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Lady Calypso

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  1. Unless Kenzie was going to completely credit Q for her entire game, he was never voting for her, clearly. He is so mad that Kenzie is the last Yanu standing.
  2. Q hates Kenzie, he hates that she's there and he's not.
  3. I think Venus goes Kenzie. Tevin, Soda and Hunter are the wild cards.
  4. Honestly, strategically, he should be taking Liz and forcing Charlie/Kenzie to make fire. But Ben is all about vibes so he probably takes Kenzie because he likes her the best and she's helped with his anxiety attacks.
  5. I agree, holding onto Q as long as she did was her downfall, instead of spreading her time elsewhere. I think she could learn and grow from her mistakes here because they were correctable.
  6. I do like Maria, I think she could do well on a Second Chances if she goes here. She's been a kickass player. Her biggest issue has been her indecisiveness/unwillingness to own her game. But I am happy that we've gotten Maria all season. I love that a woman like her, someone who's older, has been a top contender to win.
  7. We've also seen Kenzie call Charlie "Maria's Jester" four episodes ago AND he has still not made a move on his own or led a charge with a vote. I don't think he has as many votes as people believe. He doesn't have anything he can claim. He botched that when Venus got voted out.
  8. Honestly, I have to respect Maria. She's made mistakes and I don't like her indecisiveness, but she's still very good at this game. I don't think it works, I think this is a ploy for the viewers rather than it actually happening, but kudos to Maria for trying.
  9. I mean, since Jeff didn't call it out, it clearly was within the rules, or whatever. I personally don't love it but I can't be mad about it because Jeff didn't say she couldn't grab Kenzie's plank. It was nice to see the immunity challenge be about the women. Two women vs one, while the two remaining men were invisible. That was nice to see.
  10. Well then, I don't think this has happened, someone outright stopping THEIR puzzle to go run and grab someone else's to help them out. I guess it's allowed?
  11. Oh, this is fun. Maria vs Charlie.
  12. I used to say Maria but her indecisiveness and unwillingness to own her game has caused her to slip. I'd love a Kenzie or Charlie win. A Liz win would be hilarious and, to be fair, she DOES have a couple of moves under her belt.
  13. Honestly, favourite episode of the season and quite possibly one of my favourite episodes of the series. I fully get that, with a shortened season, they're on a tighter schedule, so having a more chill episode like this was needed at some point. And I always crave more Bobby-centric stories. His backstory is the one that has never been fleshed out beyond the Minnesota fire and one tidbit about how he was a kid ice dancer. Peter Krause and Malcolm-Jamal Warner were absolutely fantastic. I worried that Amir was either going to try to take revenge on Bobby or worse, immediately forgive him. This episode was more nuanced than usual, in the sense that we got Bobby called out by Amir, and Amir really got to lay out his feelings while not forgiving him. He was thankful for him being there when he needed help, but Bobby showing up didn't fix anything. Amir and Bobby were really lucky the cartel was dumb as shit and didn't catch them running up the mountain to hide behind a rock. Truly, the dumbest cartel members I've ever seen on a show, but I'm fine with it. I didn't need 40 minutes of Bobby and Amir fighting the cartel, and we got some excellent character work. And Bobby's backstory is sad. He is now officially a member of the 118 with Shitty Parents! But I fully get why Bobby turned out the way he did. An abusive alcoholic father, his mother and brother leaving that situation while he chose to stay behind, only to have reality hit him and then his dad dying while he's in the next room? Like, damn. Really great episode. I know it's outside the norm of 9-1-1 episodes but I get why it was needed, and it was just well done in general.
  14. Charlie waited too long to make any moves of his own. Kenzie said it best a couple of episodes prior: Charlie is seen as Maria's Jester. He hasn't made any moves of his own. Charlie lost credibility the moment he let go of the sway vote he had to get out Q and got out Venus instead. I think that killed his game. Because now, others have more credit than he does. Charlie may have the strategic thought process but I think he'll have a tough time explaining to the jury on what he actually did that wasn't all talk. He now can't get out Maria on his own and everyone wants Maria out, anyway. He lost the game when Venus left. So I can see him getting more votes than the speculated clean sweep or 7-1-0, but he can't beat Kenzie now.
  15. I am very disappointed in the Eddie stuff this season thus far. His character has been a total mess. Not just this episode, but the Nun Marisol plot from a couple of episodes ago, it feels very....off for Eddie. Who, I get, he's bottled feelings up constantly but we're on round three of his Shannon trauma and it feels like he's going in circles. There needs to be progress on that end at some point. Him cheating on Marisol with Kim sucks. He's intentionally making a decision that affects more than his life. I really think the only way this can end decently is Eddie being called out and has to face real consequences. Also, these cheating storylines have always ended with the cheater getting away with it, for the most part. I need this one to end differently. Also, Marisol sucks. Out of the two female characters that interacted with Eddie last season, they went with the woman whose brother was so stupid, he soundproofed himself in her attic and the one who can't cry, over the actually interesting actress who Eddie shared a moment with on the beach. Still disappointed by that. It does feel like this doppelganger plot would have been more useful about two seasons ago. Maddie/Athena teaming up was fun. I like when the show mixes up the pairings. I liked Maddie/Chimney's conversation. They got more to do here than their wedding episode. Amir seems like an interesting character. I assume he was part of the fire that Bobby accidentally started that killed 148 people.
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