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  1. I laughed when I read that part of the interview. Like, Eric Wallace clearly doesn't watch his own show or he suffers from cognitive deficits. Cait wished Ronnie dead in season 1 after she found him living as Firestorm. In s2, Zoom told Cait he sensed darkness in her. In s3 x7, Cait committed many crimes trying to get rid of KF. In s4, Cait chose to work in human trafficking to control KF instead of going to her genius Mechanical Engineer BFF, Cisco. Also in s4, Cait endangered Cynthia's life & almost get Cynthia murdered, and Cait felt zero guilt about it. In s5, Cait claimed to care about consent for a medical procedure, the meta cure, but then put Grodd, a sentient being in a medically-induced coma without Grodd's consent. Yet she (and Cisco) were angry with Barry about curing King Shark. In s7, Cait tampered with police property (obstruction of justice) and lied to the police to nullify the meta cure. Like, what show has Eric been watching???? He's nuts.
  2. I agree, but letting Eobard fade from existence is the same thing they let Nora 1.0 do; fading from existence isn't the same thing as letting someone die. It is also morally reprehensible that Eobard and other villains get away with their crimes all. the. time. What a horrible message this show puts out into the world. At this point, team Flash is an accessory to whatever crimes they are allowing to go unpunished on their watch. This show no longer cares about justice.
  3. They were transferred in season 1x22 because Thawne triggered the reactor to go off again, which endangered the metas. Barry got Snart's help to move them to safety, but Snart betrayed Barry, of course.
  4. Who was Loki, cause Cait's got blood on her ledger and has been Loki in her own sociopathic way. That Cait would tell Thawne she's wasted 8 years hating him is such a self own. Like, Thwane is a narcissist, and a sociopath; he's glad to be a source of pain for Cait. Why didn't Cait brag about her accomplishments as part of team Flash. Oh right! There are no accomplishments; even the meta cure was Cisco's idea. Joe West has lost all credibility as an officer of the law, a father, and a human being. He knows that police have to use deadly force when justified and are still considered heroes when they do. Again, emphasis on it's justified deadly force. I didn't hear Joe protesting when Iris shot Savitar to save Barry. I didn't hear him protest when Nora 2.0 allowed herself to fade out of existence in season 5. In season 2, Joe gave Iris a gun to protect herself when he found out Harrison Wells existed from Earth 2. When you give someone a gun, you expect they might use it to seriously injure or even kill someone. Joe also shot Harrison Well in season 2. Once Joe started supporting jailing evil metas in the pipeline and then harbored Cait and Killer Frost from justice, he became morally murky and is now fully morally bankrupt. When Thawne returns to murder and destroy again, it'll be on Joe's head. ETA: Wasn't season 5 about not forcing Cicada to lose his powers by taking the meta cure without his consent? How many innocent meta humans died while these so-called "heroes" tried to convince a serial killer to do the right thing? I guess it's OK to take Thawne's powers without his consent though to save Thawne's life. So the lives of those innocent meta humans didn't matter like Thawne's life. Makes no sense.
  5. I was hoping for a Cisco mention of some kind. Guess he's been forgotten...
  6. Technically, there's no oath because Killer Frost helped to murder HR Wells, which makes her a murderer in the eyes of the law, and she's still free after being harbored from justice for three years before her so-called 2-week stint in Iron Heights. It's also ironic that the only timeline in which Eobard was imprisoned is the one in which Barry had been lost in Crisis in season 5. Therefore, it seems Barry is the only idiot who keeps letting criminals like KF and Thawne get away with crimes. There's something doubly disturbing about that. One, Barry is a police officer who has sworn to uphold the law and yet he keeps letting criminals go for no good reason. Second, he's also a hero sworn to execute justice, but it's unjust to let criminals off the hook because they are a "friend" or because they are your nemesis. Any crimes that Eobard commits are essentially partially Barry's fault because he had the chance to imprison him, no need to kill, but Barry refuses to do that. None of this is heroic or in keeping with the law. At this point, Barry Allen is an accessory to some of these crimes, too.
  7. Agreed. Or they could have talked about around the lead up to Crisis because Iris wasn't pregnant and they both believed Barry would die. How come Iris didn't mention like creating an embryo or freezing her eggs and his sperm before Crisis? This would be especially important after losing Nora at the end of season 5.
