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Everything posted by Chellfairy

  1. Better idea! I think she’d be a better shot than the “love of her life!”😕😁
  2. True. But Shawn D , even in an extreme circumstance , cannot seem to get the job done . And that’s with 2 legs, gun and badge in hand. He’s’ more suitable for the locals cases, like pedestrians not paying for coffee or champagne at the pub. Lol Since you seem to have a distaste for the rich brat Philip, I will agree a bat would suffice for Belle.
  3. True..she don’t need stupid Shawn!! Or any man to protect her!! Seems more than capable of protecting herself… but if she needs help….from a man…I’d rather she choose someone other than “bad ASSES” Shawn D..or bro-Brady.
  4. Oh, isn’t that original and wonderful! 🙄😑
  5. Nah! Shawn is a horrible cop! plus , it’s been proven philips’s done a better job w/o a gun. 😉 And..all of the SPD, guns in hand , have failed with every case.
  6. Great points that I overlooked! However..maybe it’s about time Belle throws a little hate towards big Sis..only because of her bringing Jan back. I mean if there’s one thing that would throw her over the edge, it’s Jan. (With the whole Shawn d high school shit, etc ) And because of what Jan did.. …befriended/kidnapped Threatened Claire’s life and hers, pulls out a gun on her beloved daddy John..maybe it’s just all too much. . The two people in her life Claire and Daddy..and her stupid husband and the rest of the SPD couldn’t bring any justice. Sure , Jan’s actions weren’t Sami’s sole intentions..but if not for Sami..none of that would have happened. As far as her and Brady…way back when..he’s just such a great guy now..an inspiration to all.. who could hate on that 🙄 philip..yep, he kidnapped Claire, whom he thought was his daughter, only to have the rug pulled right from under him. So he went a little nuts. He loves Belle and Claire., and would never hurt them. I always think she secretly loves Philip..and he’s a better fit with her than Shawn. He’s also more capable of protecting Belle and Claire than Shawn could ever. I guess I’m just enjoying Belle with a little more spunk and shade goin on. And hey..she’s watched Sami her whole life..maybe some of that crazy has rubbed off!???!
  7. I laughed at this ..but now that I’m thinking about it. Ciara is much more Kiriakis like than Shawn Douglas!! Too bad Bo isn’t around to set Shawn Douglas straight!! Seriously Do Not Think Bo could even help with Ciara..unless he bitched slapped her around!! And Shawn would be better off with Jan than Belle. But hey..only my opinions. Ps: Hope is hopeless, since she’s not around AND I wish they would do a SalamRection with Bo.
  8. Lol..at first I thought necktie..it’ll be Theo..because his style of dress is better…but then I remembered..Ben..😒 Either way.. what a drag!! Me thinks she…CIARA the princess.. is going to willingly be with Ben..cuz you know CIN gotta CIN!! 😑🤢
  9. Ahh..well!! Bring him back!! anyway..who won? As far as Abigail virginity. Athough I feel like she wasn’t a virgin. But that’s just me, being an asshole..maybe .. I think I was watching in 2010..if JKJ Philip was back, I was. Is that when OG EJ & Philip were doing some “business “ together? iDK..I can never keep track of years …comings and going’s and storylines, etc. I do remember Lexie dying though. 😑🤦🏼‍♀️
  10. Hmm I’m feeling they may bring Celeste back..only speculating that because if this Abe/Paulina thing goes on..gotta put something else in there for drama. I still say being Brandon back. and..who is Cameron!? IDK if I’ve just forgotten, or if I was on one of my breaks from watching.
  11. I’m just hoping he’s good! As far as his acting and story line. That’s all I care about at this point
  12. Exactly! I like him better as Brady..if Brady has to be on show!
  13. 🤨🙄🤢🤮 I can definitely see them going there
  14. Rafe the Brick, is such a boring lifeless character. He brings everyone down with him..kinda like the mob ..tying a cement block to someone and throwing them in a body of water. No one is better for it, when paired with that dude. I agree, we need far less Lani and Rafe Speaking of Brandon! They should bring him back( original actor please). That might be fun. No, they haven’t mentioned anyone that is supposed to be associates with Theo overseas..except that I guess he and Chanel had a thing..but can’t remember where. Poor Theo and the lack of depth they’ve put into his character. And, who knows where Hope really is, OR, what she’s doing??? Except she’s never where she should be. She’s basically a phone at point.
