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Everything posted by Julia67

  1. Oh shoot! You are right! Oh well, that won't work then but I do love the crossover.
  2. I LOVED this! Wish they would have pulled in some of the Cloud Nine employees for the Good Girls sequence. That would have been fabulous!
  3. Yep! I agree. From what I've seen, Laredo isn't much fun. I don't understand why they bought a home there if God has been calling them away "for a while"now?? Guess we'll have to wait and see!
  4. I'm sorry. I didn't realize Masters had an remote site in Texas. Yes, I was talking about Dallas Theological Seminary. Perhaps all of the classes he needs aren't offered at the remote site? I don't know. I do know he wouldn't attend DTS, for sure!
  5. I can assure you that Jeremy would not attend Dallas, regardless of where it's located. He doesn't agree with their theology. Without going into all the details, basically, Dallas and Masters are on two very different pages regarding a few very important doctrines. Jeremy's constant contact and obvious loyalty to John MacArthur shows he would never choose Dallas.
  6. This! And, she was HUGE for only being 28 weeks. And, if you have all those issue with pregnancy, why the heck would you go so far from home?? Why the heck would you keep having babies???? Dumb question, I know!
  7. And you have made my point exactly! It changes the meaning--too often to be discarded!
  8. Exactly! I am trained as a professional/technical writer so precision and ease of understanding take precedence! I'm not a story writer so @saber5055 won't be editing out my beloved Oxford comma any time soon! 😉
  9. THIS. SO MUCH THIS. For the first time ever, I just fast forwarded to the end because her "buzzer beating" was off the charts. I just couldn't watch. I liked her at first but, as her winnings increase, she's coming off a bit smug and arrogant. We'll see. And, for the record, Oxford comma.. ALWAYS! 😉
  10. THIS! I don't slow dance. I was not raised dancing, and it's not something I ever cared to learn. I have nothing against it; it's just not in my skill set. And I know I would feel TERRIBLY awkward. But, alas, our son is getting married in November and, gosh darn it, I AM gonna dance with him. So Mr J will teach me and hopefully it won't be a frightening as Christine's version of "Let Me Call You Sweetheart." All this to say...I'm sure there are lots of people "WHOOOOOO don't slow dance".
  11. Found this article that gives a little insight into the Flagstaff homes but not much else. How is Robyn paying $3500 plus the mortgage in Flagstaff plus down payment on land? (I can't remember whose house actually sold in Flagstaff.) Same with Christine--how is she affording a $500K home with all the other payments still hanging around. https://www.tvshowsace.com/2018/12/22/sister-wives-news-kody-brown-rents-robyn-brown-huge-house-janelle-gets-smaller-rental/
  12. This! I don't know who dresses AM but they need to be fired. She routinely looks HORRIBLE--which is ironic on a show like PRAS.
  13. So many thoughts on the episode last night, some of which reiterate those already posted above. 1. Mary's eyebrows. Again. The worst. Does she have ANY real eyebrows. It totally looks like she draws them on with a gray pencil using an eyebrow stencil. Does NO ONE tell her how bad her make up is? She looks like an oompa loompa with gray eyebrows. 2. Janelle rented a furnished house? After seeing how they treated homes and furnishings they own, I feel badly for that landlord. It will be trashed momentarily. 3. Why does Robyn need a 7 bedroom house? Are the kids not allowed to share? Isn't Dayton going to be living in a dorm? Does she need a room for her nearly-defunct Sister Wives Closet crap? I would LOVE some photos and financials on that place that God showered upon her. 4. And, apparently, it's not a big deal that the homes are close. Kody's tears about that last episode must have been just for the camera--either that or only HE cares and the wives are HAPPY to be scattered hither and yon. 5. I may have missed this but are Mitch's parents divorced? His mom lives in Seattle in that tiny apartment alone? 6. Has something changed with the rehearsal dinner? I thought that was the groom's/groom's family's responsibility. Our son is getting married in November and we are definitely footing that bill. 7. Is it just me or do Kody and Christine seem like newlyweds these days? He seems to be with her all the time and something definitely seems different there. 8. Ditto on Meri's dress. It was HORRID. Did she really not plan ahead enough to have a dress for the big day? 9. I thought Christine looked lovely. Robyn's dress was a little too matronly and "mother of the bride" for me. Her hat was adorable though. 10. Mitch's mom's dress was AWFUL. She's too old and too chubby to be wearing a dress like that. Ick! Obviously, her "Mormon modesty" standards are different. 11. Aspyn's nervous laughter was annoying but not nearly as annoying as the voiceless preacher. Good grief. Surely someone else could have handled that. 12. I agree that Aspyn's dress didn't fit well at all. It was unfortunate. She is a natural beauty, but that dress needed some alterations. I loved her shoes too! 13. I was surprised that Kody was allowed to dance like he did with Mitch's mom. Seemed a little sexy/sultry to me for all their standards of modesty, sanctity of plural marriage (an oxymoron if I've ever heard one), etc. Not to mention, he just looks stupid when he dances--alone or with someone. 14. Did Kody really thank Mitch's dad for "raising someone who grew up to be a king"? I rewound and I'm quite sure that's what he said. Seriously??? 15. I agree with those who think Mitch doesn't care about Aspyn nearly as much as she cares about him. He looks disinterested and has an air of "I know you don't want plural marriage, but I'm here to tell ya, it's gonna happen." The End. It's clear I need a life!
