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Everything posted by blondiec0332

  1. Meghan said an 85% approval rating for Trump by Republicans is high. Why does she find it surprising the President has a high approval rating by his own party? President Obama had an average 83% approval rating among Democrats during his time in office.
  2. Meghan should know the answer to that question. Isn't she the one who says she understands Trump voters? And are we to believe Meghan now falls in that 85%?
  3. I don't watch the Bachelor. Whoopi and Joy don't watch the Bachelor. Why is it so unbelievable to Whoopi that Sunny doesn't watch the Bachelor? Sara and Meghan I would believe watch Bachelor. That is the polite way to put it.
  4. She thinks she is enlightening all of us uninformed viewers with the truth. In her mind she is probably doing "God's work".
  5. She confirmed what a lot of us suspected.
  6. Meghan can't spell analyst let alone be one.
  7. Elisabeth also more or less knew she was a "talk show co host". She wouldn't have described herself as a political commentator or pundit or whatever Meghan described herself as a couple weeks ago.
  8. She said her ex had her face or a blond woman tattooed on his arm (?) which is "kinda in my wheelhouse". Being a blond woman is in your wheelhouse? I never thought I would say this but I think her word salads are worse than Elisabeth's. She blushes when talking about sex but thinks if women want to have one night stands they shouldn't be looked down upon? I agree with her but I find it odd she is embarrassed about talking about sex but apparently thinks it's OK to be so free with it.
  9. So now she is misusing phrases. Money can't buy brains. Or a vocabulary. But money can buy a dictionary and thesaurus. Meghan would do well to buy both.
  10. She is like Caroline Kennedy. Both came from very famous accomplished parents and yet don't have that same "star power".
  11. I thought the same thing. Very distracting. Even on someone like Angelina Jolie I think the visible tats ruin the look.
  12. That dress is so very wrong for Whoopi. Why wouldn't she wear a very nice pantsuit? I don't like her daughter's dress either.
  13. It resembles spoiled entitlement to me.
  14. Will Meghan be pissy to Adam Ripon? She wasn't in favor of him not meeting with Mike Pence.
  15. Whoopi is horrible as the moderator. That being said she does sometimes have something of value to add to the conversation. The problem is she wants to be the "star". If she could keep her ego in check and play nice with others things would be so much nicer. Well and get rid of Meghan.
  16. She also seems to gravitate towards men more than women. I don't know if that is because she feels insecure around women but my guess would be yes.
  17. It would have been awesome if Joy had asked her that very question.
  18. Meghan said Hollywood isn't inclusive of "Republican values". And she wonders why she isn't invited to parties.
  19. Meghan thinks she is "tainted" because she is a Republican. No dear you are tainted because you keep talking about tribalism and denigrating those not in your tribe.
  20. I heard it and was truly shocked she used it and properly.
  21. OMG! Seriously? She doesn't know how to pronounce it?
  22. It can work in that environment if you don't have someone at the table hell bent on misconstruing another cohost's words in order to make said cohost look bad.
  23. On a lot of other shows Randall's mother would end up being Deja's mother's mother. I feel that way too. And honestly the more they feature him the less I like him.
  24. Cindy has always come across as a very cool calm collected woman. Her daughter on other hand........
  25. Let's also not forget how many false reports of suspicious dangerous people are given to law enforcement. They can only do so much with the resources they have. As with any tragedy hindsight is 20/20.
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