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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. My brain couldn't handle a Barry/______________(insert person of your choosing) love scene. Nope, nope *furiously shakes head*. Don't want to see it. Barry is adorable and works well with pretty much everyone, but that first love scene is going to be SO awkward.
  2. Regarding that Iris spoiler...I guess this means more screen time for her, but it sounds like what they have planned is going to separate her from the main cast even more. I just don't get it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow night's episode at all. I'm hoping that the negative responses to the secrets and lies BM storyline caused the EPs to add in a last-minute scene of Oliver telling Felicity the truth, but I don't actually believe that's going to happen. Tomorrow night, I'm guessing that lots of terrible things will happen to Felicity, Oliver will propose without telling her the truth, and she will say yes before she is gravely injured in the final minutes of the episode. Then, in a truly epic redux of the Laurel, Sara, Lance season 3 secrets and lies plotline, Oliver won't be able to bring himself to tell Felicity about the secret kid because of her delicate health or whatever. I thought Laurel was basically a shit last season for keeping Sara's death a secret from her father, but compared to Oliver, she had a more valid excuse: fear of Lance's heart exploding. Whatever happens to Felicity (wheelchair-bound?), I don't see any good excuse for Oliver to keep this secret from her. This stupid storyline has the potential, for me, to completely ruin the character of Oliver Queen. Anytime he interacts with Felicity, it will be tainted by the fact that he's a lying liar who lies. God, I will hate it so much if this is how things end up shaking out.
  4. A clue: An obnoxious post gushing over a storyline that I hate doesn't make me change my opinion. It just make me wonder why a grown-ass man has to act like such a baby when faced with any sort of criticism. Like, sorry this storyline didn't get the response that you'd hoped, but maybe take that up with the EPs instead of the fans.
  5. Honestly, I don't think MG cares one bit about the angry messages that he receives on twitter/tumblr. IMO, the only things that are going to get a reaction out of him are 1.) Silence when he's expecting a big reaction from some stupid shit that has gone down on the show or 2.) A significant drop in the ratings. Pretty sure neither of those things are going to happen, even with last night's asinine developments. The fans are too loyal and they continue to watch, even when the show is an utter crapfest (see season 3).
  6. Yes, back to the Egypt stuff for a minute. Savage comes across as a creepster who is stalking Kendra because he is interested in her sexually. Walking into her bedchamber when she's occupied with Carter (like, don't you knock dude?), and stroking her face while he states that he's going to know her as Carter has "known her"? Yuck. I guess he was trapped in a 4000 year old romantic comedy, or something.
  7. I think that this episode is just more proof that CW actors/actresses don't have much clout when it comes to storylines, because I can't see SA going along with this asinine development if he had any say whatsoever. Guy knows he's going to be ripped to shreds, right?
  8. We're totally getting O/F midseason drama instead of Lance family drama, aren't we? Nope, nope, don't care. Zero tolerance for that after the crapfest that was season 3. Looks like I might be back to reading episode reactions before watching. Never change, Arrow. Yes, I absolutely think that something terrible is happening to Felicity in the next episode. Gotta make sure that the audience tunes in after the break to see if she lives or dies. Dun dun dun.
  9. Spoilers people, spoilers. I'd probably be furious if I hadn't checked out of this show last season, but at this point, meh. Whatever. It's just so effing stupid.
  10. So, is Carter always the one who gets his memories back first? From the way he talks, it seems as if he's always the one trying to help Kendra remember who she is. According to him, he's also the one who typically makes the plans, and he's the one that finds their Hawkpeople costumes (or finds them with Kendra's help). Doesn't seem very fair to me. I'm glad that Oliver was smart enough to run a DNA sample on that piece of hair, and I'm happy that he confessed to Felicity that something was up, and he wanted to look into things before talking to her about it. But, the fight that they had was completely idiotic. I feel like all he needed to do was explain that he just made the kid discovery a few hours earlier, and he was going to talk to her about it the second he had a minute to wrap his head around it. No, instead we get "when were you going to tell me?" "I don't know." Blech. Fuck off, time travel. Please keep that crap over on The Flash. GROSS to Vandal Savage proclaiming that he would "know Chiara as you have known her" (while stroking her face). So, you're going to force her to have sex with you?! Fucking gross. LOL, did Laurel stumble as she jumped out of the van to do her canary cry? I'd check the DVR, but meh. As for LoT...pass. Carter does have nice abs, though, so I guess that's something. Oliver, remember that time that Felicity told you that Malcolm Merlyn was Thea's father? But you can't tell her about your kid? You fucking suck, Oliver.
  11. Regarding the 409 pics in the spoiler thread: Aw, that's cute. Thea has an arrowhead necklace. Never noticed that before. A clue: Crossed arms and a pissed off look on my face. Who am I? Love the pic of Dig, Thea, and Felicity looking confused/upset and Damien just chilling in the background drinking his wine.
