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  1. He has such a womanly shape. Very curvaceous!
  2. I listen to teen mom trash talk too, love it! I'm excited they are going to start a 90 day fiance one because teen mom may have run its course...
  3. Great idea, I love it!
  4. Mac? Really? He is such a catch, I must marry him and have his spawn ?
  5. The drugs definately took a toll on him....
  6. I recently signed up to join in on the snark....long time lurker. I liked all of your comments because they all are truly valid points! I must say tho....snarking on the Brown's has made me feel a little better about my own pathetic marriage. Who am I to judge what works and what doesnt... I wish you all the best. Tonight I have realized after 21 years, my marriage is over....its been a pleasure :)
  7. I think mary & kody actually helped me tonight. I snark alot about them but i actually related to them on this episode. Marriage has it's ups and downs and sometimes it's just better to say we are not meant for each other romantically, but hopefully we can be friends with all of our history....well...that's were I am at tonight...
  8. Officially the most boring episode yet!!! I barely made it through, I really need some loyalty points for this one...lol
  9. This whole family gives me the heebee jeebees! They make the Browns seem normal, likable and attractive by comparison.
  10. They look much better below. They have both really put on a lot of weight in a short amount of time!
  11. Talk about disturbing....yikes
  12. No party is complete without kodys awesome dance moves!
  13. Where do i even start...? Kody was extra annoying this episode. I love the part were he was on the couch with the sw's discussing his ponytail once again and he was fishing for compliments from them....lol....he is such a diva!
  14. What a contrast from Maddies wedding. Tonys a dick...
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