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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. MBBFL.....the story of two horny fat losers that have lowered their expectations about love and realized there's no one out there for them other than themselves.
  2. Arm pumps and butt flab twerk, repeat repeat, repeat. That's choreography? So are all future episodes going to revolve around the gross possibility of romance between these two useless turds? How long will TLC keep this sham going?
  3. Why is everyone else on the NYC streets wearing jackets and hugs and she's waddling around in a tank designed to expose her rapidly increasing collection of ugly-ass tats?
  4. Will she admit that she was invited to the No Barriers event because they consider her to be handicapped? And that Todd wasn't because he's not? Lordy I think we all could have done without the gross twerking foreplay. Blechhhhh. Oh poor Whitney and her daddy issues, nice that she blames him her problems. Big effing baby.
  5. OMG I'm just gonna puke, those two are absolutely the most disgusting people on earth, inside and out.
  6. You said it! That place needed WAY more than a cleaning, everything in it was foul, filthy and infected. It needed to be gutted and fumigated, and everything replaced and then constant maintenance. Yeah, Social Services ain't doing that. And then there's the dogs, weren't there like 9? Likeliest sad story is that one of the ladies probably becomes seriously ill or passes away, and then the other is removed and sent to a facility, the animals are taken to the shelter and the house condemned. The house and their lives are the stuff of nightmares to most of us, but this is how they just live. I don't think necessarily it's a question of poverty, because I can't imagine how much all that food costs, but there's just no awareness of basic housekeeping and cleanliness here. It's like they were just hopelessly existing day by day. Saddest episode ever.
  7. Wow, saddest most hopeless episode ever. If anyone in town saw the episodes I'm sure that Social Services had already been there. If there was poop encrusted on Jeanne's leg before, it's gonna be there again. Barbara had her horrendous infected hernia issues fixed and should feel much better physically but imagine how guilty she feels because she was away while hubby passed. I wonder how she's been able to constantly feed Jeanne and the 9 dogs? House likely to get even filthier as she deals with depression. Jeanne says she needs lots of food to deal with it, mommy better get busy hitting up the fast food joints. Not sure when this was filmed but I'm absolutely sure that she's bedridden now. Sad.
  8. I just don't think there's a way to help these women - their level of dysfunction is just so great. Although they didn't seem like the dumbest people I've ever seen in this show, they were certainly the most slovenly and lacked even the most basic personal hygiene and housekeeping skills. What filth! The most likely scenario is that one or both will very soon experience another terrible medical emergency and Social Services will become involved. I don't see Jeanne surviving for too long.... between the smoking and the morbid obesity she just doesn't stand a chance. Poor mom will have to get over her grief and abdominal surgery pronto, because Jeanne announced before they even got home that she needed a lot of food to cope with dad's death. And then there's 9 dogs to feed. Mom better get out there shopping and shoveling massive plates of chow in front of Jeanne. Hard to imagine their lives. Sad sad sad!
  9. This tragedy is the excuse she needs to gorge for the next ten years...not that she would last that long. I do understand their reactions though. It's so shocking it's hard to process, like Jeanne said. She's right about that. My husband passed away while we were in vacation 6 yrs ago... I found him dead in the car when I came out from a store after I ran in to pick up a few things. Like Jeanne and her mom, I was stuck alone many hours from home. I was a zombie for days.
  10. Look at that thing they took off of mom, holy shit!
  11. No worries, the Jack Link beef jerky sasquatch dad is holding down the fort!
  12. Now she & mom are both infected? These people live like effing pigs, they are truly the most disgusting people EVER on this show. All she wants us weight loss surgery? Yeah honey that ain't gonna happen! And even if it did, it wouldn't help you one bit. I'm nauseated just thinking of their collective stank.
  13. Well there's those white pants again!!! Wear black honey. Hey I thought she never went out in public, but yup, I just saw the obligatory poundicipent TAT!!! She's rolling her eyes at Dr Now again. .. and getting testy.
  14. Don't forget the lean meat and skinless chicken.....
  15. Could be wrong, but I just don't see this working out. But she's still mobile, as amazing as that is. After a while all the abuse stories sound hollow. Oh Jeanne, bariatric surgery isn't a cure. Come on, tell him you smoke!!! I see the divorced little people are back, that's surprising.
  16. Surprised she isn't laying in the back of the minivan, as we've seen so many times before. Dr Now is gonna rip her a new one in that. Yes people are jerks, but you are just so big Jeanne. Obesity as a disability is tough for me to swallow 100%. She's really in a rant, there's a nasty side of her too I see.
  17. Used to go to Madison Square Garden every year in the late 70's to see Jethro Tull.... contributed to my hearing loss and tinnitus! Ian was great showman, standing there on one foot playing flute! Happy times!!!
  18. How on earth is she gonna get to Houston at all, and how could they ever move there? She's basically a giant blob that Mom and Dad are shoveling food in front of all day long. It's almost as though she's paralyzed. This is the stuff of nightmares.
  19. Thinking the same sad thing. Seriously, what kind of a life is this? Talk about hopeless.
  20. Boring episode So little going on in Whit's fabulous life that we were treated to Babs' cataract surgery and watched storm prep. (Hey that storm hit my area too, and I recently had cataract surgery, can I get a "reality" show too??) So desperate for any content at all that they had to bring in a guest twerking instructor and Ashley's baby. Oh, and Twit wore several sports bras, that's entertaining, right? And Buddy....his descent into full-blown bumhood becomes more obvious with every episode. Ugh
  21. Patient in this episode was a big hot mess, but somehow it still managed to be extremely boring. Like most of the episodes this season. Except for Maja. Which was great if only because we got to see a human being get set free from a life of abusive servitude. Yes I speak of Chriss-shen, or sometimes Chriss-shen- ah.
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