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Everything posted by Wildcat

  1. Why is he incapable of giving a straight answer? I have always thought Jim Bob gets paid for the kidults and doles out the money as he sees fit, depending on who is in favor at the time. Not to stand up for Derrick, who I generally can't stand, but he was young and knew nothing about entertainment deals/contracts, and I think Jim Bob is probably cagey as hell. I could see JB giving Derrick a song and dance and taking advantage of his youth and ignorance to keep his family on TV. If Derrick finally figured out that he was getting a raw deal and got the Dillards out of it I would actually admire him for that. But he either needs to keep his mouth shut about all of the backstage shennanigans or come out and say what happened. Otherwise it just looks like immature attention seeking.
  2. Coming out of lurkdom to comment that I am that weird person who actually likes shower games, but I physically leave the room at baby showers when they play that candy in a diaper game. It's truly revolting, and it kind of surprises me that it would be a thing at fundie showers - I would think they'd find poop jokes sinful, or at least sinful adjacent.
  3. I'm normally a lurker not a poster, but this one made me mad enough to come out of hiding. Once Sandra and her motley crew were dragging stuff out on the street, and once it had been made clear to her a couple of times what was going to happen if stuff wasn't off the street by 5 PM, why didn't they just leave her the hell alone? Maybe a couple of reminders, but not the incessant refrain of "Where are you taking this stuff? You know this has to be gone by 5 right? Don't forget it has to be gone by 5. Hey did anyone tell you this has to be gone by 5?" As far as I could tell she was out of Matt's way at that point, she wasn't holding anything up, she seemed to be minding her own business. Why not just let her play in the garbage by the curb? On that final day the show just seemed to be poking the crazy lady to make her scream. I don't necessarily feel sorry for her since the situation was of her own making, and she clearly had a history of being mean and manipulative. But the show seemed to purposely make the situation far worse so we could be entertained by the drama.
  4. But look at all of the young girls who are gushing over the Duggars on social media. Don't you think the show influenced at least a few to think that quiverfull is great, and that all these kids makes life just one big happy party with lots of BFFs living in the same house and always having a cute baby around, all while easily living in the middle class even without an education or skills? I suspect that fundy-lite or conservative Christian kids are probably allowed to watch this show and a few could be really influenced by seeing this lifestyle presented as wonderful and normal. And if even a few of those kids end up quiverfull because of that influence, that's too many. That's why I wanted it off my TV.
  5. I'd recommend watching that video without sound and imagining Walking Dead zombie noises at the end.
  6. I haven't personally read the DSM on this, but I believe a psychiatric diagnosis of pedophilia requires the person to be 16 or older. Happy to be corrected by someone more knowledgeable if I'm wrong, though.
  7. Thanks so much for that link - I really didn't want to have to watch the whole interview! I don't hear "lesbian agenda" at all - it sounds like "must be an agenda" to me.
  8. I don't normally post here, but have been lurking for the last few days to read all of your thoughtful opinions on this. I thought I'd share some discussions I've been monitoring over the last few days. I participate in an active online community on a subject totally unrelated to TV or anything Duggar related, and this scandal has been a hot topic of discussion. Without exception, the members of that group who are posting on the subject now want the show off the air (that wasn't the case when it first broke, but opinions have changed as more information has come to light). This is a very diverse collection of people - some secular, some very religious. Some liberal, some conservative. Many people posting are those who casually watched the show and/or followed the Duggars in some fashion via People, Today, etc., and admired their wholesome image and well-behaved children. They are now reading all about Gothard, ATI, blanket training, etc. and are absolutely horrified that they bought into any of it. They're taking it like they were personally lied to by TLC and the Duggars, and they're angry about it. They are all saying they won't watch the show again if it stays on the air. I know it's a small sampling, but I found it interesting to see what "normal" people are thinking about the whole thing. Not leg humpers, not Duggar haters, not Twitter trolls - just regular people. If this is any indication, it doesn't bode well for the show.
  9. After watching yesterday's show, I am officially coming out of lurkdom to say - STFU, Duke. You were never good enough for my beloved Anna, but I was able to tolerate you on my screen occasionally. But now I need you to STFU forever. In fact, I think it's time for Faison to be a hero again and kick another Sonny apologist into the harbor.
  10. Hi everyone! Yet another TWOP lurker here. Glad to see so many familiar names here and I hope to start posting. Because lurking in the shadows makes me feel like I'm on the docks, and we know nothing good comes from that.
  11. Hi everyone - I was a longtime lurker on TWOP and I'm hoping to use this opportunity to come out of the shadows and post more often. I don't even watch the show anymore, I just come for the snark!
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