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  1. She still lives in Myrtle. She flies the kid back for visitation on Spirit. There’s a small airport near my house that she flies into.
  2. They’re a few years behind. Jenna flies from MB to Latrobe Pa, she documents it on TikTok. I’ve been doing the same thing for a few months now, helping my cousin plan her wedding. I fly in and out on the same day (and pray Spirit doesn’t cancel). I’m a Southwest only girl and despise Spirit, but for quick day trips, it works.
  3. I don’t understand why they are 2 years behind. Everyone already knows who was at holidays in 2021 and 2022. This season is going to be Kody continuing to play a victim while saying he can’t stand being around people that play a victim. He has 0 sense of self.
  4. Kody didn’t seem to care if it’s paid or not. Goes back to my thinking that he never intended on building there once they said no to the 1 big house.
  5. Janelle said they have to pay if off by spring and Kody said it won’t be. What happens if Janelle is right and they don’t pay it?
  6. She is also extremely jealous and needs all attention on her. I can’t imagine if she has a child, especially a female, and it’s not all about her anymore. I watched the season where they lived in the house all summer. She was yelling at Stephen for not spending time with her or taking time for her during the work day. It wasn’t just in the evening, it was during the work day. I 100% believe that is why Carl started not doing anything for Loverboy and started to not show up. She demands attention and didn’t like that he traveled and worked a lot.
  7. Here’s the thing. No one can ruin anything when your mindset is good. At my wedding my friends spent the entire time badmouthing my ex and his friends. His friends did the same, about me and my friends. My mom believed something that my now ex aunt told her and went off on me during the reception. The photographer had to take her aside and explain it wasn’t true. Not once did I believe my wedding was ruined. I was so blissfully happy that nothing anyone else said or did, mattered. If you watch Jersey Shore, Angelina does this. She takes happy moments and in her own head, ruins them. She blames other people, but she just can’t be happy. If 1 person out of the 10 that are there isn’t happy for you, focus on the ones that are. Instead they believe everything is ruined, because 1 person was butt hurt. Focus on each other and the meaning of the proposal, and nothing else matters. They’re too focused on what other people think and impressing everyone, that it was ruined in their own minds.
  8. I can see where Danielle is coming from after the convo with Carl. She made it sound, and so did Carl, that once Carl and Lindsay started dating, they only wanted to do couple things, so unless Robert was available, they weren’t going to do something with just Danielle. I got this from the “why does it always have to be couple things though” comment from Danielle. I think she might go about it the wrong way though. Also, has anyone ever heard Lindsay ask someone how they are and actually want to hear what is happening in their life? She isn’t that kind of friend and that is what Danielle needs right now, Lindsay isn’t going to be it. Hell, Lindsay said to Carl “I can’t even have my birthday, the day before or the day after, it’s all about you”. She’s selfish, it’s not his fault his brother died on her bday.
  9. What Lyndsay said about Robert was uncalled for and mean. The man has a career path as a chef, they don’t get weekends off to jaunt around the Hamptons. Robert also, at the time, had a supportive girlfriend that supported his ambition and wasn’t trying to get him to quit his job to spend more time with her, unlike Lyndsay with the last bf and now Carl. I truly believe Danielle is struggling here though with her relationship, and Lyndsay doesn’t seem to care or spend time with her, I think that is why she is upset.
  10. I don’t believe any of this. She claimed they were never apart. The kids weren’t homeschooled, so did she travel with him for weeks and leave the kids at home? Not to mention there is no way that he was able to maintain 4 times a night, play a very vigorous basketball game at the level he did, night after night.
  11. Larsa really said Nicole doesn’t have a real job, she just puts people to sleep. Larsa has had plenty of plastic surgery. If the anesthesiologist didn’t have a real job, she risked death. She’s an asshole, she doesn’t just do asshole things, she is one. Nicole just wants to live her life and not have people be nasty to her. Marysol, Alexia, and Larsa are incapable of not being nasty. Larsa talking badly about Nicole to other people in the dressing room and to other people, is the same as Nicole and her fiancé speaking to each other at a dinner. They don’t realize they’re all hypocrites. Larsa will only speak about what she wants to speak about, but Nicole is expected to speak about everything in the name of transparency.
  12. If he had enough money, she might not have an issue with it. She seems like that type. Does Alexia not believe that Nicole is an anesthesiologist? As soon as I heard that her first episode I said “so she’s good on her own and incredibly intelligent”. The schooling isn’t easy and they’re paid well. She might not make as much as Anthony but she brings home more than Alexia ever did.
  13. When she said that her friends in rehab have been there more for her than her family I yelled “fu** off” and I don’t swear. She made me so angry. That family has dropped everything multiple times, drive 8 hours to visit her in rehab, and have kissed her butt. Now they’re setting boundaries and she doesn’t like it. Mine didn’t either when I did it. The ones upset the most are the ones that benefited the most from you not having any.
  14. I’m confused. The twins that need to be pregnant together, she said her sister is due in 6 weeks, so how exactly are you going to be pregnant together? Also the blond/gray twins, the one is a bully and the other has just let her to avoid fights. She needs to put her sister in her place before she loses everything.
  15. The only person I do trust on this show is Amanda. I even call bullshit on why Lindsay was sober. It coincided with freezing her eggs, and as someone that did that, they suggest no alcohol. I think she claimed it was for Carl but she jumped right back into drinking. Lindsay had an issue with her last boyfriend and his working as well. She used to rant about him working and not spending enough time with her. Does she even still have her own company? Because pretty sure PR takes a lot of time and dedication. My guess is, Carl travels for work and she wants him home playing with her. Also, Amanda does a lot for loverboy, and unless a prenup says otherwise, part of the company does belong to her in a way, so Lindsay can take all the seats.
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