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Everything posted by NotinKansasanymore

  1. It was during the scene when Kody and the two other men were sitting at the table looking at the drawing for his big home. They cut to all four wives sitting on the couch, and Robyn states, " So my parents were in town, and they started talking about how Kody said he is going to have one house for all of us."
  2. Everyone put on your best surprise faces!! Kody just happened to tell only Robyn’s family about his plans to build one big house! I love how Robyn played it down. My parents were visiting and Kody told them about this, and then they told me. Yeah right honey. Sorry Christine, he couldn’t tell you the secret cause it wouldn’t be fair for only you to know. That role is reserved for Robyn.
  3. So Christine and Meri go on a cruise and Mykelti has to come to Flagstaff to watch Truely? Really? So Kody can't watch his own child? She couldn't stay over at either Robyn's or Janelle's place? How is this show about one polygamous family? Seems more like one man with four distinct seperate families.
  4. The camera quickly panned over Meri's time capsule message, the first two things she wrote. My sister wife's closet will be a huge success! We will have employees and at least one actual store. LIV will be booming. I will be regularly receiving $5,000 per month paychecks. I wish they would have shown her reading those!
  5. Anyone else shocked that in Kody's dream home, that Robyn gets the most square footage, and she gets two master bedrooms so Dayton can have one? Wow since it's at least two years out Robyn really is planning for Dayton to live with her for most of his adult life, even after college. Like Meri is going to settle for a 1500 foot home.
  6. According to the police reports the child porn he shared involved a 6 year old girl, and the other file was a 12 year old. I do not understand why the hell the View put this woman on to promote her show so she and her perv husband can make money! I actually contacted the network over my disgust of this promotion.
  7. Nope! I am not having it with today's show with this woman, Maddie Corman. This is what happens when rich celebrities get convicted of child pornography! Make no mistake, that the therapy that she spoke of her for husband, was part of his plea deal, that he had to spend 60 days in a rehab facility, and attend a 12 step program for sex addicts, and because he is rich and could afford good attorneys, he got probation, instead of jail time. She also forgot to mention that her husband is currently producing a documentary called Tsnumia which is about pornography. So the guy is convicted of child pornography, and she and he make money off of this play, as well as him making money from a documentary? And please stop referring to it, as his shameful secret, it is a CRIME!
  8. Sorry if this was posted before, but I just saw the commercial that Kody was involved in for their latest open houses in Las Vegas. Man, I think they are getting desperate and are really feeling the money pinch, to get these houses sold. I think they are coming to the realization, that the "Low seven figures" that Kody had banked on from the selling of these homes, is going to be less than half of that. I really think they thought that cause they are "celebrities" that people would snatch up these homes quick. Plus I think it's kind of funny that even with this promotion of Kody being there at these open houses, they still reduced the homes again after the open houses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-Fidz3qWSc
  9. So Christine just announces at the family meeting, that she put an offer down on a home in Flagstaff and got it? So I'm taking it, that she didn't have to put a down payment on the house, cause one would think, the entire family would have to discuss it, and find the resources, you know the same resources they couldn't find, earlier for Meri's BnB. I mean she bought a half million dollar home! I in no way feel sorry for this family, and any future money problems that they may have.
  10. Did I hear Aspyn actually say on last night's episode, that she wasn't sure if polygamy should be legal? It was during the whole drama with Christine and the marriage license. It happened quick so I wasn't sure if I heard right. I wonder what Kody thought as he watched that.
  11. Oh Janelle! Still striving I see! ( I don't usually make fun of a person's size, but when you have a for profit business that you are the face of, and taking people's money, then you set yourself up for critic on your "strive." I can see her big white underwear through her skirt in this photo! And sorry, my 83 year old Grandmother wore a half inch heel to my wedding, I think you could have gone with something besides the black ballet flats with that dress. It looks like Meri got caught up in a silly string fight with that LLR dress. Your summer wedge casual sandles do not go with that dress.
  12. I wonder if they are selling under her? After Maddie's tweets awhile back, I don't know if she would work for Meri again. I could see Mariah working under Meri, since Meri would give her beloved child all of the profits probably. Do you guys think Christine is selling under Meri, or do you think she signed up under someone else, say like Maddie?
  13. I wonder if Meri is ticked off that Christine, Maddie, Mariah, and Mykelti are all selling this junk? In my opinion the reason Meri makes a living at this is due to her fame from the tv show, and fans buying this. Now with other "celebs" from the same show selling the same stuff it could decrease her sales. If they are all fishing in the same fandom pond, there is less for everyone.
  14. And what's funny about the possible net savings is that they took on the additional expense of rentals in Flagstagg, which up to just this point they have spent 100,000 on, with no building yet in site. So they could easily spend half of their net profits just paying for the rentals. They are praying the TLC gods will renew them to get more money coming in.
