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Everything posted by 853fisher

  1. Here is Tom's quickstep with Ashly. This is the jive the second co-host, Samantha Harris, did with Jonathan Roberts a week later. (As an aside, Samantha was never Tom, but I always have preferred her to Brooke and Erin.) I thought these were two fun performances! We won't see Tyra learning how to foxtrot, I'd put money on that.
  2. When Ru first announced it, she said “ah, Freak Out!” and I thought it was a reference to the 70s disco song, so you could’ve knocked me over with a feather when they all came out like a club night threw up on them. I’m a little square for this show sometimes. 😉
  3. Thanks to both of you. I wasn’t watching last season, but I can’t believe that there was actually, for one brief shining moment, a use for Doris!
  4. If they did know the flosser's identity, on the old shows, they would've been required to recuse themselves. They would do that from time to time if they had seen someone's picture in the paper or whatever, or on a few occasions because they knew the subject personally. They'd participate in the questioning but just say at the end that they had to disqualify themselves from guessing. This was counted as an incorrect vote, for which the team of players received cash back then. Of course a lot of things have changed, but I'd like to imagine that they'd still be instructed to say so and count themselves out if they knew the answer.
  5. I think Blair outdid a lot of expectations this season, but it was definitely her time to go. I'm #TeamJuju or #TeamShea. Probably the former, since Shea has really beaten the Sasha narrative into the ground in a way I've found vaguely alienating. I don't feel like I've learned anything else about her this season. I agree with those who think Jane was a really useful presence in the working session. Remember when someone could come in with a voice like that and your first thought would be "oh, poor thing, that sounds terrible!" rather than asking WebMD whether laryngitis is a coronavirus symptom?
  6. To see Kiara's jumpsuit is to see what Kyne's jumpsuit 2wks ago would've looked like if it had cost two loonies instead of one. What was that business with the "squirrelfriend"? She seemed like a nice lady but added nothing to an already very bloated presenting and presenting-adjacent team. The mini challenge was fun but got old fast. Most could've tried a bit harder on the French. I read a prompter in college and it's tough, but not quite that tough!
  7. I have a little fun with reverse psychology when I guess, since otherwise I'm often useless. I noticed #2's décolletage right away when she was in the lineup for the menu engineer segment, so when it came time to guess the Hooters model I decided it couldn't be her, because they were a bit too obvious. I see I wasn't the only one thinking about fonts and such, speaking of the menus! I had to chuckle at "scanning the menu for the second-lowest-priced wine" or whatever that was. The menus shown during the intro seemed more like the kind you hang over the register than those at a sit-down place, which is where my mind was most of the segment, but I'm not sure whether those were just stock photos or not. I thought the flossing guy was actually pretty bad at it. Lots of arms, no legs. Meh. The segments about doing whatever on the internet / social media don't really appeal to me very much.
  8. I find this baffling. I don't dislike Tyra and think she has done quite well on other shows. However, she's very me-me-me, not IMO a natural for a show with a large ensemble or one in which she is not intended to be a mentor/coach. I'm trying to imagine which of the many problems with the show they thought this would fix, and the only one I can imagine is their abysmal demographics. In another world, it wouldn't be a problem that older people prefer a certain show, but one thing at a time. Now, Tyra alone isn't going to do that: I'm put in mind a bit of some of my fellow docents at a museum where I once volunteered, who professed great surprise that putting me in front of the crowds when I was in my early 20s didn't make them the hottest weekend hangout. It's still what it is, deep down. That's where I assume the "new creative direction" comes in, but if they're going to be doing more big shifts in the style of dance and other elements of production, why not just cancel DWTS and make a new show? It's not, as far as I can recall, like it was a very garlanded show, other than for Tom's hosting. As a well established brand, there are a lot of associations that would not be favorable to this new demographic. I'm not even convinced that Tyra is right for that anyway: ANTM and so on are sort of jokes among younger people now, while "dad jokes" and so on are in. But I don't get paid the big bucks in Burbank, so they didn't ask me. What a hot mess.
