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Everything posted by Bali

  1. Yep, that's what happened. I think that 88 is garbage. I love Lane Davies, but Sonny is getting old fast. And poor Julia. I'm right at the called off wedding now. Gina just saw Bunny in a dress for the first time. Things I'm hating: Julia constantly suffering. Cain always yelling. Bozwell's existence. Lydia. Major Hamilton. All of the Donnellys. TJ and his anger issues. Gee, TJ you choose to only date married women then get mad when they choose their husband. Things I am enjoying: The return of Augusta (even though the character is a bit different). CC and Sophia on their shakeout or whatever at Pop's Place. Augusta/Gina/Sonny is funny. Augusta calling out Mason for being so middle class and actually wondering WHY? I mean she's the only one questioning this. Brandon is awesome as always. Everything else is just there.
  2. Oh. My. Heart. I'm still processing this.
  3. O.M.G. episode 1037- Gina is explaining the Capwells to Sonny and I am holding my sides. "Why is Channing dead?" "Sophia killed him. But she didn't know it was him. Moving on. This is your sister Eden." "Where'd they come up with a name like that?" "This is your sister Kelly. She's married to your brother Jeffrey." "My sister is married to my brother? Are you makin this up?"
  4. I'm on 1032. I don't dislike Kimberly McArthur. I just think they saddled her with a horrific storyline. TJ out of the blue? But there are so many issues here: TJ and Kelly zero chemistry. Jeffrey and Kelly zero chemistry. The fact that the women keep hitting each other. Kelly slugged TJs new girlfriend Buffy and lands in jail? Kelly doesn't hit people. A few episodes ago, Sophia slapped Kelly. No. Just no. 1984-88 Sophia would never ever ever slap one of her kids. Gina, yeah, Keith she did and he deserved it. But she wouldn't slap her baby girl. Of course I still say 84-88 Sophia would also not sleep with TJ. Mason isn't Mason, he's Sonny. I'm laughing, but I want MASON. This is a mess!
  5. According to Jed Allan's autobiography, the powers that be didn't think he was the right age for CC. So, they said no to his early audition and he renewed with Days. Days wasted him, and he auditioned for CC again. He didn't prep for it and didn't have it memorized. The suits dragged their feet again and made him audition a third time. He finally nailed it. And we got CC (the real one, the others were posers)
  6. CC 1 wasn't bad. Charles Bateman isn't bad at all. So, really, it's just CC 2 that makes you want to rip your eyes out.
  7. Thank you. I've always liked him. I was just drawing a blank. It's been a long week
  8. I was watching the Caroline scenes trying to figure out when Nicolas Coster had full memory loss. He said it was during the Caroline storyline. They covered it very well though. Right now, I desperately miss Lionel. I'll take Lionel and Caroline over angry Scott, angry Cain anyday. I'm blanking on the actor who played Cain. But having him play an essentially one note character was a disservice. I've seen him in several other things and he is a charismatic versatile actor.
  9. Cruz's throwaway line about That's just Pearl. One day he's there and the next he's gone is MORE than they gave LIONEL! LIONEL!!! I'm missing him so much right now. No way Lionel would not say goodbye. He would never not be there for Julia when Mason died. And he would be making sure Sophia was okay too. Lionel just vanished.
  10. Ick. Double Ick. And icky yicky poo
  11. Cruz and Eden were trying to help Mason. Eden said, I can't believe that we can't find Pearl. Cruz says, that's just the way he is. He's probably off to (I can't remember which foreign nation.) And that's the end of Pearl. My TJ issue is the grossness of going straight from mom to daughter without blinking. It's just a gross person that does that. Ew I loved the Ali Walker and never missed the Profiler. So, I'm not looking forward to her death. But it is a horrible storyline. It's harder to ff with my phone, so I just let the bad stories run. Then internally whine about them. Or I come here. Btw- I'm at the begiing of June and Eden is still struggling to get pregnant. So, does she just have the shortest pregnancy in the history of soaps? I know there's at least another month of angst over the fact that she wants to get pregant. Her pregnancy must have the same time magic that makes kids become teens when they go to Summer camp.
  12. Man 88 is PAINFUL!! i just started the most dangerous game rip-off. Because what I want is to see Cruz get hunted instead of a Goodbye to Pearl! And I really don't remember Cain yelling as much as he did. How did the actor keep from loosing his voice? And TJ keeps talking. He's so much better when he's just looking hunky. He certainly has no problem going after married women. It took less than a week to go from Sophia to Kelly.
  13. So, are we not even pretending this is a real competition anymore? This season feels rushed. Not impressed so far. Had to ff through the ram, so I'm glad he's gone.
