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Everything posted by 5678Pixie

  1. Look how much more beautiful Heather looks smiling in this pix than in all the rest of the pix taken of her that they have posted this week.
  2. I want to know who is posting these pix on insta? She should be fired. This is terrible, makes her look so sad. Please let the girls smile. Hannah is do much prettier than this pix.
  3. The blonde girl that is dead center in the dance, to Victoria's right and back a row or two looks like this girl that was an Oklahoma Thunder. It has been said she will be auditioning.
  4. Did anyone watch this video of the dance being taught tonight at prep class? It is terrible and the comments are not good.
  5. I have seen pix of her I believe she was with Madeline.
  6. I agree all the pix they are all posting tonight that they have taken with their iphones look much better. I love to see their natural smiles.
  7. That would be the best thing ever!!!!!! I am sure we would all pay to see it! I am still mad about this.
  8. Very concerning that she is not the only girl this year that is so thin. I don't know how Victoria will ever be able to be thin like these girls without some kind of help. We all know Tina will go to any lengths to get her on the team. I feel bad for the fact that DCC took this pix down but other people had already posted it and still have it up. That is the problem these days things on the internet never go away.
  9. They removed it from DCC page but it is still on here with this comment. kingsxanto_ Cheerleaders now a days are too skinny like I want to see a female with some type of weight on her
  10. What is with her stomach and her roll that is popping out of the top of the back of her swimsuit???
  11. Victoria's lyrical solo will be another one that will move Kelli to tears.
  12. I think it was 3. She was cut at semi's last year. Kelli doesn't like the way her mouth looks yet she likes Victoria's mouth. She is an amazing dancer and a beautiful body. She will make a team in LA. I wish her luck.
  13. Looks like maybe she will be a Lakers Girls. I was surprised she only made it to semi's last year.
  14. Yes she will make the team and I would bet she has been guaranteed that it will be a for sure deal this year no matter what. Kelli values her life so there is no way she will cut her this year.
  15. No way will she maintain her weight unless she does something unhealthy to maintain it. Which has happened several times in the past years with girls. Oh well Kelli will just have to deal with her stomach bouncing over her shorts cause she will not be able to kick her off the team.
  16. I really do not think Victoria would be able to make any team other than DCC. I do not think she is that good looking, she needs to do something to her eyebrows and there is nothing she can do about her mouth. No coach would put up with her almighty attitude other than Kelli. Stephanie kicked a couple of girls off AAIA this year for their attitudes but believe me Tina will never allow that to happen to precious Victoria. We all know Kelli does not want to go through what she had to go through with Tina last year yelling at her to not put certain things on the show. I feel sorry for Judy she will have to suffer the consequences of her being on the team. Once she gets on the team Kelli will never be able to kick her off and I will bet she will stay on it longer than any girl ever has. This is Tina's life she has dreamed of and Kelli has to go along with it.
  17. This confirms this girl can be added to the list auditioning
  18. That would be a great storyline for CMT. These girls are still so young, I hate it when they get the girls hopes up and take them to TC and then cut them just for ratings.
  19. The real question is....would Kelli take her. she is amazing.
  20. Makes me happy she is having the time of her life. She looks beautiful!!!
  21. Grace was an Oklahoma City Thunder. I read that her dad died last year ad her grandma the year before.
  22. I think she was congratulating her friends that made the team.
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