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Everything posted by JustDucky

  1. Ah, there's the Sister Monica Joan I know and adore! The "I've seen everything" line made me smile. Poor Michael. As the parent of a LGBTQA+ kid, I liked the parents coming around and just wanting him to be happy, even if it was anachronistic as all get-out. That's the way it should be - "are you happy? okay then." (Also, I saw a side to Doctor Turner and Nurse Crane I haven't seen in a while, and I loved it.) As much as I like Nancy (her part in the baby's delivery was magnificent), I'd like a little more from the other student nurses. Fresh blood should always have a moment in the limelight. Is it strange that I like Cyril a little more than Lucille, at least in this episode? He developed a lot in just one episode. Fred, on the other hand, will never learn. Kinda love that about him. Liked the World Cup mania that overtook everybody, but then I'm from a very sports-involved part of the world and can strongly relate. And I love Trixie with the Hot Widower, but I hope it's a slow burn for the sake of both their characters.
  2. I did a bit of investigating, and turns out Noel has Gilbert's Syndrome. It's called "harmless", but it still doesn't sound like a good time, and Noel probably had to bow out for a bit of self-care to make sure he didn't get to a point where recovery would take longer. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gilberts-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20372811
  3. That's what I assumed - that Fred took over the shop to help the Irish family out (and to stay out of Violet's hair at her shop).
  4. I recall Nurse Jenny helping a mother delivering on her knees. If I remember correctly, the patient's father was dying across the hall... Trixie never fails to impress. I have a feeling Dr. Hoity-Toity might prove too good to be true. And she was beautifully coiffed and dressed (for a sister-nurse, that is) in this episode. I teared up when Nurse Frances was sobbing on the phone over the baby's legs. She might be a favorite of mine. Couldn't tell you why. (Hint: the awkwardness and emotional aspects remind me of me.) Kind of wish they'd play up Dr. Turner and Sister Julienne locking horns. Was there something cut out of the American viewing that I would have enjoyed? *cough* I have a VPN *cough* I loved Sister Monica Joan in the past, but now she's written so inconsistently that it's hard to eke out any sympathy for her crisis of faith. Is she truly dotty, or just verbose? What kind of dementia lets its patients have such moments of lucidity? I'm glad the show is back, and I am eager to see what else this season brings. (More Trixie fashions, for one!)
  5. Sorry, but that opening skit was concentrated cringe. Went on for waaaay too long. Speaking of going on too long... they could have cut a lot of Matt's German Flintstones, but didn't. Was there really that little baking footage that they needed so much filler? Other than that, I liked Matt and Nigel's anti-gravity time calls. They didn't try too hard. I live with a vegan. He follows Freya on social media, and said that her past presentations there weren't fully vegan but made no comments on her cake rolls or Showstopper (other than to compliment her flowers), so there's something to look out for. (I saw that she made butter for the technical with no complaints. My vegan would have gone on about dairy farming. And now I want fresh butter.) Jurgen and Guiseppe are my frontrunners so far. But I'm, to coin a British word, rubbish at guessing who will win. And I too am confused on why they think Maggie is Prue's doppleganger. George may have not baked well, but his personality was so sweet I hoped he rallied to see at least another week.
  6. I teared up when I read the dedication: "To everyone getting us through 2020." And I have no problem with a Pete win. Hermine should have been in Laura's place, but I'm not going to be a soggy bottom about it on social media. Also-also Dave's baby is the sweetest thing I've seen on this show.
  7. Oh, if I had only caught who that was upon first viewing! (I had to watch it after it aired on the website, and I was so distracted by the "Who Is That?" that I became a little distracted from that particular plot. This is the first new Midwife episode in *checks calendar* a couple of seasons that made me boo-hoo openly. Recent episodes have made me have feelings, but not to the point of this one. When Val's grandma muttered about "gritting her teeth" as her former patients did, the waterworks started and didn't stop until *checks clock next to calendar* two minutes ago. After Trixie's first line about "It's Nurse Franklin, in this professional setting", I was quietly chanting her name. Damn, girl - when they give you something to do, you pick it up and run with it, fashionable high heels be damned! If we'd gotten to know Dr. McNulty better, I'd have felt more for him. Do I blame Heidi's writing for this, or PBS's editing?
  8. I wonder if a bunch of us made it public that the only thing keeping us from financially contributing to PBS was the way they cut scenes from CTM... If they'd actually quit doing it. There were so many questions, like: what did the contest picture look like? What was with the Turner's rabbits? And how did that young man test to get into prep school from home? Loved the Buckles in this episode. They were just right. And Fred's emotional attachment to Primrose was realistic and sweet. Mother Mildred scored all the points tonight. Between the sympathy towards Primrose's mother to the way she handed that "father", she won my heart. I could pick this episode apart until it's sore and scabby, but I'm so glad to have fresh Midwife tonight that I'll let it slide. (Except for that shoddy editing, of course.)
  9. Ignore all that mess - I clicked the wrong button. I'm sure someone at Disney is taking notes for the newest evil Mother Figure on the block - "and give her bangs that are almost too long!"
  10. Did you not see how Hannah gnawed on his ass? That's gonna leave a mark.
  11. Welp. The only good thing about this episode was Esther's heel-face turn* and the youngest Parker brother's kindness toward Miss Lambe and admission to being gay a confirmed bachelor. The "lost series finale" fanfiction starts... NOW! *-if she was ever really a heel, or just led about by her stepbrother via the power of lust and came to her senses just in the nick of time. YMMV, restrictions may apply, eyes on your own paper, etc.