  14. I've wondered about this. Surely, Jeremy isn't making much (if any) money as a pastor. (I know. Mr J was a pastor for 11 years.) They have a lovely home. They travel ALL. THE. TIME. Jinger doesn't work and Jeremy isn't bi-vocational. So how in the world are they doing so well? I don't know what they make from the show but, considering it's less than 15 episodes a year, they are either making a ton more than I thought or they are VERY good with their money. Did he make money playing soccer? I just don't understand.
  15. Not to mention all the crap all over the place. Yikes!
  16. Yes! So much crap in all those houses! Of course, I tend to be more minimalist in my decor but still. And, that "leather" chair with all the holes in it? I mean, come on, surely they could have found a different chair to highlight for the TV show?? In a recent episode when their realtor was looking around the house with Christine, I was shocked at what bad shape it was in after only a few years. Yes, there's a million kids running around and that's hard on the house but, come on, teach them to respect property. Also, in a recent episode, they showed Janelle getting ready in her bathroom and there was so much junk on the counter and around the tub, it made me itchy. Yikes! Their first step toward selling those houses needs to be some major Marie Kondo-ing in those places!
  17. This is my thought EXACTLY. I am sitting there watching, trying to figure out WHY the heck he wants to do this and HOW the heck he can (financially). I had the same thought: he needs to create drama to keep TLC interested enough to keep the show going. I thought she looked pregnant in that horrid yellow sweater thing.
  18. I'm so sad about Alex. I can't imagine how he'll undergo treatment, etc and still keep hosting, yet I can't imagine anyone else taking his place. He makes me crazy on lots of levels, but he's also "irreplaceable" in his own quirky way. Many thoughts and prayers to him and his family as they start this journey.
  19. Yay for Team Brad! The finish was exciting, but I would have been fine with Team Ken or Team Brad winning. I, too, would like to see a Ken-Brad-Alex match. Didn't care for Matt. I think a large rock would have been more exciting. Yeah, he was smart, but if they were looking for "interesting", they missed it with him. He didn't even seem to have any camaraderie with the other players. I am surprised Ken picked Monica. She seemed lovely but was a definite liability during games. Question: does anyone know if each contestant got 1 million or do the three winning team members split the prize money?
  20. I have two boys, 21 and 19, both college students. Both were taught how to iron and both iron daily. Their father is a fastidious "ironer", and I'm pretty good myself. It's a lost art these days, sadly.
  21. This was painful to watch. Surely Jessa could have gotten online and found a recipe conversion chart/calculator that would have helped her "exchange" the amounts for the recipe into US measurements. They showed her googling on her phone several times. What amazes me is that none of them seem to mind being portrayed as bumbling idiots! I also can't believe Jessa doesn't have a fancy mixer much less NO mixer at all?? You can get a cheap hand mixer for less than $20-or surely they show up at their beloved thrift shops occasionally. Maybe she just isn't much of a cook so it doesn't matter to her. My Kitchen-aid mixer is nearly 20 years old, and I use it almost every day for LOTS more than baking! Do we know where Josiah and Lauren are living? Didn't they look at some HUGE house that JB was renovating? It seems like the younger married kids have much nicer (and larger) homes than Ben and Jessa, who are soon going to be more cramped than they already are with another baby coming. Of course, we're talking about kids who lived in a 3-bedroom ranch home with 14 siblings, so it probably seems spacious. Does anyone know if Abbie continues to work as a nurse? I sure hope so!
  22. I wondered if someone else would find it and, not realizing she had hidden it, assume it was theirs to use?? Very strange tactic.
  23. I'm sure it was because of the caffeine. Many doctors will tell nursing moms to avoid caffeine as it can affect the baby's sleeping, etc. ETA: and many people don't want to drink decaf, especially in "designer" coffee, which it seems is what Jinger usually enjoys.
  24. I agree except that I believe that Maddie and family just moved to NC. I saw something recently on her IG. No details were given but I do know they've just moved.
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