  8. Killer Frost's crush on Chillblaine makes perfect sense. She's a narcissist; he's a narcissist. She tried to murder people unapologectically; he murdered someone unapologetically. Cait liked Hunter Zolomon and Hunter said he saw something dark in Cait - i.e., Killer Frost. Birds of a feather, KF and Chillblaine, if you ask me.
  9. Caitlin never made the effort to get close to any of Cisco's girlfriends. I guess that made it easier to feel no shame when Cait nearly got Cynthia murdered by the Thinker. Plus Cait would have to admit that other people matter as much as she does. She/KF are narcissists; so, that won't happen. Notice that Caitlin and Killer Frost only made an effort with people who actively coddle them: Ralph, Allegra, Joe, Cisco, and Cecile. If you're not an active coddler, Cait/KF don't know you and don't care to try. Recall Killer Frost asking Iris how Ralph was dealing with Barry's impending death in Crisis, but KF never once asked Iris, Barry's wife, how Iris was dealing with it. Notice, too, that Cait/KF somehow made their attempts to help murder Iris into Cait/KF being victims. It's no wonder KF's trial became less about responsibility and more about playing the martyr. Considering that Killer Frost dragged/insulted Kamilla's photography work in public doesn't help endear Cait or KF to Kamilla either. Kam is probably glad those two "sisters" aren't at her party stealing focus.
  10. Other than the simple fact that Barry and Iris share zero DNA, here are a few ways for you to know this isn't true: Iris has never called Joe "our dad", never. She always says, "my dad" or just "dad." Saying they were "kinda like brother and sister" is not proof of anything other than how Iris perceived their situation might look. Immediately after she said those words, she added, "because we're not brother and sister". Some people hang on to the "kinda" part and ignore the "we're not brother and sister" part for their own reasons. Joe and Barry are police officers who know the law. If Joe had legally adopted Barry, Iris and Barry could not legally marry because, in the eyes of the state, they would legally be siblings. Since Barry and Iris are married, that tells you they are not siblings by law. Cecile was a District Attorney; if she Barry and Iris were legally siblings, she could not support their marriage legally. They would have to undo the adoption. Since this didn't happen, there was nothing to undo. Barry always refers to Henry as his dad or father. This has been consistent since season 1. Barry has never called Joe "dad". He said to Iris, "I'm hoping your dad will let me off early to go see the Particle Accelerator" in the pilot episode. When referring to Joe, Barry either calls him, "Joe" or says "your dad" when speaking to Iris. I don't blame some people for the confusion because the writers have not made it abundantly clear what the legal term is for the Barry/Joe situation. In some dialogue, Barrys says "foster", then that Joe "is like a dad", and Joe calls Barry "son". The writers are terrible about this, but one thing is clear: Barry West isn't a thing. He's Barry Allen and has been romantically in love with Iris West since childhood before his living situation changed when his mother was murdered. Henry Allen was also very clear with Joe in an early prison visit scene that Barry was Henry's son.
  11. And Killer Frost is a human trafficking accesory to murder who got out of a life sentence after a few days in prison on probation for one act of good behavior after pleading guilty to 3 felonies. There's no moral compass these wrtiers won't bend or break to make them "acceptable" as a real couple in love. I've lost any faith that there's even a compass. Tomorrow, they'll both be celebrated as the next great love story we all should aspire to want. 😖
  12. EW interview with Tom Cavanaugh.
  13. I thought Cisco was supposed to tell Kamilla what his greatest fear was in the Psych vision. Was that not for this episode? That's the thing though, Cisco didn't say "I want to go to San Francisco with you." He said, "I have to leave Central City." When Cisco first learns about San Francisco, he's happy for Kamilla, but I didn't get the sense that it was a permanent move she was asking him for, or, if it was, I didn't get the sense that Cisco was interested. It's only later after the Deon incident in Star Labs that Cisco said he has to leave Central City. That makes me think that him leaving is about trying to prevent his greatest fear from coming true. I think Kamilla's opportunity in San Fran is just Cisco's excuse to leave; it's not really about Kamilla.
  14. Well, considering the spoiler pics online of KF the accountability for Killer Frost was never serious; it was just performative accountability that shares nothing in common with the real experiences of real victims of bad policing.
  15. I'm not sure if this was a different DP interview, but the screen shot of her response makes her sound like someone who is leaving the show:
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