  14. Mason is adorable with his reactions to Samantha.
  15. I don't think the return of Pamelayuck did any favors for the character of CC either. They turned him into an idiot who suddenly couldn't see through Pamelayuck. And who refused to listen as his wife said, You're lying. I know it. And you're ignoring me. Yes, Augusta kidnapped Sophia. And they got into a fight. I can't remember who started it. I just remember that Sophia didn't take too kindly to being kidnapped. So she probably threw the first punch? There was construction at the Capwell’s and Eden allowed paint to get dumped on Gina's head.
  16. Cleo, I agree. My favorite episodes have interwoven characters. Can we talk about Christmas of 87? Gina and all of those noisy birds had me rolling. Then she made the quip about hoping the next doorbell wasn't the lords a leaping. That is something I think EVERY time I hear that stupid song- who wants a bunch of women milking cows in their living room? Then, we have Sophia finally FINALLY shoving that pie in Pamelayuck's face. And then the awkward caroling scene. There stands Sophia surrounded by her husband, her former lover, and her future lover. Only in Santa Barbara
  17. Yes. Thanks because I get confused too. Also isn't there a brief period in 87 when the Dobsons were still there, but JFP was an executive producer?
  18. Yeah, they did Sophia a big injustice. It was just weird. I'm eh about Scott. I miss Lionel something fierce. You're right about the bubbles. When Johnny was missing, Sophia mentioned it, but there were no scenes with her and Brick. The righteous Cruz underestimating Keith was annoying to watch. Cruz should (and WOULD) have known better. I'm not as much of a fan of JFP as I ahould be because her reign is starting off rocky.
  19. I spent a bit of time last night thinking about this. (Was trying to block out hubby's snoring.) I think I have figured out why she was so angry. The last love scene where she is sitting at the dressing table and he walks in behind her. He doesn't even see that she's in the room. He eventually does, and she mentions that they haven't made love in weeks. There are also other hints that he has completely ignored her in scenes that we never get to see. He is so absent, she thinks he's having an affair. Then she finds out he's spending time with his ex, and not being up front about it. And then the final straw is when he says starting tonight, I'll make up for it all and then stands her up. (BTW-fully on her side about the anger over that incident. He should have brought her flowers and jewelry instead of forgetting her AGAIN). Unfortunately, it was all so rushed that it was poorly executed. I wish TPTB had comprehended that some stories work better when they are slow. I think this would have been one of those cases. It was just Bam you're married. Bam you're ignored. Bam you assume he's having an affair. Bam you sleep with a guy young enough to have a mullet.
  20. Yes, TJ has an amazing mullet. I saw that stirrup pants are back, mullets aren't going to do that too- right? (She pleaded in the tiniest voice possible.) I'm on episode 900 now. I have so many things to say. I still believe that the storyline of Sophia blowing up the rig is out of character. I understand the affair with TJ a little more. But I still would have preferred a full blown Sophia/CC/Lionel triangle. It would have felt more organic and been a good triangle. No one was rooting for longterm Sophia/TJ. People would have voted longterm Sophia/Lionel. And it might have kept Nicholas Coster on the show. And let's face it, he made the show better. They still could have had CC and Pamela-yuck sleep together. It would have gotten delightfully messy.
  21. Well, technically she said their best work. So maybe in her mind, the fact that no one knew they weren't talking makes the kissing and lovey stuff their best work.
  22. Isn't after Sonny the first wedding? Then Lane is gone. Maybe she's talking about Sonny, into the wedding? I *thought* that the breakup was before he left and part of the reason WHY he left was the tension between them. And so the timing would be Sonny into the wedding. I haven't seen 88 either. Odd- when Jed Allan and Judith McConnell refused to talk to each other, JFP told them that they had to make up. But it was okay for NLG and LD. They must have been more discreet about their argument. Of course JM says their fight was onstage.
  23. Yes, I'm Marissa Gallant on another board. I'm having a very hard time watching this era. I feel like JFP just threw all backstory out the window to create something "more soaplike" and the growing pains were really hard right now. Frankly, Lane, Nancy, Marcy and A saved it. Everyone else is pppfffftttt
  24. I'm approaching the end of CC and Sophia's third marriage, so the camera keeps zooming in on her hand and wedding rings. I'm surprised poor Judith McConnell was able to move her hands because those things are so enormous.
  25. So, here are my problems with Pamela. One- Marj Dusay was CLEARLY the best option, but we weren't allowed to have her at the beginning. Two- she isn't menacing or conniving enough. She isn't even vanilla. Vanilla has more flavor. Three- instead of making Pamela the bad guy, they decided to change Sophis and make her the heavy. Four- to be effective, there should have been something likeable about her. Five- total lack of chemistry between SF and Jed. Six- Sophia already won once, why would she be insecure? Seven- it would have been so much better to have Pammie be a coniver, or full Elena pyscho that gaslights or kidnaps Sophia
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