  9. I could not be less interested. Tyra makes things all about her. That works for some shows, but not this one. I don't know what they were thinking. Tom (and Erin) were about the only part of the show I thought didn't need fixing.
  10. 25 Words or Less, which seems to attract that certain type of older lady who loves to comment on everything a la "Walmart is my husband Jeffrey there thanks God bless you," has had some spectacularly angry comments along these lines. I genuinely don't know how some of these people keep themselves alive. If she is, the baby must be wanted, given the number of options Alec could've brought home to prevent pregnancy! Is Cheryl the only one who has been on every season? I know they didn't say "only." I was just thinking. I'd guess that Caroline Rhea has been on all of them. I would've sworn on a Bible that Loni had been there before, though, so perhaps I'm not a reliable witness. The first question, the "my meter maid ex gave me a ticket for parking in her __________," was the kind of gameplay I like best. It's hard to get excited about "ass" or "penis." I've just read that back but it's adorable, I can't rephrase. The double entendre is just a lot more fun. Say "loading zone" or "trunk" or what have you. Make a joke. Don't just say what obviously goes in the blank. That's the point of the whole thing. In the same way, I never thought "boobs" was funny on its own in the 70s show (although there is something funny about the relative shock value for that day and age, and it would be hilarious if it came up unexpectedly). If they had played the whole game like that first question, I would've just loved it.
  11. It has not been confirmed-confirmed that Bruno will not be returning to Strictly, but it seems improbable that he would be allowed to commute weekly as he usually does without quarantining at either end, even if he felt it was wise / worthwhile to do so. Forced to choose, I fully expect he would choose DWTS, both because I understand it pays more and because he clearly likes the Hollywood lifestyle. As you probably know, he started taking a week off Strictly mid-series a couple years ago. I like to think he's enjoying some marvelous pool parties that week. I saw the news about Tom on an unrelated forum and genuinely couldn't believe it. He has long been one of the best things about the show, and I stuck with it a few seasons longer than I might have in no small part because of him. I agree with pretty much everyone. What would possess them to think that the hosts are part of the problem?! After 15 years, this is just wild.
  12. I hope nobody is bored of me coming here once a week to say that Elizabeth looks fabulous and is just the right amount of engaged for this kind of show. I don't have many other plans right now, you understand. 😉 The mother reminded me powerfully of...someone. I don't know who exactly, but I do know that "oh my gawd, is there another round?" just about killed me. I did wonder, where was the father's car? Couldn't they stop tape, call Tesla to inquire about options, and add seat warmers or something to bump those prices up? I agree, they really want it to happen, and I wonder whether it will. It certainly has me looking forward to next week!
  13. I just wanted them to stop talking about India, for God's sake. That whole affair sucked the life out of parts of this episode too. Neither was awful, but I'd sooner Blair have gone than Alexis. The lipsync was pretty average too. This season is a bit of a damp squib.
  14. Definitely this. I was a little disappointed when on HGN he seemed to want to be literally anywhere else. I was happy to see him in a different light here. I really liked him on original flavor Law & Order. I felt proud of myself and a little mean for guessing that #3 was the Chippendales dancer because he was perhaps the least conventionally attractive and therefore least likely to be plucked from Central Casting. Even in the older photo, I have to admit he didn't do much for me. But he had the last laugh, definitely! He seemed like a really nice guy. I was tempted to roll my eyes at the young house flipper a bit too. Nobody's going to convince me that there's not a ton of handholding there, and like, your mom's not going to call in your loan, so don't call it that. Precocious kids in general strike a nerve for me, especially when a whiff of stage parenting is in the air. Ultimately I decided that there are worse things to celebrate than a little black girl emulating notions of entrepeneurial success and fiscal independence, so mazel tov.
  15. I was ready for Kyne to leave last week, but I did think she won the lipsync this week. I also didn't hate the look as much as the judges did, although I also caught the patch of exposed skin. The 80s-ish big hair worked for me. Ah well, overall, I'd rather have Tynomi, so fine. I'm rarely moved to tears by TV, but Anastarzia's story of her escape from the Bahamas really got me. I'm glad she did get out.