  12. The Denham Matriarch Lives! (I won't say "Called It", because I thought she was faking and she wasn't, but I was super-close!) Now let's see the character development Esther gets. Sure, now they bring in Young Stringer now that Charlotte has a contender for Sidney's attention. Apt name, as it kind of feels as she's stringing him along... Ugh, love quadrangles are so exhausting. Didn't know how much I missed the other two Parker siblings until they appeared. She's a bit much (even though she doesn't do anything but simper over her brother), but he becomes more tolerable with each scene he's in. As far as comic relief goes, they're a bit much, but welcomed after the Surprise!ExGirlfriend and Sorta Sibling Incest. Susan is damned near royalty, and likes Charlotte! Plot Twist! Couldn't have imagined! /sarcasm
  13. After tonight, I care not a bit for the younger Denhams. Here's hoping the matriarch is faking her illness, and will "bequeath" all three of them a schedule for stagecoaches out of Sanditon after they've all self-destructed. There's quite a bit of unnecessary things happening on the Parker side of the story, mainly with the return of Sidney's Old Flame. There's a love triangle set up already, with Young Stringer - why set up another angle with Mrs. Golde-Dyger? I watch the "more about the making of Sanditon" bits after the show because 1)more Theo James is good, and 2)watching the writers and producers struggle to justify their twists on the story with "subtext!" is amusing and maddening at the same time. Yes, there were some shadiness between the lines of Austen's works (Mansfield Park immediately comes to mind), but the beauty of the shadiness is that it stayed in the damned shade. I'll keep watching, because I'm not a quitter, but mostly I'm staying in the habit of flipping to PBS on Sundays so I don't miss the premiere of Call the Midwife. (And, also, because I like picking at things until they're sore and scabby.)
  14. Yup. If you look at it like that, it's enjoyable. Start thinking about Austen and "would she really...", and it muddies the water. Kinda wish her name wasn't attached to this - I would be happier watching it. With Downton Abbey being off the air (and watching the back episodes on Prime too often to mention!), I require a regular period drama, no matter how contrived. And this one is especially easy on the eyes, if not the dialogue.
  15. Can we just concentrate on the younger royals from here on out? Not only are their "characters" more captivating, but their actors are nailing it. (I especially want to see Princess Anne tell off her would-be kidnapper, because I think her actress would deliver "not bloody likely!" perfectly.) I can see where the Queen was coming from in her last rant tirade speech. The delivery sucked, though. Another reason I want to spend more time on the young royals now.
  16. I wonder if Margaret had any inkling about how LBJ was really like. Otherwise I'm sure she wouldn't have dared... (I know, this is a fictionalized show of real-life events, and Margaret probably never said the word "arsehole" in public, much less a state dinner, but one wonders...) I liked HBC, but I really dug the casting of Young Margaret. She looked a lot like Vanessa Kirby.
  17. Being an American and not knowing about the Aberfan disaster, I had to do a bit of research after this episode, and hoo boy... It was just as bleak and difficult and gut-wrenching as this show made it out to be. The image of the schoolteacher, looking out the window at the sludge approaching, will probably haunt my dreams soon. He went from a rather cool-mannered character ("don't peak early", he tells his singing student dryly) to screaming at the kids to take cover. That last scene, from the terse conversation with the PM to crying over the hymn, is why I adore Olivia Colman. It seems effortless with her. (Although, seeing candid pictures of her, I imagine there has to be some work!)
  18. The speech Elizabeth gave at the art exhibition made me applaud. It wasn't complicated, but it was brilliant and well-delivered. I have a soft spot for both Olivia and HBC, so I am giving this season a lot of hope (and a little slack?), but I think it's off to a good start. I'm already enjoying it more than I did season 2.
  19. Just how far are they sending George off the deep end with his Elizabeth delusions? (Not that I mind seeing Heida again...) Also, love that they at least acknowledged Ursula's existence. Oh, if only the series would dig into her future juuuuuuust a little bit. Also-also, will there be a frickin' love triangle between George and Geoffrey Charles? (I know George isn't in love, but he's got matchmakers, money, and entitlement on his side.) Of course Ross saved the King of England. I'd roll my eyes if they weren't halfway closed due to me yawning. Drake and Morwenna - I want to root for these kids, but they're just too dim. Overall, kind of a meh episode with interesting bits in it.
  20. And I shouted "HIT HER AGAIN, HOPE! THE FIRST ONE OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T TAKE!" Lordhavemercy, she's like the Mister Collins of wanting to be forgiven. (Anybody else hoping there's a trial offscreen? The sooner we have the felons off our screens with their "it was just a mistake" and "there were good reasons behind my bad behavior", the better.)
  21. Maybe she did! Maybe the showdown is her chance to tell Flo what a heinous <redacted redacted> she is before she's brought to justice. Insult to injury. (Or the other way around... Remember Hope, a fist does more damage than a palm!)
  22. I would love to know what Shauna and Flo expected: "Hey, Beth's here with us,, so all's swell! You know, we do need a couple of godparents..." AN is killing it. (If only her lines weren't the only things getting killed...)
  23. I was waiting for your recap, @CountryGirl, and you did not disappoint! Brace yourself, because I'm going to defend Steffy a little bit: Her feelings are valid. She's formed a relationship (I hesitate to call it a bond) with "Phoebe" for half a year, and being told who her birth parents are is a shock. Of course she's going to babble and bargain and say stupid stuff. Now that all the kind shit is over: HAND OVER THE BABY.
  24. I hope we cut to Thomas, sad and lonely in the hotel room, drinking booze from the room service cart... Wearing the lingerie that he bought Hope. Because as satisfying as it was to see the LiHoBe reunion and the beginning of Flo's ass being removed so it can be handed to her, I could use a bit of comedy. (Of course, have somebody check on him before long so he has to put on a robe, because yikes.)
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