  15. Are they?? really? ??😒🤔🤨 Why did I have it in my head that Bo wasn’t really a Brady and that he was actually Victors kid? Did that happen? Or was that a dream thing? anyway….it would have been a great storyline ..Sami and Shawn Douglas..and a better reason for Belle to be all ridiculousley hateful towards Sami. Not that anyone has to look for reasons to hate Sami. Belles reaction to the situation ..should have been ERIC’s reaction. Alas, Belle’s just a bitter chick about her boring life Actually, I’m the one who’s all bitter. That they’ve ruined two characters(SHELLE) when they should be used for soooooo much more. Separately. I’m just bored and looking for reasons for some of these things to make a teeny bit of sense..I know, that’s asking too much.
  16. I have to admit, I’m soo happy Nicole did letter reveal fast and quick. But yeah, please no Rafe!! I’d rather Nicole and EJ get back together for a bit..that would really be a double FU to Sami!! Lots of good times to be had there! Letter still has a place for own dressing room! Maybe even own bedroom at the D’mansion. Letter can replace Kristen. Letter looks better, anyhow, and far less annoying. Maybe Letter and Brady can get together😉🤔
  17. I always forget about Sami trying to sell Belle, Lmao. I can’t blame young Sami for that. I also never really “blamed “ Sami for John hatred. Damn, if I walked in on my mom and someone other than my dad…(not being young enough to understand, yet not being old enough to “analyze” it) I would have a huge problem with that. Sami’s problem is she’s never gotten over any slight that occurs in her life, which is usually self-inflicted. I don’t find Belle’s hatred/bitterness for Sami undeserved..just weird because show decides to flip/flop her character. Is Belle the saintly child of Jarlena, like they seem to want her to be?? That’s not the person I see…or want to see. since Carrie isn’t around, I think they need Belle to be the sister to take Sami down a peg or two, even though Sami’s never personally done anything to her.(unless she slept with Shawn..omg, did I miss something??).. Carrie never really could do it (or wanted to?) I was so pissed off when they decided to make Claire Shawn D’s bio kid, rather than Philip’s. And don’t even get me started with what’shisname Chloe’s kid with the infamous Dr Tan the Man..!! What a Dick move.. In retrospect, thank god, because Claire is no child I would want to call my own, so Philip dodged a big one there. (However, Claire would be better if she were Philip’s) And I really don’t want Phloe, after everything they’ve been through (or he’s been through with shit show with Broe ) I know, I lnow, I’m such a Philip cheerleader…but only when it’s JKJ!! Show has really really f’d that character over. Talk about legacy children!! They could really use some Kiriakis/DiMera showdowns again! Those were fun to watch DAYS!! shit.man, I should just change my user name to BabbleOnFairy..babble on and on. Sorry! I just start going and can’t stop myself 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷‍♀️
  18. I think Belle is just bitter because she’s STUCK with Shawn D. Who wouldn’t be?! Ej/Belle. Philip/Belle, EJ/Philip, hell, I’m down for anything right now 😂 I hope Lucas doesn’t screw this up with the letter. Philip did everyone a favor. I’m liking nu-Chanel and hope they have better plans for her than boring Tripp and Allie. And yes, we need more friendships around Salem
  19. Absolutely!! 1000%!! Ben can fuck off! Just so so not like him. Serial killer, romantic cool intelligent guy.. whatever, just don’t care. Unless they put him w-Allie-Rafe- Theo or even Tripp..that may be just ok. Or Marlena🤭🤫😵
  20. EJ yeah..he definitely brought it! A++ for nu EJ! Not sure about the scruff , only because I LOVE dimples!! Kind of happy Nicole went to EJ,, Sami would have destroyed the proof for sure! Also, wouldn’t mind a cat fight, only because I want Nicole to totally kick Sami’s butt!
  21. HOURS AGO, BYANOSE SAID: Days is on break? Why did I not know this?! This show may suck sometimes but I still want to watch it everyday. I need something to complain about. how long is the show not going to be on??? Anyone know?
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