  16. Absolutely, but not usually by name, right? Perhaps I'm being naive. I was most surprised when the county sheriff named her on their Twitter, although by that time I think other outlets had been running with the story for a few hours, so perhaps acknowledging it freed up resources they would've had to spend answering public inquiries. @Florinaldo and @Blakeston are no doubt right: there are people who do this full time and are very good at it.
  17. This isn't what's most important, but I wonder why this became public knowledge? If I were her family and friends, I think I would've appreciated a bit more discretion and some space to make this news on their own terms (although I guess I can't be too precious because here I am discussing it). I suppose it could've been picked up on a police scanner or who knows what. Just really tough. Maybe on the other hand they appreciate all the thoughts and prayers. It sounds trite, but what more do we have?
  18. Wow, this is really tough to hear. Sources are reporting as of 11pm Wednesday night that the search is suspended overnight but will resume tomorrow. I believe in miracles but this seems pretty bleak. Can you imagine being that child tonight? I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy in the world.
  19. As God is my witness, I thought that Ted Danson portrait was Jeff Goldblum. Great episode otherwise. 😉 Like Yvette, I didn't do well in the singing round, so I felt close to my idol. I guess every legend needs the exception to prove the rule!
  20. I tend to like quirk, so I took a liking to BOA and Jimbo quickly and was glad to see them do well. I liked Rita's look and attitude and don't begrudge her the win, but the rapturous praise surprised me. In all the years I've been watching these shows, I've never been able to stop rolling my eyes at absolute statements like "this is the epitome of taste," as if there's a rubric everyone agrees on. I like what I like. When the trio introduced themselves as "your judges and mentors," I thought they might be on to something, but there was not very much of the latter, and the former was way harsh (forgive me, Cher Horowitz). I also hope they iron out whatever's going on in terms of flow with them and the totally extraneous "guest host." All four of them seemed engaged and nobody made me want to stick pins in my eyes, but Brooke was probably the least natural. She seemed to be trying to convey a gravitas she doesn't have in my eyes, and doing so many things exactly the same as Ru does encouraged at a comparison I didn't feel was flattering. I do hope all that improves. There's nobody I'm dying to see the back of but Kyne. What a brat. Her costume was falling apart, her walk made me want to call my great aunt who suffers with lumbago, and she certainly knows how to win friends and influence people. What's not to love? I think I counted 8 from Ontario, 2 from Quebec, and 2 from British Columbia. They certainly picked a range of styles and personalities, but I was surprised not to see more of a geographical spread. We are Canadian a few generations ago, although I haven't been back since I was gay. From what I remember, there's probably not a surplus of queens in Saskatchewan or PEI, or even outside the main population centers in the provinces featured, but the American show seems to have three or four queens a season other than from the usual suspect places. That definitely struck me as surprising.
  21. The end of S12 reunion was taped just a few weeks ahead of when it went out, I think. Many of us thought she might've had some work done, given the forgot-how-to-do-my-own-makeup masks, but she seemed as fit as a fiddle. I don't now enough about what is common on social media to know what to make of her apparent wiping her accounts, but someone suggested it was in solidarity with a movement against Facebook given its alleged complicity with extreme figures in politics. I hope she is fine, whatever is going on.
  22. Mandy Salangsang, a longtime producer, said a few words about queens are selected for All Stars. I was as surprised as anyone to hear that India had been a major player in a Vegas show, and I think that would fall under the doing something interesting or unexpected after Drag Race Mandy alludes to. In light of that information, I was interested to see what India would bring to the table. I'm not sure exactly who I believe, but I'm leaning toward Alexis also, although she has been a bit too much drama for me throughout the season. As others have said, it doesn't seem to make sense that there was a big organized effort given the result. I think Alexis would probably have been in the top, and ordinarily out of the running to go, but her Mercado voice was bad. I thought she benefited by comparison. Shea does have a bit of an attitude, but I guess I don't mind because her performances have been pretty unimpeachable so far. I don't remember her initial season well enough to say whether I think the idea that she was the frontrunner all along is revisionism or not. This season is letting me down. Too much focus is in the wrong places. The Drag Survivor bits are especially not working for me. I love competition, but nearly 15 minutes of very negative interpersonal conflict isn't what I am looking for in entertainment right now.
