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Everything posted by sara1025

  1. Whitney looked like she wanted to strangle Ashley through the screen lol
  2. I said this during the Alaska episode but why does she think it's so cool/cute to say "er" instead of "uh" in words? It drives me absolutely crazy! It's one of those things that was probably funny a few years ago for a minute but she just keeps trying to make it a thing. Alaskerrr. Clurrrrb. Coronerrr virus. Makes me want to rip my hair out. Whitney, you are in your mid 30s STOP SAYING STUPID THINGS TO TRY TO LOOK COOL. Speak like a competent adult! I'm sure this has been said as well (sorry, still going through all the replies) but isn't it interesting how she has the ring in the THs but then after she "loses" it, it suddenly disappeared even though these are probably all filmed in one day? She has proven this episode that it's all about her, no compromise whatsoever. If she hopes to ever have a *real* relationship, she needs to learn it can't be her way 100% of the time.
  3. "After I won the 2nd place metal at the weight lifting championship" Wait, the competition where she placed second out of 2 people? Why does she constantly bring that up like it's a huge accomplishment?
  4. What was she wearing on the hike? That was the strangest workout outfit I think I've ever seen, it was like a blue onesie? Well, I guess at least for once she's wearing more than just a sports bra and leggings lol. I can't stand how bossy she is, seems like every scene she was telling people what to do or what she wanted to do and everyone has to go along with it. Buddy's right about how hypocritical she is, she's always all over people (usually in an inappropriate manner) yet reprimands him for touching her (in front of everyone, no less). And of course, here we go with the obnoxious screaming when she gets her shoe stuck. Everything must be over the top with her, she just always needs all the attention.
  5. Tom literally got argumentative with Sandy over something so stupid and she felt the need to call him out during the meeting, yet Kiko was the one who couldn't get ahold of his emotions. Not to mention Kiko would have NEVER spoken in such a disgusting way to a stew like Tom did to Aesha. I'm only half way through and I already feel the need to watch something else, I can feel my blood pressure rising significantly lol Also, Sandy is awful. Just AWFUL.
  6. I'm really disappointed in how Bugsy didn't defend Aesha, she didn't have to go off on Tom but she should have at least pulled him aside and told him it's inappropriate to speak to her stews that way. "Fine line between protecting my stews and not making the chef mad", so not upsetting the chef is better than having your stews disrespected and crying? Bugsy, you didn't protect your stew in this situation AT ALL. At least Hannah stands up for the stews like in season 1 when Bryan was being an ass to Julia. A good leader protects their team. *eta: Still not a Sandy fan but I did love that she called Tom out during the team meeting, and loved the look on his face even more. Looking at Malia in shock with his mouth gaping open that anyone would dare to call Tom out on throwing a tantrum and acting like a spoiled toddler.
  7. It's like Sandy is trying to start trouble. Johnny the charter guest IMO didn't even sound upset about the food being warm, not hot. What does Sandy do? Goes storming into the galley ranting about how "IT'S NOT HOT!!!! WHAT CAN WE DO DO MAKE IT HOT!!!!!!!!" I mean, personally I don't exactly feel bad for Tom but Sandy is just so over the top. It's like she loves when there's a hint of there being a problem so she can throw a fit about it and make a huge deal. As a guest, I would be stressed out with her hovering over me eating dinner, constantly asking how it is looking all worried. Captain Lee was so much more chill, and only got involved when there were ACTUAL problems (Kevin's mishaps, for example).
  8. I wondered this as well, $800/month isn't bad for an apartment at all (then again where I live, you can't get a decent 1 bedroom apartment for less than $1,300/month). Between the two of them, if they worked even minimum wage jobs full time they could probably earn 3 times the rent amount. But I suppose there's the issue of childcare.
  9. Same, whether Hannah quit or was fired doesn't change how horrible Malia's actions and intentions were.
  10. Okay...they REALLY need to not only stop with the 2 hour episodes, but also go back to focusing on 2 hoarders per hour episode. At this point they're just needlessly stretching out these episodes and after the first hour I've completely lost interest.
  11. I thought so too, I feel like it's rare to see the doctors on the show completely take the side of the sane family members, usually they don't want to upset the hoarder so they tiptoe around the arguments. I found it very gratifying when Dr. Tolen was calling Matt out for how nasty he was being towards Lauren.
  12. Random, but Sherry's voice reminds me of Dawn from the 9/11 hoarding episode. She's also as argumentative as Dawn. The son is grating on my nerves as well.
  13. This is random but does anybody else miss the earlier days of RHOBH when the women wore cute, beautiful dresses to events, not the frumpy "designer" outfits of the current season? I know styles change over the years, but I feel like everyone looked so much more put together and chic back in the first few seasons (specifically the Camille years lol).
