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Everything posted by heysmilinstrange

  1. I actually have a much harder time following the plot while listening to an audiobook than I do just reading the usual way. Being able to listen carefully for a longer duration of time is a skill in itself.
  2. I'd pay money to see Meghan go toe-to-toe with Sandra Bernhard.
  3. To further confound Meghan, I want to declare that I grew up in one of the bluest states in the nation and I love jello shots, my father owns guns, and I spent many an hour playing in the creek (which we pronounced "crick") as a child. It's as if people can't be neatly categorized according to the voting trends of the state they were born in.
  4. I'm sure Arizonans are thrilled that Meghan portrays them as backwater hicks just so she can prop up her Republican credentials.
  5. Wow, so according to that Young Turks video, the makeup artist Meghan tried to get fired was Karen, as in the Karen that went to the hospital with Whoopi when she was very ill with pneumonia? I remember them bringing her out on stage when Whoopi came back to the show. It's possible that there's more than one makeup artist named Karen on the show, I guess, but probably not likely.
  6. They may have been separated for a while, even years, before officially divorcing.
  7. You would, but this is a woman who went to an Ivy League school yet had never heard of hyperbole before and wasn't familiar with the common French expression "au contraire."
  8. Meghan: "In this country, it's not illegal to be gay." Thank God Whoopi dragged her for that!
  9. I'll be honest, I hope Meghan falls down a well.
  10. @Tammee, the government can't even cover the mental health issues of people they didn't directly traumatize.
  11. Friend of the Jews Meghan McCain surely knows that Anne Frank died in a concentration camp from typhus, a disease that's caused by poor sanitation and lice. But hey, these aren't concentration camps! This is America! She makes me sick.
  12. Even worse, she said "I always speak last," as if it wasn't even a question. How fucking dare she try to downplay what's happening at the border. Those children did nothing wrong. Disgusting.
  13. I hope Meghan is not making it part of her brand to start sentences with "bitch" now.
  14. I thought that was pretty hilarious. Joy telling Star to "keep [her] tits perky!" and Star responding, "after all this time, you are still a bitch" as Meredith tried to talk over her. There's a link below, but I think it's missing some context. I didn't watch The View then, so unless Joy really disliked Star, I'm not sure what caused all of that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rybqL5yxjGE
  15. Well, maybe sometimes, but by the woman's account she indicated her discomfort verbally and non-verbally, tried to pull away, stopped responding to what he was doing, and he either didn't notice or didn't care that she was uncomfortable. By the way, I'm sorry for the huge space before the quote (and now, the double-post). This has been happening every time I reply to someone on here, and then I'm not able to click the edit button to remove it.
  16. Yeah, it's like well Meghan, you could cite an outdated statistic, or you could use your common sense and determine that most black voters probably aren't going to look kindly on an old white guy who speaks fondly about virulent racists, particularly if there are other candidates who don't do that.
  17. Now that I've gotten to watch the episode, I think Whoopi really misrepresented what Joe Biden said and why other Democrats were mad about it. My interpretation of the criticisms he got from Booker and others was the same as Joy's. As to whether I think Biden's out of touch, I don't think I'm allowed to say. But I hate the way the co-hosts constantly defend everything he does--he's made some serious blunders.
  18. I don't know why they don't try Sunny as moderator occasionally (unless they have and I've missed it?) I think she's by far the most sensible person on the panel. Not necessarily about non-political stuff, but those topics are almost never as contentious as the political ones.
  19. Well, if they were, they weren't deleted by Meghan, because you can't delete someone else's tweet.
  20. At least they didn't make Joy put Meghan in her lap, like Barbara Walters had to with Elisabeth. Meghan could have killed her!
  21. @ginger90, I'm sure she didn't like some of the replies, but I think "This tweet is unavailable" now just means that whoever tweeted her doesn't have a public twitter account.
  22. The network probably told them to act in solidarity.
  23. Meghan's husband looks absolutely hammered in those Vegas pictures.
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