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Everything posted by JunkFoodTV

  1. I think I'm making this my ring tone. It just makes me soo happy!
  2. Schenee appears to be rather short. I can't remember if they said how tall she is or not. I too am very short, 5'1". About the time her episode aired I had twisted my knee. As I hobbled back to bed I made my husband promise me that if I couldn't get out of bed and to the kitchen to feed myself bring me nothing but broth. ONLY broth. He laughed. I was up and going the next morning. But I figured we are all just one hidden pizza box away from being 600 lbs and bed ridden. He said he was going to block TLC. Baaaahaaaaahaaaaa!
  3. She's the sex for ice cream woman. Jeezes Lort...
  4. Can y'all imagine the s*** show next seasons "where are they now" is going to be?! With the people this past season...Liz, Lisa, Renee, and let's not forget Schenee and her "come to Jesus" discussion with Dr. Now. I can't wait!
  5. Wait! Fall for some 20 year old Nigerian and you have 90 to wed...AND get pregnant.
  6. Oh my...Melissa must be "shy". Just like Hazel.
  7. Looks like Ricky is still waiting for Melissa.
  8. Oh trust me...I'm 60 and look younger. She's taken a machete to her age! Plus I'm sure being a smoker doesn't help.
  9. Nicole seems stalled. Like she never matured past tween. So I wonder if her mom feels guilty over some trauma or something that happened. Nicole was clearly over fed (as I recall so was her brother). And her need for "fame" is crazy. Try getting on hoarders or my 600 lb life. At least you don't have to leave the country. I've seen Dr. Phil expose love scams. But for WAY more money. Maybe Azan isn't as good at this as he thinks.
  10. This is part cautionary tale and part bragging.... If these obese parents raise their kids with food being so important (possibly the way they were raised?) the cycle will repeat. Are you sad, have a cookie. Did you accomplish something, let's go for pizza. If every day to day event revolves around food that will lead to obesity. Now the bragging...my daughter is raising 6 children ages 10 and under. She feeds them good, well balanced meals. They would take fruit over candy any day. They still get to go trick or treating, save "pretty" candy for our yearly gingerbread house construction and give the rest away. Or trade it for a box of oranges, apples, or pomegranates. (I'm sure they wonder why I want all that candy...hee hee). They LOVE fresh vegetables. Maybe because they have been raised eating that. They were sad when the asparagus stopped for the season. But excited to see the peas, beans, etc... They have asked for vegetables for snacks. With hummus not ranch dip. Yes they have pizza, fast food, etc....rarely if circumstances deem it necessary. Is my daughter's home eat of the floor clean...ask the 12 month old. Ha! But they always have clean sheets on their beds. Do they help with chores, of course they do. But not doing EVERYTHING at age 5 while you sit on you ample ass. Ashley you should be ashamed of the way you stole that little boy's childhood. Ashley is so busy....yeah, you don't know busy. Get busy and raise Patrick the way he deserves.
  11. Well I was feeling way too cheerful today so I decided to watch Sean's first episode...oh boy...
  12. "I think I need to hit rock bottom before I start making my climb back to the top"....huh? Wait...what does rock bottom look like? Your assistant is cleaning this horribly painful looking skin and emptying your piss bucket. Looks like rock bottom to me.
  13. I remember him getting on Susan for smoking. And yes Dottie's sister was in pageants and stuff. She wasn't in this episode. And yes Dottie is pretty, but seems to have a shavable amount of chin hair. I think Dottie's son was in a pull up for over night. And I'm a little in love with the giant light bright. :-) Sean's feet/toes look like monkey feet. Maybe his toes spread out to adjust for his weight? To me he looked frightened. Deer in headlights. Sad. I'm sure his mom thought she would out live him. Well bitch...you didn't and now here we are. Hope you're happy. Ugh...
  14. I think LCK is unfair. The regular contestants have to survive restaurant wars, or cook for 200 people after being up all night, or some other brutal challenge. The LCK contestants serve ONE dish to one biased judge.
  15. Brittany is cute, but I do remember her losing her shit at the grocery store because people were "staring" at her in the first episode. Uh....maybe because a camera crew was following you around. Chill girl. Same with Ashey when the guy came up to her to bless her. He was BLESSING YOU! not pointing and laughing. Geesh people. Calm down....
  16. Or he could end up like Pauline's son "Dully" who certainly has pastry picking skills.
  17. When I was "between husbands" and working crazy hours I went to Goodwill and bought mismatched but really pretty china. EVERY SINGLE MEAL I used these. It made the food special. Flowers on the table. Cloth napkins. The whole 9. I wasn't going to fall in to eating half a pan of mac and cheese over the sink or mindlessly eating in front of the tv. It really kept me aware of what I was doing.
  18. Am I the only one that thinks Nicole's mom looks like something that came straight out of Jim Henson's studio?
  19. Yep. He could have worn his nice over-alls.
  20. They were out of ranch to dip the pizza in. Yuck!
  21. It looked like hotel food. Those nasty evening manager reception things. Crap like mac and cheese, hot dogs, and sometimes SALAD!
  22. And did you notice that to the kids it was just another day in their life. They didn't bat an eyelash. So sad.
  23. And having to stop at more than one fast food place because one is not enough!
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