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Everything posted by yowsah1

  1. He certainly has a Napoleon complex. Patrick Drake fills that slot nicely.
  2. Morgan: "So, here's the plan. I beat up Mikey while you grab the kid and skedaddle." Kiki: "Oh, Morgan, it's brilliant!"
  3. Come sit by me, 'cause I'm liking Michael and Sabrina too. :D Michael continues to be awesome. I loved he called out Kiki for being a hypocrite, which she totally was. And what was with that weird face HE made before she turned and stomped out? It looked like she was about to sneeze or something. Oh, Michael, Michael... [heavy sigh]. Too bad the bus is headed straight for you and gathering speed...
  4. Add JVP to the list of characters I wish would turn out to be undercover cops or undercover WSB or whatever, who then make a face turn and join the PCPD. Hell, I'd even be down with the ol' "Carlos gets killed but then his identical twin Rafael who just so happens to be a cop shows up" plot.
  5. I like Michael and Sabrina also. Writing in the beat that she becomes little A.J.'s nanny, rather than Random Dayplayer Person, gives me hope that Ron intends to keep little A.J. with Michael for a good long while. She's looking forward to having Patrick dump her at the altar and not even have the decency to go into the next room to reunite with his not-dead wife after lying to her for months about he deeply cared for her? What, is she some kind of masochist? TPTB mistakenly thought the fans put up with dowdy drip Robin because super awesome Patrick loved her. What they didn't realize was that viewers put up with titanic asshole Patrick because beloved legacy character Robin loved him. And then go through years of being called a weak-ass loser, like A.J. Quartermaine had to endure? I like this idea!
  6. In all fairness, she's only been on the show for what - a week now? Although I agree that these sort of character-defining things should have been established for her long beforehand. Carly's children have never been anything to her but meal tickets. Liz called that on Carly and it remains true to this day. It was Carly having to tell Sonny how an even marginally good father reacts when his doofus son tries to cheer him up in a hamfisted but still heartfelt way. Because Sonny is such an awesome wonderful father. I think many posters here lived through the years when Guza took pleasure in crushing even the slightest bits of hope that fan's had that A.J. might prevail, even slightly, against the all-powerful Sonny. He has trained us well - we see Michael being awesome, and, while we thrill to it, we at the same time resignedly wait for the other show to drop so that Sonny could claim his inevitable shitty victory - because, under Guza, it always did. Hopefully it will be different this time under RC, but you can't blame someone for bracing for the worst when the worst has happened so often.
  7. I cheered so loud I scared my cats! It was just an awesome moment. AWESOME. I never thought I'd see karma come around to bite Sonny Corinthos in the ass - not on this show, not ever - so seeing it happen felt like a miracle. That's it, RC, I'm campaigning for that Emmy for ya! I actually hope that Ron's habit of dropping storylines for months at a time kicks in here and Michael as Avery's father becomes the status quo for a good long while. I want to have time to savor this. That was the ugliest cry EVER, and I say that with great admiration. MW is just knocking it out of the park these days. Fixed your spelling for ya. ;) EDITED TO ADD: Am I the only one who hopes that smarmtastic scene where Carly puts her hands on Sonny's and Morgan's shoulders and says "We'll get through this together" is an anvil that, no, they won't?
  8. Even though he is - like AJ, he suffers from a mental illness. One wonders if Sonny considers himself "weak" because he has to take pills every day to remain sane.
  9. Let's not give TIIC an excuse to rip off this. ;) Some where in there GH posted the best numbers they had since this time last year, there was a story about it in TV Media Insights. (The article also mentioned that the ratings for the February 2015 sweeps improved over the ratings for February 2014 sweeps). So somebody liked the Fluke stuff. She went crazy from grief and almost killed a baby. How much darker could she get?
  10. When I went to view the sneak previews one of the links didn't load right, so instead of getting a video I got this: It seemed apropos. ;)
  11. Given that the legacy GH character that was Jason Quartermaine was destroyed because of Steve Burton's whims and severe acting limitations, I am downright thrilled that the horrible abomination that was Jason Morgan is suffering a similar fate now that role is being filled by an actor who can actually, miracle of miracles, act. Karma in action! My number one preference was for Jason to rot at the bottom of the harbor, but if we must have him back, taking the character in a new direction will also do fine. Jason Morgan was a short term plot gimmick that should never have lasted beyond a 10 month plot arc, much less turn into the show-eating monster he did. Now if RC could just think outside the box and get the character out of the same tired go-rounds with Liz/Sam/Carly... Oh, amen to that! I am hoping that the new, so-very-improved Jason gets his memories back soon and we get to see scenes of him reacting with horror to what he became - followed by an enthusiastic embracing of his Q heritage and a heartfelt renunciation of Sonny/Carly, and everything they stand for. Miller has the acting chops to just rock those scenes to hell and back. This is why I didn't buy that Carly was acting so very out of character by falling for Franco. Sonny shot her in the head while she was giving birth, placed her children's lives in danger numerous times, got her oldest son shot, sent to prison, and raped - and yet every time he even glances at her, she goes into heat. She is the worst. I'm hoping that the child turns out to be Ned's after all. It's possible. I second that emotion. I'm hoping that the rift is never really mended - that Sonny and Michael come to an armed detente, but that Sonny never wins back Michael's love, that the best he ever gets is cold courtesy and polite indifference. I loved the scene today where Michael was shown framed between the pictures of Edward and Lila. Could the show be visually hinting that Michael combines the best of his great-grandparents - Edward's steel and resolve, Lila's compassion - in his person? Tracy picking up the picture of her beloved father and telling it, "You would be so proud" was a great moment too. It gave me hope that Michael's victory will be permanent. I also want world peace and a pony. I suspect Kiki is either going to talk Morgan out of taking Avery or prevent him from doing so in some other way. Considering the rumors about him and Steve Martines/Colton Scott, that's rather hilarious. (Cue the old TWoP "rumors" thread - "It's always Jacob Young!, LOL).