  14. Whitney talking about her parents: "I just need them to take better care of themselves" OH YES BECAUSE YOU ARE THE PINNACLE OF HEALTH WHITNEY "But we don't talk about it" Yeah, kind of like how your parents could lecture you about how unhealthy your weight is as often as you lecture them about their health issues. BUT WE DON'T TALK ABOUT IT...lol "I may be super fat but I am FIT" She thinks if she can lift a few reps of a heavy weight, that equals fit. Yet she has to go down stairs one step at a time like a toddler, still can't run, and gets out of breath just walking a short distance. Whenever we see her "working out", it's only lifting weights, never cardio. Also, it sounds like her parents are on top of their health. Yes, when people age they tend to get health problems. But her parents go to the doctor, acknowledge the issues, and deal with them. Still, Whitney has to lecture them for eternity just so it makes her morbid obesity seem less of an issue. ETA: I love how earlier in the episode Whitney is worried the nice table setting will intimidate Chase, then during the dinner criticizes his manners constantly.
  15. Whatever Whitney wants, Whitney takes! She apparently doesn't understand the word "no", and she certainly doesn't believe in asking for something before just taking it. She's stuck in the 2 year old "mine" phase where she thinks everything is hers.
  16. I also wondered about the paper plates. I then wondered what brand they were, because the fact that they stayed intact with nearly 20 lbs of food on them was really quite remarkable.
  17. Joyce looked older than her mom, wow... And as always, Dr. Now just DOESN'T understand. He may have decades worth of experience with lazy morbidly obese people but he just doesn't understand...lol ETA: I'm in disbelief of how delusional this woman is, in so many ways. Also, I think she's confusing 1,200 calories with 12,000.
  18. True, it just baffles me that she refuses to follow a simple diet because she's so terrified of developing an eating disorder. She acts like the simple act of calorie counting means obsessive unhealthy habits. Every time she brings up how she lost 100 lbs (what was that, like 10 years ago?), she said it was because it was due to unhealthy habits yet I'm sure after losing that 100 lbs she was far healthier than she is now, even if she was still considered obese.
  19. So many things to cover in this episode, lol -I love how Whitney kept saying how scared Jessica was in the raft and Whitney was trying to keep calm for her, yet as always Whitney was the one obnoxiously screaming her head off. Why must she always be so obnoxious? -Whitney now becoming a "bro" and referring to the guys as bro, not only is she acting like a teenager but a teenage boy apparently -She's always complaining about her stomach being in the way, which is her excuse for not being able to do most everything in life. I would think if something bothers you so much that you complain about it constantly, you would do something about it. I get losing weight is hard, but at her size all she would have to do is follow a sensible 1,500 calorie diet and she would lose weight. But I guess it's easier to just pretend your life is fabulous and just complain all the time about how your weight limits you. -I'm NOT a fan of Ryan but I am glad he wasn't putting up with her wanting to be coddled attitude at the end. She just expects everyone to help her and hold her hand through everything. I could understand his frustration, being completely exhausted and then being expected to tow someone who weighs almost 400 lbs who refuses to help herself. She seems to think her weight doesn't affect others. -When she was eating Todd's pasta, I was like really? It always annoys me when people take food from other's plates without asking first, but of course Whitney always being extremely selfish she just takes from everyone else and doesn't care.
  20. My guess is, the excess fat in their face pushes their lips closer together making it harder to enunciate? That's all I got lol.
  21. I had to laugh during the scale scene. Tammy's so shocked that standard scales don't weigh 600 lb people, guess what Tammy weighing 600 lbs is NOT standard! Then when Amy was telling her to weigh on it because it wouldn't hurt, yeah except the scale would be broken after rendering it useless. What kind of budget do these people have anyway? They seem to buy useless exercise things just to show them on tv and now scales that they don't care about breaking. I also thought it was extremely selfish of Tammy to expect Amy to wait on the surgery if she were to get approved. It could be 10 years from now and Tammy would still probably be eating candy bar cake and most likely bedridden (well, if she makes it to 10 years). I'm not an Amy fan by any means but I do feel bad that she'll probably end up taking care of Tammy for the rest of her life since Tammy will likely never be able to take care of herself (or WANT to take care of herself, since it's so much easier having others waiting on you hand and foot).
  22. Here I was thinking Simone was done with bringing up her math degree, but here she is, bringing it up again! Yes Simone, you're SO much better at life than everyone else because you have a degree in math, yet it took you HOW long to master simple serving basics?? She probably earned her math degree quicker than it took her to learn how to open a bottle of champagne.
  23. I was thinking the same thing, when they first got weighed at the junkyard and said the scales were wrong, I agreed because I thought they weighed far more! Specially Tammy.
  24. I agree that it's the males on the boat who are the toxic ones.
  25. Random but since when is being a "yachtie" a negative thing? I remember a few seasons back when the temporary bosun who Nico hated (can't remember his name) said he was a yachtie for life and sounded really proud about it. I feel like Brian was being way overly sensitive and immature about Kate saying that. I did think it was nice of him to come back and apologize though, it sounded sincere. Also, I can NOT stand Tanner's mom's voice. It's like she's trying way too hard to be cutesy, and frankly it was just disturbing when she said to "not get any hookers pregnant" in that baby tone.
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