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Everything posted by Bali

  1. It does seem to fit. JA also said she lives with a famous actor and Jimmy Smits fits that category. And I know acting is acting, but it would be very hard to do a love scene with an ex. Honestly, I had pulled the plug on SB when LD quit. There was just a little too much "keep them apart" for me. I still don't think married HAS to equal boring. They can even have arguments and flat out fights. Be constantly wooing each other after said fights. But one fight equals divorce. It's interesting to me that A Martinez and LD formed a lifelong friendship. And that LD has directed A's daughters in shows.
  2. Hopefully this will work. Here is an excerpt of Jed Allen's autobiography. Kind of appalling what happened with Charles Bateman. But damn, can you imagine having JA from the beginning? http://santabarbara-online.com/LivreJAllan2.htm And also Santana and CC are just a sick idea. Has that woman no shame? "I'll go for that rare Father, son, son" trifecta. Surprised she didn't boink Ted at some point.
  3. Now I'm going to talk about the humor. Favorite funny lines include but are not limited to: Earthquake, ground is shaking. Lily Light says, Was that an earthquake. Mason answers, No the ground always shakes when I walk into the room. Gina strips, Cc says, Well, she's got spirit, I'll give her that. Sophia blowing the fog horn to keep CC from talking. Champagne bubble baths. Augusta cooking the pigeon. But especially CCs reaction to it.
  4. I knew most of that. I didn't know LD and NLG had issues off set at the end. I know Nicholas Coster and Louise Sorrel think very highly of each other. But a small part wants the Soapdish facts. Then the other part really doesn't want that. I do know someone was so nasty Jed Allen refused to ever say her name again. Probably someone from after I quit watching.
  5. I've been reading as many interviews as I can find. Trying to figure out what all was happening behind the scenes. I think that was probably the best story...
  6. I found a great resource, interviews, major storylines, episode summaries. I found the interviews interesting. Sounds like Judith Mcconnell agrees with us about Mason. Wonder who the witch that Jed Allen talks about is. The site is originally in French, but if you click the British flag, it flips to English. http://santabarbara-online.com/index2.htm
  7. No, you are not. I'm also disappointed that there doesn't seem to be a general on the horizon. But it does look like maybe we'll see the backside of Charmaine, so there is THAT to cling to...
  8. Oh, Gina, Gina, Gina. CC isnt that great of a prize, you delusional little whack job...
  9. And one more thing about constant breakups- they are even MORE annoying when it happens because the character act completely out if character and do things they would NEVER do!
  10. Fair point on the movies. However, can't they keep them together? You are also right about letting them stay together for at least a month before the next catastrophic event? There's only so much a gal xan take. One more thing, since I'm on 1986. Love Lane Davies, LOVE Mason. HATE his skeevy mustache. shiver. Ick. Looked great on Tom Selleck, less so on almost everyone else.
  11. It probably is. I feel like once the Jerobsons came back, they were too intent on dregging up ancient history so they could end it like they wanted to. But can we agree it was better with Augusta?
  12. After rewatching the first couple of years, it really makes me think, "the Eden multiple personality was so effing stupid". I know every soap had to have one back then, but it was stupid. And why can't couples be happy? We watch the Thin Man movies EVERY New Years. Same movies, year after year, and I've never thought, "Gee, the chemistry between Nick and Nora would be SO MUCH BETTER if only they were married to the wrong people." And also, this show needed Augusta! And Jed Allen probably contributed to my weakness for brown eyes. Jed Allen, Lane Davies, Stephen Schnetzer, yep- let's just blame NBC. LOL
  13. Because he respected her from the beginning.
  14. You are not alone in that feeling. I can't stand her! I found out that I'm back in the office in 2 weeks, so I'm zipping to as much CC and Sophia that I can get because I was living my own soap opera in 1986 and missed a lot. I had never seen the fashion show. Whew. And when Eden says she doesn't need to have faith because she and Cruz just ARE. Yep, that there.
  15. Good. 'Cause I hate him. Yes, I know there is a difference between characters and actors. Don't care. Hate Reginald so much I can't do it.
  16. Man, I clearly remember CC's daisies. And I remember the ice cubes down Ted's chest. But I do not remember CC's brother at all. Maybe because of my intense hatred of Reginald Love and when I look at the actor that is all I can see.
  17. I am just at Sophia's cancer. I just want to smack her and say, tell your damn family. I really think there were major missteps on the show. Killing Mary, (although that DID lead to Julia and Mason), breaking up CC and Sophia over and over ad nauseum. Kelly or Eden in the hospital every damn week, Kelly's life is basically The Perils of Pauline, and the ten year long Brandon Custody battle. Just to name a few Also, I love how they all dress. I'll just lounge around my house in my silk camisole and silk robe. I've spent 14 months lounging around the house in men's boxers and the baggiest Tshirt I own.
  18. I want to add that Robin Wright is the only person on the show that has hair that moves! Might have liked Santana more if she had ever said anything other than Wha wha wha I want Braaaannnnndon back! Whine. Also just finished CC and Sophia on the ferry blowing fog horns at each other. They were my favorites when I was 15, they're my favorites now. And I blame Lane Davies for my weakness for brown eyed men who need someone to love them. He is the force behind Mason and the other's paled.
  19. I just found that some wonderful person has posted all of Santa Barbara IN ENGLISH on YouTube. I am having so much fun rewatching it. I ff through some of it, but CC and Sophia. I still love them, and Mason and Julia. And Mason. I just watched the episode at the Casino and opening night. The Lionel/CC poker game which ended with Gina upending the table. Then Mason and Augusta on the floor flipping the cards to see who would have won it. I was laughing so hard.
  20. I'm not very familiar with Kermit's new voice, so to me, it just sounds wrong
  21. Don't care. Dollycan do no wrong. I'm watching it now, and am loving it. There's no way my husband would make it. But I'm enjoying myself. It is light fluff. But I need that right now.
  22. Mel at her husband's grave was heartbreaking. I can kind of understand why Hope wants to hide her relationship with Doc. She was so stubborn and mean about not forgiving him that it's almost embarrassing. She has to be embarrassed. But encouraging Doc to use Muriel is just rude! Golly the scenery is pretty. So, Christopher cut his hand. That's it? Talk about much ado about nothing. Charmaine UGH. Troubled pregnancy. Don't care. Trying to care and just can't find it in myself to care.
  23. Of course Hope accepted. And the Not the Golden Girls unknitters crew is worried about Muriel. Well, hopefully there's a distinguished retired general on the wine cruise and our Muriel will be just fine. Preacher tries to talk to Jack, but Jack is too selfish to talk. And the character assassination of Jack is complete. Charmaine UGH. Why do you not understand that it's better for the kids to NOT see unhappily married parents? Divorce or not being together is often BETTER for kids. Connie. Stick. Butt. Remove it. Love Ricky's grandma. Of course there's a twin brother. Gag. Jamie the cook is a very boney cook. I am not sure I trust a cook that anorexic looking. I'm sure Jack will be fine. Then maybe he'll ask Preacher how his life is going. But I am not holding my breath on that. I love Teryl Rothery, so I'll be back as long Muriel is.
  24. Mel tracks down Brady to find out more about Spencer. Hope answers Doc's question. Preacher makes a life changing decision.
  25. Mel searches for Jack, who has stumbled upon disturbing news. Jamie makes Preacher an enticing job offer. Hope questions Doc's loyalty.
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