  15. Christine: Christine: "I like sister wives, I wanted the family, not just the man." How about your family living in the same house? Christine. "Not. Going. To. Happen!" Janelle: Is this woman really getting on Meri's back about not being more enthusiastic about the move to Flagstaff? Um...Janelle aren't you the one who actually stayed back with your children, and lived alone at one point, cause you didn't want to move with the family? Robyn: She has never had to live in the same house as her sister wives since the start of the show. Admits she talked to Kody 6 months before, which would be December about the move. Really believes that she was trying to lay low and not influence which land gets picked, but can name at least twenty things she did caught on video to show she didn't like Cottonwood. And loved at the end of the episode when Kody had anxiety about having just had the offer expected on the land, and Robyn deflected his anxiety/anger towards Meri for not having said anything. I see you Robyn! Meri: What kind of marriage do you have when you just announce at a family meeting, "By the way, I have a lot going on, and will be gone most of the summer, just so you all know." Even more telling, is when you make that kind of announcement, and no one seems to care, or even ask where are you going? Kody: What a wonderful speech at the end about his youngest daughter, being so cute and not wanting to spend time away from her, when you have to get rentals in Flagstaff. Wonder if you felt the same way about Truely, just a few years ago, when she was the same age? Did you spend more time at Christine's to be with her?
  16. Did anyone else find it weird that Kody was taking all of the calls from the realtor, and handling the offers and counteroffers? Um...isn't Janelle a licensed real estate agent? Wouldn't she be useful in knowing the language and what to ask for and not to ask for, and shouldn't she be there sitting next to Kody as he "types" out the counteroffer to present to their own realtor? Oh wait, Janelle's advice during the family meeting was to give them everything they are asking. Even their own realtor told them that the counteroffer the Brown's received was over market value, and they should still come down some. So what do the Brown's do? They give them exactly what they are asking for, because they took off the restrictions. Hello! If you are buying all of the land, of course the sellers will take off the restrictions. They only put them on there in the first place, because they thought it would sell to multiple buyers, and that's what you do, to still make the unbought land desirable to other buyers. If you are buying the entire thing, the seller could care less about the restrictions. I can't believe their realtor didn't tell them that was a no brainer. I can't believe they just shrugged off having to pull their own utilities. Of course the seller wouldn't want to pay that expense. Having inherited some rural land on my husband's side of the family, I know that the average cost to pull utilities to a land is around $26 dollars a foot. They need to pray that a utility connection is within a mile of them. But with the size of their land, and building four houses on it, to run utilities to every house, depending on the space that they put between each home, that is going to add up. *slow claps* Great job Janelle and Shelbie, in advising the family to pay above market value for the land, and paying to pull utilities. Good thing they have already spent over one hundred thousand dollars in rentals for Flagstaff already, with probably at least another year to go till houses get built.
  17. After having just talked about the Michael Jackson documentary they had Lionel Richie on the show, and spoke about the We are the world song, and showed clips of the live recording, which showed Michael Jackson. I just found it strange since Abby mentioned if she heard one of his songs she would probably walk out of the room, then they actually showed a clip of Michael singing later in the show. I wish they would have asked Lionel Richie on his thoughts about the documentary.
  18. OMG! Can anyone screenshot the look on Robin's face, when Meri announced at the family meeting that she and Kody liked a different property than the one Robyn and Christine liked. The real Robyn came out in the episode. When she entered for the family meeting, she gave Kody a hug and asked how the trip with Meri was, leading me to believe that they hadn't spoken since Kody and Meri returned. So for the first time ever, I think Robyn actually went into a family meeting being blindsided, since she almost always knows what Kody is going to discuss, since it's the two of them deciding most things, and this time she didn't know about this new property. It's funny cause Christine is use to it I think, and just smiled and questioned Kody and Meri about the price, and location, and said she would love to see it. They kept cutting to Robyn and the look of anger and confusion on her face was evident. So while Christine smiles and asks engaging questions, Robyn really just sat there looking pissed. She never smiled listening to Meri talk about the other land. I found it pretty funny. And of course Robyn is the one who thinks they should blow their savings, to live somewhere more expensive, to "help their quality of life." Yep, you know living in over 4,000 square feet mansions in a gated community, isn't a good enough quality of life for her. You know the life that they eat out all the time, take vacations, send their children to school, and don't work actual9 to 5 jobs. Oh Robyn, you have to look at your income, like a professional athletes. You will make the majority of your money within a 10 year time span with this show, and once gone, the gravy train is going to stop, and you are going to wish you saved more.