  12. I can't imagine that they would use time travel to undo real deaths in this episode, because come April, we'll be asking why Barry didn't undo the death of the grave recipient (well, depending on who it is). Don't even go there, show.
  13. This is a complete guess, but perhaps The Flash EPs have data that shows that Cisco is very popular with the audience, so they paired him up with Kendra in hopes that some of the goodwill for his character will rub off on her. I'm guessing that the data on Iris isn't so favorable, with how the show has apparently drastically reduced her relevance and screentime since the first season.
  14. I hear there's a vacancy in Laurel's basement...
  15. The Flash forum is in desperate need of a mod intervention. Are there even mods there? Who the fuck knows? Neal McDonough's reaction to The Flash whisking Oliver away was just the best thing ever. The first part of the crossover was absolutely packed full of characters, but I thought that the show did a wonderful job balancing screen time. It felt like if there was an organic way to fit the character in there, the show absolutely tried to do that.
  16. Sometimes I think about how we could have had Barry and Felicity in season 3 instead of Ray and Felicity. *cries silently* Their friendship is so sweet. I wish I could bring myself to watch The Flash, but I don't want anything to do with the shipping stuff over there. Patty was 100% fine, so I don't get all of the negativity over that character...and yum, I still find Teddy Sears very attractive. Whoo, boy. You LoT watchers are in for some really iffy acting. I wasn't impressed by Kendra, Hawkman (can't even remember the guy's name), or Vidal Sassoon. Hawkman, in particular, is SUPER DUPER bland.
  17. I'm guessing that Candace Cameron-Bure must be very popular, but unfortunately, I'm not a fan. She always comes across as too wide-eyed and enthusiastic about everything ever. I generally enjoy the movies she's cast in, but I wish that Hallmark wouldn't feel the need to cast her in so many. HATED Once Upon a Holiday. I thought I would love it since Surprised by Love (starring Paul Campbell) is one of my favorites, but Briana Evigan was absolutely terrible in this movie. She came off as a complete idiot when Paul Campbell's character was trying to get her to call the police because her purse had been stolen. I also remarked to my mother that she had this weird, inappropriate flirty vibe with the lawyer, and now I find out that is her father in real life! Oh lordy, not good. With Rupert Penry-Jones, Crown for Christmas looked the most promising, and it didn't disappoint. Apparently, Danica McKellar was on Home and Family last week, and she talked a bit about the little girl that played Princess Theodora, Ellie Botterill. Ellie was having some math troubles, so Danica (who has a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from UCLA and who has written several math books aimed at girls) was able to help her out. I guess they even wrote some of that into the movie with the cookie fractions. This was Ellie's first role, so Danica talked about how they filmed late at night, and she would tell Ellie to snuggle up to her and rest her eyes, etc. I thought that the little girl was so good, and I was blown away to find out that this was her first movie. She's very lucky to have been cast in a movie with someone that was looking out for her, and the entire experience sounds like it was probably a lovely time. Whoever is in charge of pairing up leads in these movies needs to do a better job. I find myself liking either the lead guy or lead gal, but not both. How about Katrina Law and Greg Vaughan? Autumn Reeser and Paul Campbell? Alison Sweeney and Antonio Cupo? Andrew Walker and Sarah Lancaster? I'm majorly bummed that I don't get the Hallmark Mysteries channel. I would like to watch the movie with Greg Vaughan in it, but I guess that won't be happening. I had to Google his name just now...we just refer to him as the hot firefighter guy, ha! Loved him in Second Chances with Alison Sweeney, but darn, I can never remember the name of that movie, either!
  18. Man, why are they punishing Quinn like this?! I'm fairly sure he's not going to die, though. If that had been a death scene, I think that we would have been forced to watch the entire horrible thing. Nah, if Quinn was going to die, I think that the gunshot earlier this season would have taken him out. The atropine that the guy injected Quinn with will save him, but I'm wondering if he'll have any lasting effects from the gas? I'm guessing that he'll be left for dead in that pressure sealed room and then Carrie will find him and get a team to their location. Today was a terrible day to binge-watch the last few episodes so I could watch tonight's in real time! Should have waited another week.
  19. Man, I find this Vandal Savage dude incredibly cheesy looking (the face and hair, I mean)!
  20. I would have liked JR Bourne as Felicity's dad, actually, instead of a one-off villain. But I'm happy they've cast a higher profile actor instead of someone like Matt Nable (sorrynotsorry).
  21. Yes, Tom Amandes is good. And you really need to get on that because of Chris Pratt! Bright and Hannah. Sigh.
  22. I don't watch The Flash anymore, so I don't care about Iris, but making her a reporter was the worst idea ever. Everybody and their brother is showing up in the crossover, but there's just not a role for her here, I guess. The EPs should have given her Caitlyn's position as a scientist instead when they were creating the character. Oh well.
  23. Aww, the Barry/Felicity hug is cute. Also, Hawkgirl is a gorgeous woman, but why did they dress her in high waisted jeans?! No no no.
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