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Everything posted by 5678Pixie

  1. I wish I could like every single word of this 100 times. I also worry about their mental emotional and mental health. Girls are so sensitive about everything. Having Kelli humiliate you on national TV will be something that you will remember the rest of your life. It is so sad to me the way they treat these girls and they all have to walk on eggs 24/7. I am sure everyone one of them are already worrying if they will make the team again next year. I wish Kelli and Kitty would build the girls up instead of being so mean and tearing them down just so CMT can get ratings.
  2. I don't see any comments from any DCC except for Victoria. Just shows how comfortable she is with Kelli. Unlike Miranda and all the rest of the girls that were in TC, scared to death of Kelli. Looks like Victoria is kissing up and will be all this next year. She has always known exactly who she needs to kiss up to. She has learned that is how to get what she wants. This is her comment on this pix Kelli posted. victoriaakalina Thinking of everyone and wishing them the BEST day ever! ? love to all?
  3. I can see Victoria and Tina are there. I also see Sam is there, I wonder if Kelli is there. If Kelli was there did she and Tina go at different times?
  4. All I could see was Victoria's' stomach hanging over her shorts while she was dancing. Did you see at the end how Victoria kissed up to Gina.
  5. You can see that Judy has a tear and she just now tweeted that she cried again just now watching the show.
  6. Did Tina pay CMT to make this the Victoria show
  7. A lie is a lie. This lie will follow Victoria the rest of her life since it has been all over social media. People will always wonder if she lied about this what else would she lie about to get what she wants. She was heavy when she started TC, she was lucky she got into TC this year. She gained more weight because she thought that she is God's gift to DCC and could do no wrong.
  8. Judy Trammell Retweeted CMT Tonight I will be live tweeting during #DCCMakingTheTeam on @CMT Very emotional night! I am sure this is the last thing Judy wants to be doing tonight. My guess is CMT is making her do it.
  9. CMT must be really liking all the attention tonight's show is getting already. Kelli saying "to maintain it's integrity" just shows how fake she is. I feel like she really stabbed her supposedly good friend Shelly in the back. Why would she cut Dayton for memory issues before Malena that has 10 time worse memory problems. Malena was never going to make the team, CMT used her for a story line and made it out that Kelli loved her and wanted her on the team. No way was she ever going to be on the team. CMT kept her in TC to the end because she was a great for ratings. So evil and so cruel what they did to her giving her hope to the point she quit her job. Judy's tear and her hug that she gave Dayton was so sincere. Judy's hug was a full body hug unlike Kellie's hug with just Kelli's arms. The girls always do their hair and make up before cuts. I do not know why CMT was showing Dayton close up with no makeup on her face or hair done. She still looked beautiful. Plus I was wondering why she didn't have a manicure? Seems like all girls have their nails done these days. I realize that has nothing to do with CMT just a comment. I thought is was rude of Kitty to say Madeline has an attitude and even more rude fro CMT to air it. That is very hurtful to a young girl. However I have heard many times that she is a nice girl but also acts like she is better than everyone else. I am sure that is the attitude Kitty is talking about. I do think she has the DCC look, I hope she can improve her attitude. I also think it was very rude to CMT to air Kitty's comment on Dayton "Dayton is lost already". They showed it so they could justify cutting her at the expense of hurting a precious sweet girl. Just like I predicted...Kitty would be even more blind to Victoria than Kelli. This whole process is so disgusting. I think Kelli values being on MTT more than her friendship with Shelly. That to me is an EVIL woman.
  10. Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team | Sneak Peek | Episode 8, S... I really want to know why Victoria is the whole show every week. To quote Victoria "OH MY GOD"
  11. If you think Kelli is blind just wait until the show this week comes on and you will see that Kitty is even more blinded than Kelli is that is possible.
  12. There is a deleted scene on Facebook DCC MTT I wish I could upload it on to here but it wont let me. Did you see it?
  13. She is so blessed to see the world and to start off in Sydney. I would take dancing in Sydney any day to dancing at The Star and only getting to do about 13 games or so.
  14. It is because CMT has edited Dayton to only show her when she is messing up and they do not show us Victoria messing up or what her body is looking like right now. The people making these comments on Facebook do not see the truth of what is going on.
  15. They usually all give a group hug to the girl coming out of the office but I noticed only a few girls gave Victoria a hug and some were just standing there with that look on their face of "thank goodness she is gone".
  16. She could have said "don't do that to me" to Victoria also. Victoria may not have been late but she has put a lot of weight on and she has not improved her dance style. Why didn't Kelli say anything to Victoria about her poor manners when she interrupted her. Kelli thinks Victoria can do no wrong. She wont even tell Victoria she is over weight, she blamed it on the others judges saying "some judges at finals thing you need to tone up your tummy". Kelli is not doing Victoria any favors by not telling her the facts.
  17. My question is why is this whole video of Kelli's precious princess Victoria?? We have all seen enough of her.
  18. Well said!!!! I think Kitty telling Victoria "that was beautiful" and the big hug shows she loves her so much that she is blind to what the girl really looks like, acts like or dances like. Victoria is one of Kitty's favorite girls she makes that very clear. I think Kelli is also blind to seeing the real Victoria. I am sure all of the girls in TC walk on eggs around Victoria in fear of her ratting them out to Kelli. I believe Tina and Victoria would do anything to get Victoria on the team.
  19. Troll = Jerk The soon the better for going on those cruises far away from the trolls. She is probably JanitorJim's wife. You are so right, it is the courage to continue that counts.
  20. If she wouldn't have posted that she didn't make it others would have put her down for not saying anything. No matter what she did it was going to be wrong in someone's eyes. I feel so bad for these girls, they are so young.
  21. I read all of it....Shelly blocked the troll. I am really tired of CMT making Dayton look bad just for ratings.
  22. This sounds like Dayton and Shelly did not like how CMT edited her "to look your absolute worst" on the show.
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