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Everything posted by 5678Pixie

  1. I am rooting for Amber, Kristin, Daphne, Jalyn and Hannah.
  2. The brunette to the right of Erin is Maddline, the short brunette behind her is Alanna. The blonde in the back left if Lily.
  3. Yes Cianna is in the bun and Lily is blonde second from left back row.
  4. Some or these girls do not look like DCC material. Lily and Cianna don't look good. Guess Cianna didn't get the memo from Kelli to always have your hair looking like a DCC when you go out. I heard her hair is a nightmare for her to style.
  5. This year I think it was closer to 5% were randomly chosen.
  6. If Kelli isn't there again tonight then CMT wont be there either.
  7. Looks like Jennifer is teaching TC again tonight. Hope she lets them out early again tonight.
  8. They will air the show as long as they are making money (at the expense of the girls).
  9. CMT is the main reason the audition numbers have dropped. CMT even knows that, they told some girls at finals while waiting for auditions to be over that day that they think the reason so few girls tried out this year is because of them.
  10. After taking her extensions out she got her hair cut even shorter.
  11. lol I didn't notice his hair until you said this. I was just looking at her and thinking how pretty she looks with her natural look instead of being all DCC made up.
  12. Kelsey had hers removed when she retired from the team this year.
  13. Kelli has been posting pix from her home tonight so looks like she isn't there and seeing the pony tails that would mean no CMT tonight. It's a good night for the girls at TC.
  14. Buying a house, been together 5 years....wonder if she will be the next one to get engaged.
  15. Plus the expense of it. Not being able to have a job during TC, probably had to quit the job you had. If from out of town you would have to get an apartment plus the hassle of eating right everyday. The stress of moving is always hard on a person. There is no reason for TC to last 2 months other that for CMT.
  16. I also worry about the girls ignoring injury's. I also worry about their mental and emotional being. Other teams have TC for 3 or 4 days and can pick great teams. Two months of TC is way too much for these girls. Doing hair and full make up everyday, dancing full out in front of Kelli everyday, worrying if you will get cut everyday, face breaking out cause of full make up on while sweating hard at TC etc. All for CMT!!! Really is wrong to these girls, it takes the love of dancing out of it for them. We all know a lot of these girls are just brought to TC for CMT. That is so wrong to do and yet they keep doing it year after year and do not feel the least bit bad about it. Even with two months of TC look at all the problems with girls they had last year so that doesn't guarantee a good team of girls.
  17. Is she still going to college? I thought she left the college last year that she was going to.
  18. Maybe that is why Dayton called it her "mini celebration"
  19. Dayton posted this. Let the celebration begin Dayton!!!!!
  20. A lot of things they do are cruel.....it is ALL for CMT.
  21. I really don't care for Brennan or Erin.....their looks or their dance
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