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Everything posted by blondiec0332

  1. Being "in politics her whole life" you would think she knows this. Ostensibly our elected official are supposed to work for us. Although we know that isn't entirely true anymore.
  2. It's that bubble she lives in. It's all about Meghan.
  3. Does she not realize the airlines decided to end their partnership with the NRA because so many people said they wouldn't fly with them because of the NRA? Yes she really does believe that.
  4. Why does she do that? It can't be to see if she looks good because lately she has been looking awful. All that money and not a lick of fashion sense
  5. Meredith was always my favorite. If Meghan doesn't show her the respect she deserves I might have to cut the bitch.
  6. It's true. She makes it seem like the NRA is some exclusive club that you are privileged to be part of. The way the co hosts were talking to Tamra about her marriage like it was some serious issue was ridiculous. By their tone you would have thought they were talking about some great tragedy.
  7. I think she is being intentionally obnoxious. As noted above the show is getting almost daily media attention. Meghan is becoming much more well known than before she was on the View. I think she has plan. Her dad's Senate seat or her own show I don't know but I don't see her making the View her career. Don't forget Tomi Lahren
  8. Meghan should really be more open about her life. I mean do we have any idea her political beliefs? Or her family background? This whole NRA thing came out of nowhere.
  9. I had the benefit of binge watching from the first episode to the Super Bowl episode so I saw all episodes in a short period of time. There was definitely a shift from the first season to the second season. The Big Three each had issues but it didn't seem like they were directly related to their father's death. I don't know if the writers had a game plan from the beginning or are just writing it as they go along.
  10. I did online dating after my husband died (Don't judge me!) and any man who had a pic of himself holding a gun was instantly ignored.
  11. His social consciousness makes him beautiful on the inside. And the outside ain't too shabby either. She would totally fit in with all of us.
  12. I had no clue who she was and I was not impressed. Rep. Kennedy and the yummy Jessie Williams however did impress me.
  13. Yes but I'm sure Whoopi and Joy would not hold back when dealing with them.
  14. There is someone worse than Meghan?
  15. When Meghan says bipartisanship she really means agree with my side. Joy has been noticing. A couple times she has subtly said the correct word but it just went right over Meghan's head.
  16. Wonder if Meghan still feels like she should have taken Trump's phone call last week?
  17. Those families are dealing with unimaginable grief. They can yell at whoever they want. Meghan was well aware of what the View was and who the co-hosts are. Did she not understand her views were going to be challenged? And yes if she leaves I'm sure she will play the victim card. Just like Rosie said happened with Elisabeth. The big bad liberals picked on poor little Meghan.
  18. She clearly does not play well with others. One of her biggest problems (and there are several) is that she sees paints people with same brush. Democrats are all the same. Liberals are all the same. So when someone says something negative about a Republican or an NRA member she concludes they are also saying something negative about her. She studied art or art history in college right? One would think she wouldn't have such a rigid view of things. Is she going to answer everyone who criticizes or questions her? There aren't enough hours in the day.
  19. That is a good point. She is trying to earn her stripes as a true "conservative". And taking down Joy would go a long way towards that. But of course she is like Wile. E Coyote going up against the road runner. Drats foiled again.
  20. I don't know if this show just brings out the worst in her or if she was always this way and people just didn't notice.
  21. I have never cared for Monique. My personal opinion of her is she has a very high opinion of herself which doesn't match reality. And yes NOTINKANSASANYMORE what she seemed to be implying was over the top. And she thinks she was blackballed because of that. IIRC she had a reputation as being difficult after Precious came out. Does she think refusing to promote a movie she is in, and ultimately won an Oscar for isn't going to cause people in Hollywood to think twice about working with her? I have heard her perspective and I didn't like it and don't need to hear it on a daily basis.
  22. She definitely would have failed any debating class. I keep seeing comments on other sites that are (in jest) we should just have schools in prisons now.
  23. Just the logistics of it is a quagmire. Are the teachers expected to carry the weapon on them? Will the weapon be locked in a desk? Loaded or not loaded?
  24. Meghan once again blamed Democrats for not renewing the ban on assault weapons. The Republicans control everything now so why aren't they banning them? She is insufferable.
  25. Emma is going to grow up to be everything Meghan wishes she was. Smart, articulate and saying things people want/need to hear.
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