  12. Is Show turning Sonny into A.J.? Because I swear, that exchange was reminiscent of what might have gone down between Sonny and Billy Warlock's A.J. back in the day - one character frustrated and flailing, and the other calmly eviscerating him. MICHAEL QUARTERMAINE FTW! Both Michael and Judge Walker were 50 Shades Of Awesome today. That smackdown he gave Ric over his "conflict of interest" ploy was a thing of beauty. Although Ric was seriously delusional with his "you knew you were losing" rant. Ummmm, no, Ric, you barely laid a glove on him, you didn't rattle him, and you certainly didn't disprove any of his points. Stop being so pathetic. Acting honors today go to Michael Easton. The way he bellowed "SON OF A BITCH!!!" when he discovered Ava missing was hilarious. Loved how Carly made it clear to Sonny that, no matter what, Michael was her son and she would not countenance Sonny harming him in an any way... oh, wait, no. That was the show in my head. In the show on my screen, Carly is still the worst mother in the history of anything ever.
  13. Probably because of all the times he faked leaving the mob before.
  14. The most frustrating thing about how badly Liz is written for me, is that, like so many other actresses on this show, BH consistently gives 100% in every scene she's in. She deserves better than what she has been given to play.
  15. Judge Monica's Boyfriend was the hero of the day for me today. That staredown he gave Ric was priceless. Alexis bringing up the Bullet of Love was terrific also, if only for the look on Carly's face when she did it. DON'T WEAKEN NOW, MICHAEL! NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER!
  16. Michael pulling the rug out from under Sonny and Ric in the courtroom today was definitely the high point of the episode. The most UCG moment was Sonny flailing around trying to remember the name of the person Ava killed that he could never forgive Ava for because ol' whatserface was the Love of His Life.
  17. I'm sorry, but when I see the phrase "DeFranco him", all I can think of is RoHo at the Nurse's Ball singing, "Heartbeat, It's a Lovebeat". ;) But I agree with you overall. I have said this before, but really, it would be an easy matter to make "Franco" Scott and Heather's son <SomeOtherGuy>. I'd like to see a semi-retcon where it turns out that <SomeOtherGuy> was a policeman who was on the verge of capturing Franco when he was shot in the head, and, when he woke up, thought that he was Franco. Upon realizing who he really is, he then joins the PCPD and those badly decimated ranks get some beefing up. ******************** So I picked up a copy of the latest SOAPS IN DEPTH today. The big spoiler they have in there is this: "The last person anyone expected walks into the courtroom and shifts things dramatically. And what Sonny does next could actually accomplish what Michael wanted all along by sending him back to the slammer!" So maybe Ava does out herself as being alive, just in time to thwart any chance Sonny has of getting sole custody?
  18. I keep hoping that, even after he remembers who he is, he stays on as one of the good guys and joins either the PCPD or the (cleaned up, corruption free) WSB. I think it's a combination of chemistry and the fact that both actors are good at what they do. Loved Michael at the trial today. If that is the best Ric has got, he ain't got much. I was cheering at the way Michael refused to be intimidated or flustered by the nasty, personal questions. And that look of utter contempt towards the end - GREAT!!! Team Michael all the way! God help me, I think Franco and Nina have real chemistry. That kiss today was hot.
  19. If Sabrina and Robin somehow teamed up to beat the shit out of DoucheLord Drake, I'd campaign to give Ron the Emmy.
  20. From the spoilers: Sounds to me like Sonny loses custody and Carly has to talk him down from either hanging Michael on a meat hook or kidnapping Avery and getting out of Dodge. ... aaaand then Silas reveals that Morgan is Avery's father and Morgan needs advice on how to go about getting custody away from Michael?
  21. One thing that Sonny fans know how to do well, is jam a poll. When he delivered that line about someone stepping up, I couldn't help but think that it was foreshadowing that he would come into the courtroom armed with DNA tests and reveal himself to be Avery's father. Cue shots of everyone looking gobsmacked as Silas leaves the courtroom with Avery in his arms.
  22. IIRC, Faison was faking being Luke during that time. Re: today's episode, yay for Nathan and Silas! Nathan for being a good brother to Nina and thinking to thank Alexis for helping them even when she had a family member in the hospital, and Silas for breaking up the fight between Michael and Morgan. Nice to see good guys doing good things every once in a while. NuKiki isn't bad.
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