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Everything posted by Orillia

  1. Would that be before or after she solves the Kennedy assassination ?
  2. Obviously the Seal team is pretty good but just not good enough. So who better to send over to help but FBI agent Hannah. And it's a good thing they did. Who else but Hannah would have noticed the problem with the praying mat? As if that wasn't awesome enough , after glancing at a letter written in a foreign language for less than 5 seconds she was able to translate and understand the nuances and then go on to solve the situation. And I haven't forgotten about her time at home when during her intensive interrogation she got fed up with the suspect and pulled a gun on him. What was she going to do , shoot him? All this in the interrogation room. I thought you weren't supposed to have a gun during questioning in case the suspect got a hold of it , but I digress. The most surprising thing was that she wasn't wearing her high heels when she was with the Seals
  3. Joy was on fire today. Seeing her smile before saying something she knew would stir things up made it all worth while. She was loving it. I don't think there's a blood pressure machine out there that goes high enough to measure that display today,
  4. I thought that was the weirdest moment. So you're telling me that at the last minute they came up with an emergency question that no one . no one I say, but Richard Haas could answer, no disrespect meant. Out of the 7 or 8 other guests , some who have already had their allotted 1 or 2 mins used up , none of them had anything to add to the conversation. It was hilarious watching them mic him up . knowing the other panelists were probably thinking "get this guy out of here" or " Am I going to have to give up my seat"
  5. She didn't just ask him to wrap up the investigation , she implored him to do so. If that doesn't get things moving , nothing will.
  6. I noticed that also. When she first started I thought her to be a bit of an airhead , but as time went on I learned she was anything but. She was always making good reasonable points and I always liked hearing from her , something I can't say about everyone on the panel. Hopefully she just needs a bit of time to get back in the swing of things. She strikes me as the most down to earth person on the show.
  7. Maybe he could write a song about it.
  8. She's an animal alright . a jackass.
  9. I wonder who poisoned her food ?
  10. So what's her excuse for the other days ?
  11. She is sick , sick of being attacked for her enlightened views on just about everything and our inability to understand. We just don't get it
  12. I couldn't believe my ears when he said that. Am I missing something here, but by the kids doing what they're doing, aren't they trying to solve the problem for themselves ?And as David Hogg so aptly pointed out, CPR doesn't work too well on a dead person.
  13. Meghan hit a new low today. I mean the nerve of those kids to actually swear after surviving what they did and trying to accomplish what the adults haven't been able to for years. How much lower can she go ?
  14. Maybe that was their plan,
  15. Now was this before or after she learned about oral sex because of Clinton ?
  16. When I'm watching the show and a moment happens , the first thing I think is that there'll be some great comments today. And I've never been disappointed.
  17. Because it's only an hour show and that just isn't enough time.
  18. A couple of let me finishes when Meghan Buttinski tried to interrupt , Whoopie not letting her get the final word in , and then every time it happened she muttered something under her breath. Reminds me of a little kid who after being told I've heard enough just has to get that final word in.
  19. And then you have Whoopie ( the alleged host ) pretending to fall asleep during a discussion she wasn't interested in. The rest of the panel should just ignore her, not point it out. Or even better , they should do the same to her when she starts rambling on about something.
  20. Meghan "I want to take this one " Sure, why not, you've taken every other one.
  21. It's only a matter of time before she says she doesn't know who The Beatles were.
  22. It's still early but what 'm liking so far , Johnny acting indecisive in the house and then explaining in the DR why he's doing it as a strategy. The Real Deal , I can't remember if it's been done before but I've always thought it would be a good idea to team up with someone from the other side and form a secret alliance. Don't talk about it or do anything that would give it away. Don't be too protective of that person in front of others. Just be friendly with them. Then at the end it would hopefully be a total surprise. This game is all about deception and that's what I like to see.
  23. And how's that working out? I can only judge from the comments here.
  24. I think it's called ass kissing 101
  25. Maybe she doesn't want to sink to their level , or maybe she knows that the more she lets on that it bothers her , the more they'll do it. But you're right , it would be nice if she occasionally said something or at least gave them a look. I have a feeling she's going to have the last laugh.
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