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Everything posted by heysmilinstrange

  1. Meghan telling Joy it's Joy's job to listen to her. Any time Abby acts like she has special knowledge of the Russia situation because her dad's the ambassador there.
  2. I get that Meghan likes to present herself as demure, but she would look much better if she wore lower necklines, like Gayle is here. I thought she looked really pretty today, though. I also liked Ana's blazer--it reminded me of a Nudie suit.
  3. And doesn't she have drinks with Joy and Sunny, who are both rather liberal?
  4. I think they were trying to be nice about her because they all seem to like her and she's been a guest co-host on the show before, but yeah, I couldn't really figure out how Meghan and Whoopi's comments fit with what Wendy said in the clip. I haven't watched her show much since last year, but I don't think she's anywhere near as brutal as she was when she was on the radio.
  5. Another thing that was odd about that exchange is that Meghan repeatedly spoke about herself as if she were a moderate. Is she a moderate now? She was a conservative yesterday. Pick a lane, lady, geez. "Being unnecessarily argumentative" is not a political affiliation!
  6. I'm hoping her rundown includes Ana giving Meghan a good right hook to the eye. Meghan's coworkers are so tactful to not go off on her every day. I could never have that much restraint. I guess the money helps.
  7. How on earth can this person who's been in politics her whole life not be able to articulate what her own political beliefs are? 🤡
  8. That Meghan is regularly rude to. What a good friend.
  9. Thank God, I thought she was doing it to mock Joy.
  10. Why is Meghan wearing sunglasses? Tell me it's not Joy-related.
  11. Meghan and Joy are probably in couples counseling or something.
  12. If Meghan saw a redneck walking toward her, she'd probably cross the street. It's clear from her sweeping generalizations about "red state people" that she doesn't have a clue. You're rich and privileged, Meghan. Accept it.
  13. That tweet posted above sounds like a drunk tweet to me.
  14. She's such an asshole. When has she ever expressed an interest in the environment?
  15. The way Meghan talks about military service bothers me so much. While I agree that military service should be honored and respected, she talks about it like it's something very rare, almost like a calling. Why would she emphasize that she and Joy have that in common if she didn't feel that way? But I think most people--at least most people I know--have a relative who's served in the military. It's an important job but nothing unusual. My father is a veteran, and so are most of my uncles and several of my cousins and friends, but I would never think of that as something I had in common with Meghan, Joy, or anyone else. It would be like saying we have something in common because we have arms, or a head. I think it's likely that Meghan grew up in a (privileged) environment where people don't regularly serve in the military. I grew up in a small town in Appalachia where military service is extremely commonplace. Tweets like the one I quoted show that she's very sheltered at best, extremely privileged at worst. Sorry for this rambling post.
  16. Elizabeth Warren is going to come on Thursday with a detailed step-by-step plan to get Meghan to lose the fucking attitude.
  17. I'm very surprised to read that Meghan and her dad didn't talk about why she was "asked to leave" his campaign. I think that says a lot about their relationship.
  18. She loved politics so much as a teen that when it came time for her to choose a major in college she chose art history, like a true policy wonk.
  19. I thought for sure they gave American Idol contestants media training, but maybe not, or maybe they don't do it until after the winner is crowned. That poor kid needs a lot of help, if that interview is any indication.
  20. Those John Oliver tweets Meghan posted are pathetic. Pathetic.
  21. I have never rushed to YouTube faster. So excited to watch this! UPDATE: Delightful!
  22. Small world! I'm from Allegany County too! (I've never heard of this guy, though.)
  23. If what we dislike about her is her attitude and delivery, then we can criticize that, but criticizing her body makes it sound like we have a problem with overweight women, and surely that's not the case.
  24. I think the criticism of her body is over the top, personally. If I hate what she says 97% of the time (and I do), then what she says gives me plenty of material to criticize her for. Why resort to making cracks about her figure? Doing so implies that there's something wrong with being overweight and there isn't.
  25. YIKES. I have even more respect for Whoopi for not going off on her rude, sheltered ass.
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