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Everything posted by 5678Pixie

  1. What is your honest opinion of each pix?
  2. They have it off, I'm sure her trip was planned.
  3. I would say Dayton is a very strong young woman. Trying out for DCC takes a lot of courage, it wasn't her mom that auditioned, it was Dayton. Being cut from any dance audition is hard on you. So I admire Dayton for being able to put her big girl panties on and go do another audition and make the team. Dayton is amazing because of her strength and courage. I think is it really sweet of Shelly to go with her to England and she is a wonderful mother to give Dayton the love and support she needed. I am sure being cut from DCC was heartbreaking for both of them. Good for them for having plan B to go do. Dayton is lucky to have such a supportive mother.
  4. Facebook DCC making The Team and on twitter
  5. Here's another picture of Lauren wearing a bikini
  6. Nothing against Madeline but she looks more than a little out of shape. They have cut girls that were less out of shape than her. Why can't they just say why Lauren didn't do calendar?! What's the big secret?
  7. Maybe Tasha's just put on a little weight in her face. Did you see Kelsey's inst story today the one about the coffee she likes? She has put way too much filler in her lips, some of her pix I hardly recognize her anymore.
  8. Yes same Erin that Kitty hated. She is still gangling, no punch/power and very forgettable and I really don't care for her looks or the way she dances.
  9. Yes I saw that pix of Christina and I thought she looked really orange. I thought maybe she got a really bad spray tan that turned orange. Her face color was not looking good.
  10. They did Lauren's hair darker, not sure I like it.
  11. Nice to see she has a great sense of humor.
  12. I heard she was recruited. So she is connected.
  13. They gave Brennan two chances and she could't get it so why bring her back this year when you have some of the best dancers this year that they have ever had in TC? It is for CMT only!! Judy does not want her. I don't see how Victoria will fit into any group of girls on DCC being so young. She will have nothing in common with any of them and she will act like a young brat. They will all have to put up with her so Kelli doesn't get mad any them. That is unnecessary stress.
  14. @GBPackersfan you were talking about Jennifer in the other forum but I want to bring this over here. At one of her pro prep classes she had on Friday nights she asked all the girls a question and Victoria started jumping up and down and yelling "I know I know I know I know I know I know I know" and Jennifer told her that is not how a DCC acts and she would not let her answer the question.
  15. I agree with you except I am sure it was CMT that brought her back. They have more of a say about who goes to TC than you think. CMT does not care about the girls, only about ratings.....believe me.
  16. Thank you!!! I thought I was the only one not rooting for her. She was brought back because CMT wanted her for ratings. It seems so wrong to me that they would take her because they feel sorry for her trying out for 3 years. Well I would feel sorry for the girl that actually earned a spot and she didn't get it because of Brennan taking that spot.
  17. If K & C have decided Victoria is going to be on the team it wont matter.
  18. Someone saw her last week and said it looked like she had put on 10 to 15 pounds. Gulp!
  19. CMT really doesn't care 2 cents about these girls. No girl wants to have a video of her ugly crying on national TV. Why didn't they show girls being interviewed that got some really hard questions correct instead of hurting sweet Reagan for a wrong answer? CMT runs this whole show and they seem to be getting meaner and meaner just for ratings. It takes guts and courage to audition for DCC, why can't they applaud the girls that tried out instead of humiliating them. This is exactly why very few girls audition for DCC anymore. I hope we don't have to watch Tina on the show but I have a feeling we will see her being interviewed. Victoria is only 18 years old, wonder if Tina told her to wink, I really didn't care for the wink. You can tell how much Kelli loves Kashara in this trailer. I would like to see the positive things the girls are doing not all the negative things they come up with.
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