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Everything posted by blondiec0332

  1. Can someone please send Meghan a dictionary. This is just embarrassing now.
  2. I agree with you but I did get a kick out of Whoopi's response.
  3. Is she friend's with any female who doesn't share her political beliefs?
  4. I know why she was hired but it seems like it took a few months on the View for the stupidity to appear. She is misusing words every day. I think she is trying to appear smarter than she is and failing miserably.
  5. At least she isn't doing that trick Elisabeth used to do. "Some people are saying"........... When we all knew it was Elisabeth who was saying whatever inane/obnoxious word salad that came out of her mouth. She looked stupid on the Bill Maher HBO show when Paul Begala schooled her but how did she make it this far without anyone noticing that yes she is dumb as a rock?
  6. She cherry picks who she holds grudges against.
  7. The View just needs to stop trying to make Meghan happen. She isn't going to ever going to fit in. And she doesn't seem like she wants to. She might think she is following in her dad's "maverick" footsteps but she just looks like a bitch.
  8. Meghan grew up rich and the daughter of a senator. Could she be more entitled? I'm sure she was used to getting everything she wanted. So yeah her not getting to be First Daughter probably irks her to no end. And since she failed at being a non traditional conservative she decided to play to the base which I think is failing as well. And now that she has married into that family she is going full throttle to the far right. In other words she is a hot mess.
  9. I don't think they have shown any behind the scenes people in a very long time. Although Geddie wasn't really behind the scenes. I swear he was on camera almost as much as the co-hosts.
  10. I know that. I was just saying Meghan doesn't have someone whispering in her ear. Except perhaps her husband.
  11. Elisabeth might have had Bill Geddie feeding her the lines to spout at the table but you are right Wings Meghan's obnoxiousness and "tribalism" is all her own.
  12. And a supporter of the Second Amendment.
  13. That was the only thing she said during that segment I think. It was nice to not here her try to defend anyone spouting off the crisis actor theory.
  14. If I'm not mistaken he was posthumously accepted to West Point.
  15. Snotty is the perfect word to describe her. She acts like a thirteen year old mean girl. Almost every comment she makes has a snide tone to it.
  16. Meghan thinks she has grown in her career. You mean she used to be worse?
  17. So she is trying to do the "Gotcha" questions again. Does she not have someone in her life to tell her how ridiculous she is becoming?
  18. I can't argue with Whoopi on this one. And she only mentions Whoopi and Joy.
  19. I mentioned to a friend Meghan misusing the word Dystopian. He instantly knew she meant Orwellian. Jesus why didn't I catch that.
  20. All 17 victim's lives mattered. They all had value. But Meghan has this tunnel vision that only people who served in the military are worthy of respect. So tell me Meghan why you or your husband has never chosen to serve? I'm surprised someone hasn't made a video of all her vocabulary missteps. It's become a daily occurrence.
  21. I wonder if she ever had resentment for Ted's career not really being impacted while hers did take a hit.
  22. There is no shame in not having a huge vocabulary. But trying to sound like you do and misusing words makes you sound like an idiot.
  23. For the life of me I could never figure out why he was with her. Didn't he leave his wife for her?
  24. A person's music collection can be called eclectic. Never heard a person called eclectic. Egocentric is a much more apt description.
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