  19. So I don't think Kody's plan lived up to "securing their future." In Kody's moving presentation he believed they would pocket a profit in the low seven figures. His thought was they bought their homes in the 440's and would sell them in the high 600's giving them about a 250,000 to 260,000 profit per home, giving them a profit of a little over a million. However the homes have not sold yet and continue to get reduced. The more likelihood is that these homes once sold may get a profit of 150,000 each and could quite possibly be less. But giving them the benefit of the doubt that they all sell giving them 150,000 a home, they walk away with a profit of 600,000. (My real guess is that they will probably walk away with 520,000 based on the current market.) Now they have had the additional costs of renting and one mortgage in flagstaff while they wait for their Vegas homes to sell, which is probably costing 10-12 thousand a month so up to this point since the move they have spent an additional 96,000 to rent in flagstaff, with no end in sight until they build and move into their new homes. (Just think if they still live in the rentals, every month that's an additional 12,000 that eats away at any profit they would get out of selling their homes.) And they also have the four mortgages back in Vegas they are having to pay for. So his 7 figure profit off the homes in reality may end up 300,00-350,000. And that profit will get eaten up quick with building 4 new homes. Plus weddings and college, and living in a more costly residence such as flagstaff. Hope Kody has a plan B to finance his younger children's future.
  20. I just finished reading about all of the evidence that the police disclosed at the bond hearing for Jussie Smollett, and it's really compelling. The text messages, the call to the attacker an hour and 10 minutes before the attack, and the call Jussie made to his attacker the day after the attack. He also told police the men who attacked him were white because he could see their skin color in the holes of the mask. After reading this I'm angry because I think he did it, but by denying it, he's basically accusing these two black men of lying and committing a hate crime on him. Im hoping when things calm down, the View will have the two brothers on the show. I really want to hear their story from their own mouth. But I would want Sunny, Ana, and Abby to conduct it. Please no Megan or Whoopi.
  21. I watched a movie (Bad Times at the El Royale) and there was a quote in it, that really struck a chord with me, and pretty much sums up how I feel about Kody Brown. I'm paraphrasing it a little, but you get the point. Woman: Let me guess. It’s some man, who talks a lot. He talks so much that he thinks he believes in something. But really just wants to fu** who he wants to fu**. I’ve seen it enough. I’m not even mad about it anymore. I’m just tired. I’m just bored of men like you. Man: Yeah, well… Woman (interrupting) : I’ve heard it, and I don’t care. I’d rather sit here and listen to the rain. This pretty much sums up my feelings on Kody. When you ask your wives to pray on the decision to move, and Christine prays and fasts for three days and reaches an answer that she shouldn't move, and he says that's not the right answer, then what even is the point? That's why when it comes to Kody, I really would rather listen to the rain, then listen to him diminish his other's wives beliefs and testimony because it doesn't match his own agenda.
  22. I recorded the episode, so I couldn't help but pause at the right moments and actually read what Kody had on his presentation boards. The most interesting part I saw was in regards to selling the homes. On his presentation, it stated that the average home in Vegas is selling at $169 feet. With this figure we expect each home to sell in the high 600's. Selling all four homes, would give us a profit in the low seven figures. The decision we make now can make our financial future a reality. On the other board it stated : What assets do we have to offer: and then it listed things such as : financial support to our children as not to burden them with student loans, ease of mind and not worrying about current debts, and our planned future Another Board: The decision that is best for our family. It lists, buyers have more purchasing power with current low interest rates. We capture the largest amount of potential buyers. We sell not in a buyers market but in a seller's market. We walk away with the means to start the next chapter of our lives, provide for our children's education, and secure our future. Board: Population affordability: Small amount of Las Vegas households report 100,000 and over income. The median income in Las Vegas is 50,000. Majority of the population does not have the income to purchase our home. Then a graph of the median income lowering every year in Las Vegas. There you have it guys, it's what I could read. We have now all been schooled by Mr. Kody Brown on his presentation. 🙂
  23. See I had the opposite reaction, and fully backed Sunny's position of it being disrespectful. I read your response, and first it was very articulate, and I agree with a majority of what you said about caretakers. But for me, my main concern, is that I do not know if B. Smith would have agreed to be filmed and have it put out to the masses. See he first posted a picture with his girlfriend, with the caption, "Love it or hate it, you can debate, but for me I"m feeling great." Then when he got backlash, from that, and out of his own mouth he stated, "I love my wife, but I can't let her take away my life." Then he started posting these videos of he and his girlfriend, "assisting" his wife, which are all recent. Unless B. Smith is on video or they have written permission from her when she was of sound mind that she would like to be broadcasted in that condition, then those videos should not be shown. I feel those videos are more for him to justify that it is okay for him to have a girlfriend, cause she helps, then it is about anything else, and he should not be able to film his wife to just prove that selfish point.
  24. So....Meri can leave for 72 hours and go close on a house, and move her mom in, and yet none of the other three wives even noticed she was gone? Boy they all must be really close and invested in each other's lives. And if one of them did notice that she was gone for three days, you'd think someone would ask, "Hey where did you go? What did you do?"
  25. So Kody said that the three wives were dancing around the truth with Meri when they confronted her about closing on the house. Then we have Kody's tweet basically saying the same thing and Meri's now deleted tweet asking what the truth is. So what was the real problem between them? Also so Meri didn't have the time to tell Janelle or Christine but told Maddie and asked her and her husband to help move? Cause I re watched the scene and Janelle told Christine that Meri told Maddie she closed, and Maddie was asking Janelle to babysit Axle while she and Caleb helped.
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