  23. I thought the winner's approach was very sensible. He can take a nice European vacation with the cash he won. I did think there was something very funny about the police officer getting the burglar whammy, and staring it down with “you should be in jail.” She was a good sport. I was rooting for her to start, since San Jose is in my neck of the woods. When Elizabeth said (paraphrasing) "you probably have noticed that we're doing it big tonight because of my outfit," I genuinely hadn't. I think she looks incredible every week, but I do love a bit of flash. I want to be careful not to veer inappropriately into politics, but this was pitched about right for me in terms of "patriotic celebration." No jingoism or partisanship, just a bit of trivia about civics and history with a dash of thanking people in uniform. That's my America. It probably helps that I think this show is so good at keeping the "inspiration porn" in check overall. They pick generally rootable people, leave the revelation of their hopes and dreams for a few moments in the bonus round, don't overuse the family, etc This is great feel-good summer TV for me. I like it so much more than I thought I might. Now I look forward to it weekly.
  24. Mary is one of the best players on "25 Words or Less," and can get a little intense, so I liked seeing her in something more laidback too. She was almost a bit Brett Somers-esque in that seat. Meanwhile downstairs, Padma seemed really blissed out, but she matched several times, so mazel tov! I didn't think "CrossFit" was such a bad answer. Different friends of mine from all over do it, and talk constantly about it. I've never known exactly how/when the poll is done, but if they're asking LA-area audiences as they used to, I imagined it was big there too. It just goes to show that I'm not qualified to be on the show. 😉 "Pussy" and "tail," I dunno. They both amount to the same thing in practice, but the key in that answer is the wordplay. When it's like that, my feeling is that if they don't get that exact word they shouldn't have the credit. I'm perfectly happy to match "pick out his outfits" with "pick out his clothes," for example, because that's describing the same idea and the specific verbiage isn't what matters. But "chasing tail" is a thing and "chasing pussy" is not (at least, not here in the Castro). She missed the essence of the answer, so I wouldn't've given it to her. As @opus says, the new tiebreaker was the one used in the 70s on the syndicated nighttime show. Tapes were "bicycled" from station to station and shown in different orders in different markets, so each half hour was paced tightly in order to be self contained. The network daytime show, on the other hand, could pick up the action from the previous episode wherever it happened to be because they were all shown sequentially on the national feed. If things were tied, they just wiped the scores and had a third, and sometimes fourth or fifth, round. Now, the fashion is for almost all these shows to be self-contained and more tightly edited, and sometimes I wish they did have more time to breathe. I recall a very early episode of this version, maybe the first one, in which the report from the taping was that they'd played two rounds and a third to break the tie. As aired, there was only a second round, with the first question from what had been the second round and the second question from what had been the tiebreaker, with the "tie" blurred out on the cardholder (but visible in the reflection).
  25. Yvette came to play, as usual, without being any less fun. That woman can do no wrong. I think she could come to my house and slap me across the face, and I’d thank her for her time. My father used to have a lot of dumb reality on for background noise, and I particularly loathed the Chrisleys, so I was not looking forward to seeing them. They were as vapid as I remembered, but I think they gave all they had, such as it was. Julie certainly did hold her own in the bonus round. I suppose this must have taped before Savannah testified against her parents at their grand jury for tax and bank fraud. Minor quibble: when they play very visual games, like the face swap one, I wish they would stop cutting away to the people on the couches and other reaction shots. This is one of the best games for playing along at home, but not if we get 5 seconds of the photo for every 10 of Nikki moaning about whatever.
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