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Everything posted by EllenB

  1. It's a fairly common name in any area settled by the French. Those Benoists were everywhere!
  2. Some people sure make it hard for people who have had cancer to get past being a permanent CANCER PATIENT. Ethan's been cancer-free since 2013. That's seven years. I'm sure he just LOVES the constant pity parties from so-called fans. 🙄
  3. Hmmm, what's Brad up to these days? They'd be gorgeous together!
  4. I dunno. Maybe it took four tries for Pilot Pete to hit Hannah's hangar.
  5. I wish they could find someone fun like Jillian was. Even though her final pick was a turd, the season was great otherwise, and the guys all seemed to really like her. Plus she knew how to switch from romantic to being one of the guys as circumstances dictated. Self-confidence + a sense of humor + a warm personality should be the top criteria for picking the next Bachelorette. I wish Madison wasn't so virgin-y, and was a few years older, because she hits at least a few of my preference points.
  6. Huh. I must have blinked and missed it.
  7. He's been cancer-free since 2013. It's not like he crawled to the show with infusion needles still in his arms, FFS!
  8. Ew. I've had cancer (hate the word survivor in that context) and I'd be furious if someone thought that was a reason for any special treatment. Or for anything. Who wants to be a pity project?
  9. Hannah Anna Banana reminds me of the paper dolls I had as a kid. Very pretty and good for hanging beautiful clothes on, but no substance, super shallow, and tiresome after a few minutes.
  10. When Hannah Anna Banana said "You're so skinny!" to Viper Victoria, and Viper Victoria replied "Thenkyow," I really wish Hannah Anna Banana would have said "Oh, it wasn't a compliment, I meant that you look like shit." Does Viper Victoria ever blink like a regular person? It's always so slow-motion, like a reptile.
  11. If Victoria had gotten that date, I'll bet she would have whined until Peter carried her.
  12. Peter has Resting Crap Face. He's passable when he's laughing or smiling, but he looks all surly and saggy when his face is relaxed. Oh, and he's really stupid. That was just a bonus.
  13. Hubby and I were fantasizing about different kangaroo attack possibilities. All of them were much better than the actual show.
  14. Sneaky with the two silver sequined outfits on Madison. Makes the editing even more dubious.
  15. There's an old Judy Collins song with the line, "Young men holding violets are curious to know if you have cried, and ask you why and tell you why, any way you answer." It's a particular type of mansplaining that pretends it's to help the woman with her issues. Peter is just another condescending piece of shit. And I don't even like Victoria!
  16. Why the hell is Victoria singing instead of talking? And was that previous relationship before, after, or during the time she was with the married guys?
  17. Ooh, Petey's been covering a seriously receding hairline. Stay out of the wind, old man
  18. When does Victoria offer Madison the poisoned apple? I think Madison's mascara problems might be because she doesn't wear makeup regularly and hasn't perfected it. She's an athlete, not a model or "influencer," whatever the hell that is.
  19. I wonder how much the editing chopped up the conversation between Madison and Peter, to make it look like she didn't actually tell him what she was thinking.
  20. Quoting RS here because I couldn't isolate this part from that long string of his tweets: Madison's dinner portion w/ Peter is where she tells him she's saving herself for marriage & she "woudn't be able to say yes to an engagement & move forward if you've slept w/ the other women." Peter says "So you'd throw this all away if something happened w/ the other women?" That's one highly egotistical comment from Peter the Mediocre.
  21. I think the best response to King-in-his-own-mind Rob's demand to dump the bag contents would have been to comply, but to also indulge in some hysterical laughter, just to bring ol' Rob down a peg or two in his own estimation.
  22. Or she's a stalker. Funny if it turned out she's crazier than Victoria.
  23. I worked in the archives of a history museum. We called the History Channel the Hitler Channel because the only time they actually touched on history, it was another very dubious Hitler "documentary."
  24. I think (within the game) that Rob has perfected an effective type of bullying. It's the type used by horrible parents, teachers, and coaches to make people feel helpless and less than, without raising their voice or a finger. And it's interspersed with enough kind words to make the victim doubt their own brain.
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