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Everything posted by 5678Pixie

  1. I hope for Victoria's sake she doesn't go to drastic measures to get thin. She could end up just like Courtney. Tina will probably go to any length to get Victoria thin by next audition. I really don't understand why Victoria was soft at auditions even before TC. Seems like Kelli, Tina or Kitty would have told her to go work out. Unless they are all blind and didn't want to say anything to the princess.
  2. She went to every class that Kitty taught this year and last year, why didn't Kitty correct her. Why didn't Tina correct her? She also went to every pro prep class this year. After each pro prep class they give you advice. I am wondering if Victoria just wouldn't apply the corrections.
  3. Why please tell my why do they have to do that? They are beautiful just the way they were. Look at Kelsey L. she looked so much better before she got implants.
  4. That makes perfect sense for why the girls that struggle with weight gain it back so quickly. Victoria looks like she will always struggle with weight and even said so on the show. There are lots of girls that lose weight during TC and those are the ones that don't struggle with weight. They have to watch out they they don't lose too much.
  5. Her Instagram account is now public.
  6. Looks like some almond butter and roasted sea weed
  7. Yes he is. I kind of feel she really wants this relationship.
  8. They broke up once and it seemed like it really broke her heart. I hope he is good to her since she seems to sweet and so kind.
  9. Kelli posted this, I wonder if she is next to get a ring
  10. By taking a lot of dance classes and develop your memory muscle. You can develop that muscle just like any other muscle.
  11. Looks like Charlotte thought Haley would be a DCC when she was younger. Haley "#still tryingtolivethedream"
  12. Cianna looks a lot heavier in her college pix and first year on Blazers. I can't find any pix with her hair curly in the past. She must have decided to go curly for DCC.
  13. Cianna has always struggled with her weight. She got it off this year to try out for DCC (but maybe she didn't after seeing this pix). I don't understand why they take girls that have to watch every bite they take. You know she is going to put it back on eventually. Since they only want the thin girls why bother taking a chance on a girl that they know is going to struggle and perhaps have to be cut the next year? I have seen Blazer dancer pix of her with her hair straight and I think she looks much better with straight hair.
  14. I heard them say Raegan had auditioned 5 times and I think it is more like three times. She is only 24 years old and was a Mavs Dancer for 3 years (maybe 2 years), Legends one year and AAIA one year. Probably tried out for DCC the year she made Legends and the year she made AAIA.
  15. Madeline is kind and sweet but also thinks she is better than everyone else. These pix really show that. Standing up over her parents and over her friends and over Erin shows how she thinks she is the real princess. Notice she didn't stand over the vets. She loves to make sure everyone knows where she went to college but she still hasn't had a job since graduating other than taking pix for Sydney. This pix with her parents really shows she is queen of that family.
  16. Here is a video of Sam. Back row, left side, black shorts, white shoes.
  17. I think CMT made her out to look bad. She is nothing like CMT made her out to be.
  18. She is probably crying because vets got cut at finals.
  19. I am surprised someone hasn't done this every night.
  20. Hannah is on Show Group so she wont be cut
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