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Everything posted by sara1025

  1. I love how she's constantly broadcasting her life and problems to the world but the second someone questions her on any of it, her response is automatically "IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!"
  2. Another thing I noticed, she never says thank you when her mom compliments how she looks. Like when she showed up in the hideous jumpsuit, instead of saying thank you when Babs said she looked so nice, she insults her. And when Buddy said she looked good for 5am in one of the last episodes, she replied by insulting him too ("can't say the same for you...").
  3. "Let me have something good in life! I can't have nice things!" Umm...you have a nice house, a nice car, parents who are still alive and married, a tv show, loads of money, vacations, etc etc. None of these are considered good or nice in your life? She acts so spoiled. She acted so immature with Hunter. I would feel the same way as him, I hate when family members take strangers on family vacations, it just makes everything awkward and uncomfortable. Instead of listening to his concerns and being reasonable, she resorts to insults and threatening him that he "better not ruin this" for her. (She'll do that on her own lol). She acts like a 12 year old. Apparently whether Heather agrees to or not, she IS going to be the surrogate according to Whitney. I wouldn't be surprised if Whitney threatened her into agreeing, that's how she gets her way in life apparently. I can already tell the trip will be miserable for everyone with Whitney already bossing everyone around.
  4. I think it's so selfish of her to expect that her friends should be totally willing to be surrogates. That is a huge decision, pregnancy for anyone can come with health risks and to expect someone to take risks on their health because you think you deserve a baby is ridiculous. I've had family members who are fairly healthy end up having complications with giving birth. I think Whitney thinks pregnancy is way easier than it actually is, when really there are so many struggles involved both mentally and physically. And the fact that she keeps pressuring her friends even though they're clearly hesitant about it. Of course she has to pout with her head back and bottom lip out like a toddler when they both express reasonable doubts with agreeing to it. Maybe she shouldn't be so cheap and actually hire a surrogate from an agency. Also, the way her track record is of getting involved with something then dropping it after she loses interest, I wouldn't be surprised if half way through the pregnancy with the surrogate she decides she doesn't want a baby after all and whoever ends up being the surrogate gets stuck with the baby lol.
  5. With each episode she finds even more hideous leggings to wear. Those pink ones were atrocious, the fupa and butt dimples were strong with those. Why can't she find flattering workout clothes? She wears outfits that not even the fittest women can pull off without looking ridiculous.
  6. Isn't that like their turtle or something? I think I remember from one of the earlier episodes when Glenn was listing all the animals they had and "Cappy" sounds familiar
  7. This. In the episode where she was going around telling everyone she was thinking about getting weightloss surgery, not for her health but because that's the only way she could find a man (of course she was probably just saying this to get sympathy from people). Well guess what Whit, other fat women can find love too. So maybe it's not your weight, but your personality? Hmm lol.
  8. Her makeup at the beach was AWFUL, almost clownish. The overly applied bronzer around her side burns made it look like she had a beard. Also, why did she feel the need to point out that "the photographer is a bigger girl herself"? The photographer wasn't even that big but Whitney has to point out anyone else that isn't thin so she can feel better about herself. Welcome to another episode of "Let's go coddle Whitney while she cries about something stupid in yet another public place to get attention and make everything about her". I had to look away during the water twerking scene. Just...no. Lol at Whitney's bitchy response to Rebecca saying she dated like 3 guys during the pandemic. "That's....interesting." Is someone just a tad jealous? I was so hoping her parents would flat out tell her "NO!" to the whole bedroom thing. They basically said (along with Hunter) that they're not interesting in moving downstairs during the outside meeting before the retreat, yet Whitney just ignores that and thinks she's just going to make them do what SHE wants them to do. She is so obnoxious.
  9. Watched this morning on Discovery+, here are my thoughts so far... Of course she's laying back completely in her car eating ALL the snacks her dad brought while Hunter goes with their parents for the shot. And it's pretty sad the rest of the family is scared of Whitney finding out about Bab's fall because of how obnoxious, nosy and bossy she is when it comes to her parents health. While Buddy was really inconsiderate with being late to the housewarming party, I thought it was so rude of Whitney to not only admit to going through his personal mail (oh yeah, because she was doing it as a "favor" to him), but also tells everyone about him being in collections. There are some things you should definitely discuss in private. How many pairs of glasses does this girl own?? Half way into the episode and she's already worn like 10 different pairs. Also, that nude lipstick does her no favors, her lips practically blend into the rest of her face. The fact that this guy is blurred on the show and doesn't want to disclose his name already makes me think the "relationship" isn't going to end well...
  10. Late to the party but I'm about ready to rip out my hair listening to how that blonde woman talks. How can anyone stand to listen to that voice constantly? Why does she talk like that? Why does she think it's cute/cool? Why?? I cannot comprehend it!
