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Everything posted by Jessa

  1. After two episodes, I’m mostly enjoying this. I’m finding it to be a bit too much chatter from the hosts, and way too much talking during the runway. I hate the “3, 2, 1, go” during the runway. Such a small thing, but it drives me nuts! lol And the constant music in the background is a bit much. I do like how they are producing better quality garments than on PR. I also like how everyone gets a chat with the judges and not just the top and bottom looks. I’m rooting for Charles from Hamilton, simply because he’s from Hamilton! 🇨🇦
  2. Forgive me if this was already mentioned, but... Judge Gen wore an East Dillon Lions Shirt!
  3. That’s an interesting point and reminds me of a story. One day when my siblings and I were little, my mom was feeling especially overwhelmed. A couple of members of a religious group knocked on the door and upon seeing she had children, asked my mom if she would love to spend eternity with us. She said that quite frankly she wouldn’t and just couldn’t wait to get us into bed. lol I think that plays into Schur’s idea of too much of anything becomes too much eventually.
  4. My interpretation is really just what my hope is, and that is that by walking through the door, they are going to the best place. They are not ceasing to exist, but are shedding the constraints of being human so that just their essence/soul/spirit remains. It’s that special thing that makes you, you. In this true paradise, one doesn’t get bored, hurt, upset, pained, because those are conditions of being a human. The thought of the afterlife as being just like earth but better is just sad to me. I shared a similar thought at the end of the thread on the Patty episode - but when people picture their loved ones fishing or eating their favourite foods in heaven, I just wonder - is that all people think there is? We just go to another earth with teleportation and better milkshakes? How depressing. Ultimately, I believe that death means one of two things: 1) We die and it’s done. Lights out. 2) We die, and leave our earthly form behind, but our essence remains and experiences a peace and paradise that we cannot currently comprehend because our imaginations are limited by our humanness. I dearly hope the second is true, and that is how I interpret what is happening when they go through the door in the show. I did enjoy the wave simile. This showed up on my Facebook feed a couple of months after my dad died, and when I read it, all I could think was “This is about death.” It’s a similar idea.
  5. Chelsea: Maybe she would have had more of a chance if she hadn’t admitted that the sleeves were the plan from the start. Those were awful. Brittany: I think safe was the right spot for it. The bodice looked messy to me with the wiggly pleats. I agree that it looks kind of like pajamas from a 60’s beach movie. Geoffrey: Seems like a lovely human, but I just do not share his aesthetic.
  6. I’m late to the game here, but I agree with this. I’ve always thought of heaven as something beyond our comprehension. Humans are so short sighted. People die and their loved ones hope they are fishing in heaven, or playing hockey with some famous nhl player who has died, lounging on a beach, or eating a steak dinner. Is that really the best we think heaven has to offer? Just like earth but the milkshakes taste better? Now that is depressing. I’ve got to think that whatever is beyond the door is truly The Good Place. Something beyond our imaginations and uninhibited by the restrictions of our human experience.
  7. After thinking on it, I think I’m probably more in your camp byanose. I’m pretty unsure I have an enduring case of something akin to bitter jury syndrome. Bitter fan syndrome? Anyway, I really thought Aubry had it, and I hated that she lost. But then she really didn’t do well on her next outing (it felt like watching a different person), so I’m just confused. I still think Aubry should have won, but maybe I should cut Michele some slack.
  8. I like her slightly more than I like Ben.
  9. First episode about 37 minutes in.
  10. I was both eagerly anticipating this show and worried since I love Please Like Me so much, and I didn’t want to be disappointed with hopes too high for this new show. It was a really strong start for me. I love JT’s dark humour, and the messy reality of life. The tampon speech was brilliant! Tellulah really irritated me, but that may have been the point. I’m having trouble waiting for the next episode, so I’m back to PLM to tide me over.
  11. I was about to come and post about this. Other areas of the country are labeled: hideous, flat, boring, yankees, crap, and awful. That woman and what she was saying and how she said it was just terrible! Navarro should be embarrassed! I can see the benefit of helping the kids understand the cultural differences of where they’ll be living, but you don’t have to disparage other places and cultures to do that. I was also impressed as mentioned above at Monica’s support of her boys. Oh to be a fly on the wall for those talks with her pastor. All of my other thought have been covered - Gabi’s parents shady, Jerry awesome, injuries concerning, such difficult backstories... I want nothing but the best for these kids!
  12. I’m just fascinated that Sergio seems to say all of the right things (politics, environment, up cycling), but comes off as so insufferable. I don’t know jack about fashion, but I liked the safe looks the best.
  13. Dave and Irina are much more fun to watch when they aren’t stealing cabs, stealing answers, taking penalties rather than attempting tasks, and calling the other teams peasants. My kids and I were at that museum the other week, and that ball pit is hard to walk around in. I was also disappointed that no one chose the Oktoberfest task, but I think I would have done the robots as well.
  14. My kids and I were also talking about how taking multiple penalties should lead to successively longer penalties. It seems ridiculous that someone could win a race while skipping many of the tasks. I know they always look to cast villains to make it interesting, but I truly enjoy this show more when I like the teams that are racing.
  15. Yes, or at least have a task that might result in a position shuffle before the flight.
  16. I’ll join you. Want to split some nachos or something? My daughter used to watch Tyler’s videos and listen to their podcast when she was younger, so I’d listen too to have an idea on the kinds of things they were talking about. I’d love to see them win.
  17. What the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks did I just watch??? I can’t stop laughing. That was so ridiculous. I guess given the standards of the show this season, any one of them should fit right in. I can’t believe they actually aired that. What a mess!
  18. I really hate the head to head challenges! And Phil could use some colour commentary lessons from Probst. I know people complain about Probst, but Phil was just awkward.
  19. I hadn’t even considered that about Mateo’s age when Michael died. That is weird. Maybe Jorge’s realization about his pride will inspire Raf to move on with Jane.
  20. No, I’m sure that was Ed Robertson from the Barenaked Ladies.
  21. I guess I was indifferent to the kiss. It was sweet, but I don't really care who she picks anymore.
  22. I haaaaaaated that episode. Every single little thing about it. Except the animals.
  23. I enjoyed it, but there were a few little things that would pull me out of it. The one example I remember is how the school said they only had Ted’s number as contact. It’s first off unlikely that a school would only have one contact per child, and if they was the case, no one thought to send a note home when the kid started screaming and swearing at his classmates? They just shrugged and said “The contact person died, so... ”
  24. Fair. I think that maybe the anti-Rick posts just jumped out at me more because people use such strong language - loathe him, he’s a cocky arrogant ass - that kind of thing. Especially since the other spot is all “I hope he wins, he’s so great.” I was looking at his twitter and he really does seem like a likeable guy. Yeah, human nature. People really are all about the double standards when it suits them. The older I get, the less I seem to like people. lol
  25. Oh yes. I experience schadenfreude to this day when I think of Flo spinning around in that boat.
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