Chicagoland company?
  10. X always stops our momentum... How about X is for Diane's XX and Sam's XY chromosomes? As far as we know, anyway... ;-)
  11. Fair enough, but Diane insisting on having the box, and Sam keeping it from her that he basically got the same ring at a wholesale price veered too close to Lucy-and-Ricky land for my taste. If the show really had guts, the season would have ended with the Simon Finch-Royce episode and S&D sadly acknowledging that they had no business getting married.
  12. I have a love/hate relationship with S5. The episodes that JacquelineLHope and cpcathy noted are very good, as is the one with Sam's last fling, but I cringe at the one with the ring (the Diane of S1 who was ready to run off with Sumner would not give a hoot about a ring, and certainly not about its box), and Dance, Diane, Dance is an exercise in sheer humiliation.
  13. Or they were pissed off at Shelley for leaving and decided to stick it to her character.
  14. I've been rewatching much of S5, and once again, I'm appalled and angry at the character assassination the writers inflicted on Diane. They turned her into a twit.
  15. R is for Roger Rees who played Robin Colcord.
  16. Tan 'N' Wash. How could that possibly fail? According to Diane, bowlers sweat when they're wearing what?
  17. P is for Phillip Semenko, who painted Diane's Portrait in the S2 finale.
  18. Carrie's kid looks so much like Brody that I wondered if she had been CGI'd. :-)
  19. O is for Old Town Tavern. (Boo! Hiss!)
  20. F is for Jim Fleener, the city council candidate that Diane helped to to unseat Janet Eldridge.
  21. C is for Cape Cod and Copley Square, locations visited by various Cheers characters.
  22. A is for Abnormal Psychology, the S5 episode where Lilith and Frasier got hot for each other during a joint television appearance.
  23. What was the name of Lisa Pantusso's short-lived fiancé?
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