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Everything posted by Was-MArsenault

  1. I noticed under Recently Added TV Shows, there is a spam link that should be removed from there.
  2. Do you have any articles or videos for their appearances?
  3. Dancing With The Stars: Juniors has been cancelled: https://tvseriesfinale.com/tv-show/dancing-with-the-stars-juniors/ https://tvseriesfinale.com/tv-show/dancing-with-the-stars-juniors-abc-cancelled-renewed-season-two/ In September 2019, ABC decided to cancel the series after one season
  4. That's what my parents said too, and they thought some parts of it were faked and staged.
  5. My parents wanted to watch this. We couldn't watch the whole thing unfortunately and only watched a few minutes of it, but my mom is really looking forward to seeing what the house looks like once its all done.
  6. Janine also has a book along with a podcast out as well.
  7. Janine is also a country singer as well. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=apple+music+janine+turner https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&ei=XdN2XcurIbCC5wKItYaIAg&q=itunes+janine+turner&oq=itunes+janine+turner&gs_l=psy-ab.3...46656.48000..48206...0.0..0.278.1002.1j4j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i67j0i131j0j0i7i30j0i8i7i30j0i8i7i10i30j0i7i5i30.kjPAspk4d_s&ved=0ahUKEwiLzriV5sTkAhUwwVkKHYiaASEQ4dUDCAo&uact=5
  8. I was at the car dealership today because the TV there was turned to HGTV, and they've really been promoting this a lot.
  9. The Rockford Files is back on our Cozi TV affiliate!
  10. Our COZI affiliate dropped The Rockford Files for Pickler and Ben. Hopefully The Rockford Files will come back today.
  11. https://www.thewrap.com/john-wesley-dies-fresh-prince-of-bel-air-actor-72/
  12. It should be interesting when Stephen King is on the show.
  13. It should be a very interesting season, that's for sure.
  14. Here are some Janine Turner links: https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0005508/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janine_Turner https://www.janineturner.com/ https://www.janineturnertalks.com/ https://mobile.twitter.com/JanineTurner?ref_src=twsrc^appleios|twcamp^spotlight|twgr^profile
  15. Here is the notice from INSP: INSP Bids Farewell to the Ingalls Family. Like you, we hate goodbyes, but sadly, we must say farewell to Little House on the Prairie on INSP. Over the years, we loved living the adventures, heartbreaks, and sometimes, hilarious antics of the Ingalls family, their friends, and certain adversaries (Not mentioning any names, but you know who you are, curly-headed blonde girl!). From Ma and Pa, Laura and Almanzo, to the incorrigible Nellie Olsen (There! We said it!) and her scheming mother, Harriet, parting is sad, but oh, the great times we had. As we move towards the final episode airing on INSP on Friday, September 13th, let’s take a walk down memory lane with these blogs, quizzes, trivia and other Little House fun.
  16. We have two ABC affiliates here (WCVB and WMUR), and both will be airing the show.
  17. Heads up: Little House On The Prairie will be gone from INSP after Friday, September 13. The new home for it will be on UP TV.
  18. Heads up for those who have UP TV: Starting on September 16, this will be removed from UP's schedule.
  19. I really wish we got Hallmark Drama just so I can see the SS&D movies, but Comcast unfortunately doesn't carry it.
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