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  1. Misery loves company, a/k/a I saw Stephanie's OF's pricelist now everyone else has to see it, too - Also, here are some photos from her account. They are NSFW, poor quality, and not worth seeing, imo. I expected more from someone who holds herself out to be a professional and unapologetic cougar. Larissa hired a photographer and makeup artist for her first photos, and encouraged Jess to do the same. Since then, they have taken some snapshot quality photos, but seriously Stephani, take some pride in your work: Tried to move them under a spoiler, and don't know if they will stay there or disappear again.
  2. Just stopped by to see if Nicole and Azan married, resulting in middle America being frozen solid. Guess not. I wonder if Jenelle from Teen Mom finally left social media for good like she kept promising or Sister Wives became interesting once again.
  3. I'm not sure what this is from because Larissa claimed she refused to film for Bares All or Strikes Back when she was claiming she filmed with CamSoda on purpose to get fired because they wouldn't let her out of her contract. It must be something on D- though and I think it's funny. Short video clip Edit: it may be part of their diary. Here is a ten minute segment, which I haven't watched.
  4. She's at Larissa's level of dysmorphia here:
  5. In anticipation of the season beginning tonight, I decided to do a rewatch and see if I was annoyed by little things now that I know the ending. I have not watched the movie nor read the source material. When watching season one, I took one look at the cast, saw that it was picked up for a second season before the first aired, and expected brilliance. Also, I was taking everything that was said to mean something in the story. It didn't. If it was The Americans or Better Call Saul it would, but it didn't in Snowpiercer and my expectation set the show up for failure. Some things had a payoff, like we learned they needed all the cars because they didn't have any spare parts and the many mentions of losing time is what sold the part of the story about it taking seven years for Wilford to catch up, etc. I still really dislike that they didn't work the Tailies into the society for seven years. I get that they need the "other" for the caste story of the society, but it's just hard to accept. There were people in the tail that could be beneficial to the train, like a detective, the person teaching Miles calculus, the piano tuner and last Australian, but I can get over that. Not knowing how time was moving is a major pet peeve of mine, and I've bailed on many books because of it; I hate it that much. I couldn't even hate watch Season Five of Ray Donovan because of the flashbacks. Things like Zara knowing she was pregnant two days after having sex really irritated me, and later, we learned that it was weeks later after the Janitor mentioned that he hadn't seen Layton since the fight weeks/months ago. They told us that people come out of the drawers differently, but Layton, who was in there a lot less than the tailies who lead the uprising, took days or weeks to come out of it while the others took an hour and one was eating like he just had a nap. It also took him months to solve the murder case when it seemed like days. Or maybe it didn't and the train moved through some wormhole causing time to move differently for each person...nah, that's even dumber. The unsteady time lines is a personal problem I just need to get over while watching. What I don't think I can get over, however, is how in the hell the little psychopath Lilah Junior is still alive? Everyone hated the Folgers. When they sat down in the dining cars to eat, people shot them dirty looks and left. There was an agreement to help the Tailies and Thirdies in their revolution because some of First and Second didn't want the Folgers in charge of anything. Everyone recognized LJ as a murderer, her bodyguard was dead, and she was still heading down to Third class. How did she not get accidentally hip bumped into the paper-roller and get scalped? I lost a fingernail in a roller washer when I was young and it would be a very easy accident to pull off. Or, when she headed down to the Night Car for entertainment, why was she not met by someone wishing to harm her and turn her into bone broth noodles? She greeted Layton with, "Who do I get to play with this time?" A loved one of one of your victims, you little psycho! They tried to say the Night Car was neutral when Melanie met with the manager after she sent the care package of roaches to the First Class Dining car. Melanie agreed to a jury with one person from each class, with the exception of the Tail because they are not people. So, I'm not buying that it is a neutral area. Hopefully she'll get her comeuppance this season and it will be worth it. But I will never, ever, ever forgive them for having the woman from the Night Car singing when Daveed Diggs was in the cast.
  6. I'm trying to find a better copy, but here is Larissa's billboard for the plastic surgeon in LV
  7. Just like with Mike, if Sharp as picking up the check, I'm ordering the Tomahawk steak and brisket nachos. They had payed and scheduled to film those services so I don't fault him for taking advantage of them, but there is no excuse for embarrassing the country with that pathetic Electric Slide and he didn't need to gloat about it to her nor did they need to show it, except they don't like him either, is my guess. He had to eat those gourmet meals for two all by himself. Just awful. No wonder he needed a massage. He's infatuated with her and lets her tell him what to do, as long as his parents aren't around.
  8. I don't know who created this but find it funny and wanted to share:
  9. Someone found all Stephani's gifts to Ryan, and is calling her out for being a liar. It sounds like it's on YouTube, but I do not know where, I only have these photo links from Reddit and not the original thread. Stephani is being called out for showing off expensive possessions that are not expensive or are fake, like Darcey and Stacey. She did some purse giveaway on her IG account and another IG account proved they were knock offs somehow. It was apparent to people into purses and shoes. This is one of the knockoffs and I like it. Then there is the $3k watch. On the website it is listed with retail value being $3,495 and on sale for $219.25, and Amazon has it for $219.99. Production must not like her, either, because they made sure to show her beauty spa face:
  10. They married. His aunt, who is on the show as Aspen, the woman who referred to Julia as a princess, spilled it all on Facebook. I didn't realize it wasn't posted here until I just read your comment, and now don't see it to add. Aspen's real name is Angi Shattuck and she's Betty's sister.
  11. Everyone knows it's the fat from ICE CREAM that's good for the brain; butter is old news. The frauding on this show is getting offensive to my delicate sensibilities. I'll go drown myself in ice cream to think more better. Obviously the production crew hates Andrew as much as everyone else. People like him do not think they come across like they do, and then get irritated that people call them out on being shitty. There was no reason to air him talking to Amira about all the fun inclusions he was doing, or not show the things he did do to try and find her; there was just a single sentence where he said all the people he called, including the embassy, which I thought was her dad when I saw it the first time. They showed it all because he's an ass. This is the fraudiest t season yet. I'm sure part of it is because Covid limited their options, but neither Andrew/Amira or Stephani/Ryan have any airtime to contribute to the show. Tarik and Hazel wanting to add a third is coming across as faked for screen time, and Rebecca and Zied are on this season. That's a positive. The negative shows the line on the right side along with the left, but it's faded by the time this photo was taken. The solid line on the left if a positive result
  12. Andrew really should stop while he's ahead. Well, he was ahead, not so much any longer. Amira was taking a lot of heat for writing that she was traumatized by her detention and blaming it on Andrew. People were saying she is an adult, ignored the rules even after being warned, and was exaggerating the meaning of the word "traumatized." It's more of a trauma than Jesse received from a shoe being thrown at him, but I see people's point. Instead of sitting back and allowing the viewers to speak negatively about her, he's gotten all pissy about being called a creep and manipulating her into going. So, he won't shut up and makes himself look worse with every post:
  13. Brittany is apparently some huge K-Pop fan, so maybe she just used Deavan for a place to crash and party during the music festival. Also, they are both on reality television and could probably bond over how negatively they are edited. It certainly wouldn't explain Deavan's Instagram behaviors, though.
  14. Brittany went to hang out with Deavan and Jihoon from 90DF and spend time at some music festival. That was like a year ago, though. The shows and couples shared a producer who introduced them.
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