  11. "If tornado hits...you wouldn't want to be in this house" Matt: "I wouldn't want to be in this county!" LOL I love Matt
  12. I love how Jeanne begs for the surgery, constantly says how she deserves the surgery, yet when she finally gets it, she whines about how they should have warned her about the pain. Umm, it's surgery?? Of course it's going to be somewhat painful afterwards! Once again, putting blame on other people for her problems. It's like she thought this was going to be a walk in the park, no pain or discomfort at all. Also I had to laugh when she said something like "my dad just had to up and die, so now I'm stuck with doing everything!" How rude of her dad just to die like that, didn't he know that Jeanne would actually have to dust the TV if he died? The nerve of some people lol.
  13. A&E needs to bring that show back! It seemed like all the participants on the show were successful, it was really motivating.
  14. So many of these people throw tantrums like toddlers the second they're uncomfortable. When she cried saying "it huuurrrrttts!", sounded like a child who fell off their bike and scraped their knee.
  15. I don't understand why she is so obsessed with Chase still and his baby. I know it was a storyline for the show so who knows what actually happened, but I know if my fiance cheated on me and got another girl pregnant I wouldn't want anything to do with him or his new family. Cut ties and move on with life. Also, LOL at her thinking she was the only one working hard during the hike up the waterfall, because it's apparently not at all hard to help someone almost 400 lbs up wet slippery rocks at the risk of her falling and bringing them all down with her 🙄 I'm sure they were exhausted after that Ashley saying Chase should have reached out to her personally to tell her he had the baby? It's not his responsibility! He's busy helping take care of his newborn baby, and that's where his focus should be, NOT coddling his ex girlfriend. He's clearly trying to move on with life without Whitney (as he should) but Whitney (and her friends) won't let that happen.
  16. I think what annoys me the most about Elizabeth (besides her constant insubordination) is how her mouth is always gaping open and eyes wide open every time there's a serious conversation. Like she's trying to look like she's comprehending but really she's not. And while James absolutely needs to grow some balls and break it off, I'm surprised she's not noticing how he's completely not into her anymore. She just keeps yapping on and on with him like he was actually showing interest in her, which he clearly isn't anymore. Take a hint! Also, Daniel is such a spoiled brat/asshole. Besides all of his other antics and complaining, telling his father to fire a flight attendant because she's too old and replace her with Elizabeth? Someone needs to smack (or punch) him!
  17. "The more people tell me not to do something, the harder I'm going to try to do it" ...while having to have multiple people help you and possibly risking their safety all so you can prove you did something...
  18. I can believe that, every time she has one of her crying fits she acts like a toddler. Same facial expressions and everything.
  19. "To this day I've never had a high blood pressure reading" flashback to ER episode after she passes out and the doctor says her blood pressure is high
  20. Elizabeth drives me insane. She's constantly playing dumb (or is she really that dumb?). She keeps screwing up then is shocked when she gets in trouble for it.
  21. Also I love that the two people who were the most obnoxious about demanding other people wear masks, AREN'T wearing masks or social distancing when talking to eachother... Heather confuses me. Sometimes she seems like she's fairly reasonable (like with the tattoo phone conversation), then all of a sudden she's up Whitney's ass. "Who does he think he is?!" Um, maybe the one doing MOST of the work for the brand?
  22. Exactly. She was wants to tell them she wants it only for them to immediately say "NOOOO YOU DON'T NEED IT, YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE! WHY WOULD YOU EVER CHANGE BECAUSE YOU'RE AMAZING!!!". She's constantly looking for validation and reassurance to stay at a dangerous weight. Regarding the personal training venture, I was hoping she either forgot about it or gave up on it. I agree with all the other comments, she wouldn't have the attention span or the commitment to training someone one on one. She would make the training session all about her, probably brag about winning second place at a weight lifting competition (out of 2 people), finishing an 8k (all the while sobbing), etc etc.
  23. Not going to lie, that dog looks miserable in every scene she’s in, and looks like she wants nothing to do with Whitney.
  24. Every time Whitney said how awkward something was, she was the one making it awkward! That poor girl got bombarded with Whitney's antics as soon as she walked through the door. Also, why is she so obsessed (and pissed) about Buddy having a gf? Buddy is an adult, if he's moving too quickly that's his own problem to deal with and really not the business of anyone else. I can't get over how she just strips in public. I thought it was bad when she would wear only sports bras and leggings in public but this is on a whole other level. She thinks people just love to see her body, I had to laugh when that guy said "yikes" because someone finally said something to express the shock that us viewers were experiencing watching that scene. After watching them all in the dirty looking lake water, I wonder if Whitney bothered to shower after 🤢 I hope whoever owns that house deep cleans all the upholstery, etc.
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